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Opposition scouting isn't helpful when preparing for a match.

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The scouting reports I'm getting are of very little value when preparing for an upcoming opponent.

According to "How to Scout an Opponent" (12/12/08) the following should be included:

1. General approach to take against an opponent

a. attack/counter/et. al.

b. assessment of opposition's general passing patern and playing tempo

2. Oppostion's key threats and how deal with them

3. Highligh oppostion's key weaknesses, specifcally pace, stamina and concentration issues.

4. How wingers cut (if used)

5. Penalty kick takers tendancies - which corner, hi/low

6. Identify a team's set piece movements and limitations.

So SI gurus how about a little more for planning for an upcoming match?

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Second the above. The scouting system offers a mass of info, just takes a bit of digging.

If scouts provided everything you mentioned, the game would be too easy, as there would be a rock-paper-scissors approach to it all. This way is a little abstract but works.

My friend has a scout report that was produced for Roy Hodgson on an opposition team. It is about 30 pages and details all of this and a hell of a lot more. Just because you know the opposition strengths and weaknesses, it doesn't mean you have the players to exploit them.

I'm all for a better dossier of the opposition. Perhaps in a booklet view rather than stars and bar charts. More views of tactical analysis, likely formations and players, strengths and weaknesses. It could be a lot more realistic.

EDIT: just reading that link above, thanks. Amazing work!

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Third Fletchdt comments, the scout reports are great imo. I wouldnt want a 30 page booklet detailing everything as they wouldnt be enough time to play the game if you looked at every little detail.

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wazza, I'm not saying we should have 30 pages, although with the level of information we get now it could be that already. I'm just questioning the way the information is currently given to us.

I know mate, what I was trying to state is that I am happy with the way the reports are at present as by reading the charts you can analyise the expected formation, where they are a threat, where and can be explioted, how they score and conceded and where the squad is strong and weak. The only thing where it could be improved imo is as you say in that they could add in more about how many games, what role and where a player has played in each formation presented on the screen. At present you can find this info by clicking around the oppositions screens but it would be good if it was in the report

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