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Mr Hough FM13 First Patch Tactics.

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Hahaha, some of the stuff people spout on these forums are brilliant. Making out if you understand the AI of the game that it'll enlighten you to how real football is played etc etc.

Do me a favour, this is a game after all. I've always enjoyed creating my own tactics from using basic knowledge of football and a bit if common sense. If anyone thinks doing well at this game makes you more knowledgeable about football then you must be on drugs. It's a game. It's a bit of fun and wastes a bit of time. The good thing about the AI being worked out is it means normal game players can pick up the game and have a tactic that will make the game more enjoyable. We don't buy the game because we want to know tactical geniuses. We buy the game for fun. And that's what games are supposed to be. Fun.

Plug and play tactics is what makes the games fun. You'll only get a small % of tactics that truly work, and I always think the game becomes more enjoyable when 2-3 of them are available. If sigames are intent in stopping these plug-in-play tactics then you've got to question what they're trying to achieve. Surely making sure people are enjoying the game is more important than patronising people with their knowledge of the game.

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Hahaha, some of the stuff people spout on these forums are brilliant. Making out if you understand the AI of the game that it'll enlighten you to how real football is played etc etc.

Do me a favour, this is a game after all. I've always enjoyed creating my own tactics from using basic knowledge of football and a bit if common sense. If anyone thinks doing well at this game makes you more knowledgeable about football then you must be on drugs. It's a game. It's a bit of fun and wastes a bit of time. The good thing about the AI being worked out is it means normal game players can pick up the game and have a tactic that will make the game more enjoyable. We don't buy the game because we want to know tactical geniuses. We buy the game for fun. And that's what games are supposed to be. Fun.

Plug and play tactics is what makes the games fun. You'll only get a small % of tactics that truly work, and I always think the game becomes more enjoyable when 2-3 of them are available. If sigames are intent in stopping these plug-in-play tactics then you've got to question what they're trying to achieve. Surely making sure people are enjoying the game is more important than patronising people with their knowledge of the game.

Amen !

Killing Super tactics is very very dangerous long term for SI.

the majority of people play to HAVE FUN, not to be a real manager.

SI has totally forgotten this part of their customers, these ones who play just to have fun and wining everything with their favourite club. And this part is very large...

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Amen !

Killing Super tactics is very very dangerous long term for SI.

the majority of people play to HAVE FUN, not to be a real manager.

SI has totally forgotten this part of their customers, these ones who play just to have fun and wining everything with their favourite club. And this part is very large...

I dont know how far thats true, i think their intest was to stop the need to wait for a super tactic by making everyone just chucking together a decent enough tactic with the TC which would achieve roughly ballanced results, instead of playing with sliders or waiting on fuss/hough etc etc etc.

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Mr Hough, When you apply your shouts when do you do them? Off the back of your assistants comments that pop up through the match? off watching key highlights?

Could you post screens of the shout you apply to matches?

Ps. Good luck in making a new tactic...FM 13.1.3 has not been the same since your Ryback tactic stopped feeding,ha!

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Hahaha, some of the stuff people spout on these forums are brilliant. Making out if you understand the AI of the game that it'll enlighten you to how real football is played etc etc.

Do me a favour, this is a game after all. I've always enjoyed creating my own tactics from using basic knowledge of football and a bit if common sense. If anyone thinks doing well at this game makes you more knowledgeable about football then you must be on drugs. It's a game. It's a bit of fun and wastes a bit of time. The good thing about the AI being worked out is it means normal game players can pick up the game and have a tactic that will make the game more enjoyable. We don't buy the game because we want to know tactical geniuses. We buy the game for fun. And that's what games are supposed to be. Fun.

Plug and play tactics is what makes the games fun. You'll only get a small % of tactics that truly work, and I always think the game becomes more enjoyable when 2-3 of them are available. If sigames are intent in stopping these plug-in-play tactics then you've got to question what they're trying to achieve. Surely making sure people are enjoying the game is more important than patronising people with their knowledge of the game.

Do you realise that plug and play tactics relied on bugs to work? They took advantage of flaws in the game, that's the only reason they worked and people called them plug and play. All SI have done if fix flaws and that's why majority of these so called super tactics don't work because they never should have to begin with, they were exploiting something that was broken.

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Some of the tactics that have come out have been created by your customers spending days on getting something to work, only for SI to bring out an update to stop them from working. So you're telling me every tactic people come up with that are usable by most of the people that play the game are because of bugs? Fair enough. I dont believe that though. It seems every time someone comes up with a tactic that means lazy players can enjoy the game, SI just release a patch that stops them working. I'm not saying that's what happens, it's just my opinion.

You'll get the real players that will spend 100s of hours cracking the game to get a tactic that works and fair play to them. If they have the time to do that EVERY TIME a patch comes out. Some people don't have the time to do that, and will play the game for 1-2 hours here and there. Just because there are tactics that work, it doesnt mean everyone will use them. The "real players" will always try to make their own tactics and then share them on here. But you will always, I STRESS, always have players that dont really care about spending hours and hours just on a tactic, they just want pick it up and play. I personally feel that some of the SI updates just alienate those sort of players.

I enjoy the game, always have done. But is it really realistic that half way through a season where I'm sitting joint 1st that I turn the game back on after an update and I lose the next 8 out of 10 games using the same tactic? It's plain silly is what it is.

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The TC allows users to easily match the AI. With a bit of experience, you can start to overmatch the AI, as you are less restricted by rules than it is. Soon, you'll be winning titles again. However, you do need to accept you'll be going on a learning curve and you'll struggle for a while. What we strongly believe is that, if you embrace this curve, two things will happen. Firstly, playing FM will become a far more rewarding experience for you. Secondly, you'll develop a better understanding of real life football tactics and appreciate the beautiful game even more than you might now. If we didn't think the rewards were excellent, we wouldn't be pushing so hard.

This is so true, So often and even more so in this FM have i see the opposition play and i have sat here literally thinking 'Why does the AI play this way and if they can play like that then i can too' This is the concept i have used to build my so called 'super tactics', I haven't this year been able to do that in the classic way, Since i started using the TC and Shout combos i have seen a massive increase in player and team performance, And my own excitement for the game has come back,

I have created a few shouts and use them in my games with absolute ease and i think this is what people are missing in the game, Because they are not quite aware or not look for these things, I was guilty of it until i seen fuss's post this morning or i still wouldn't have known they where there.

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The whole bloody point of playing FM is that it shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes to make a decent tactic, for anyone. All this "days of slider tweaking and posting super-tactics that exploit the ME" has actually stopped 1000s of people from understanding the game.

It is not rocket science. Apply some basic football concepts and you'll do well. Ensure these concepts suit the players in your squad and you'll do very well. Be proactive in your matches and you'll do very, very well. Apply some more sophisticated football concepts and do all of the above and you'll win everything.

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Hough even if you don't release a tactic this patch, it would be really nice and helpful if you could write a guide on how one goes about creating a simple and balanced tactic based on his team and then how one can use shouts to adjust the tactic.

I know there are probably loads of these guides around, but I feel it will be more accessible to a certain type of user, coming from someone who has only just recently turned to TC tactics.

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I've always been relying on these so called "super tactics" especially Hough's, but after reading what wwfan had to say I started using the TC.

Personally I think it's a lot more fun and it's more effective than I thought, always thought the TC was crap and just a "lazy" way of creating some mediocre tactic.

Gonna try and get some good shouts going as well, still learning how to use them efficiently!

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I've always been relying on these so called "super tactics" especially Hough's, but after reading what wwfan had to say I started using the TC.

Personally I think it's a lot more fun and it's more effective than I thought, always thought the TC was crap and just a "lazy" way of creating some mediocre tactic.

Gonna try and get some good shouts going as well, still learning how to use them efficiently!

The idea that the "TC is a lazy-man, mediocre tool" sums up the problem of managing the SI forums and the wider community. As soon as an idea is expressed, it spreads and becomes dogma. In actuality, the TC is more powerful than you could possibly imagine (haven't I heard something along those lines somewhere before?)

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Who said anything about someone creating a tactic in minutes. If you'd read what I said you would have seen that I said some people use other peoples tactics that they have spent ages creating. And then an update comes up and they stop working halfway through a season. Some think that is progress, I think it's annoying. It's my opinion, and probably the opinion of lots of other people as well.

I've created my own tactic. It's ok. Can I be arsed to spend hours reading through a load of guides and tips and techniques from other players that have a lot of time on their hands? No, I can't. I'll wait until SI stop going mad with the updates and once that happens, some solid tactics will come out and I'll use them. At least until another patch has been released that fixes these tactics. Sorry, fixes the bugs that makes the tactics work.

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Perhaps the future of tactics for the lazy player (ie me) is hopefully people like Hough, Knap, Fuss etc take time to develop team-specific (eg Barcelona tactics, Man Utd tactics).

I tried a basic Balanced/Control 4-1-2-2-1 for Barcelona after the patch and I'm lying 4th, 15 points behind A.Madrid. Pre-patch I won 8 leagues in a row!

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I don't think the problem is necessarily using shout. I think the issue is more creating a solid and balanced base tactic from which these shouts can work.

Like you I am also beginning to embrace the TC but I am yet to try it, simply because every time I try to make even a simple TC base tactic I fail. I'm just not sure of two things:

1. What combinations of options work well together.

2. What combinations of options I need to select in order to produce the style of football I want.

I have tried this with Rangers, I'm using a basic set up i haven't touched the individual player or team settings other than take long shots off each player.

I'm using a 4-2-3-1 formation. Keeper - 2 fullbacks on automatic - 2 Limited Defenders on defend - 2 DM's 1 as anchor on defend 1 as DLP on support 2 Wingers on attack 1 Advanced Play maker on attack and a complete forward on support.

I am using the Rigid style and attacking Philosophy.

Set up this Shout - Play Out Of Defence - Pass In To Space - Play Wider - Run At Defence - Look For Overlap - Get Ball Forward - Exploit The Flanks.

You can select them all in a single shout combo and when you select this Shout Combo at the beginning or anytime of the game all of the shouts will be selected at once

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezey

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Who said anything about someone creating a tactic in minutes. If you'd read what I said you would have seen that I said some people use other peoples tactics that they have spent ages creating. And then an update comes up and they stop working halfway through a season. Some think that is progress, I think it's annoying. It's my opinion, and probably the opinion of lots of other people as well.

I've created my own tactic. It's ok. Can I be arsed to spend hours reading through a load of guides and tips and techniques from other players that have a lot of time on their hands? No, I can't. I'll wait until SI stop going mad with the updates and once that happens, some solid tactics will come out and I'll use them. At least until another patch has been released that fixes these tactics. Sorry, fixes the bugs that makes the tactics work.

I think I'm going to start infracting people who write "If you read what I said".

Any way you look at it, spending days tweaking sliders to create a tactic that you know won't work when the ME is updated is frustrating to the point of insanity. Waiting for others to do it so you can play FM is totally crazy. It's no bloody wonder the forums are going mad when this is the standard methodology or expectation.

Given you can't be bothered to read the guides, you won't know that the basic one I wrote would take you all of three minutes to read. You'd then be able to get on with things and start experimenting with some tactical ideas. You might struggle a little at first, but you'll quickly get on the right track and start flying through seasons. You probably won't need to visit the forums again.

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The idea that the "TC is a lazy-man, mediocre tool" sums up the problem of managing the SI forums and the wider community. As soon as an idea is expressed, it spreads and becomes dogma. In actuality, the TC is more powerful than you could possibly imagine (haven't I heard something along those lines somewhere before?)

Yes i agree, With the right shouts you can actually compeltly dominate the opposition, I have seen this in my past few games socring goals and the opposition has hardly had a shot.

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I think I'm going to start infracting people who write "If you read what I said".

Any way you look at it, spending days tweaking sliders to create a tactic that you know won't work when the ME is updated is frustrating to the point of insanity. Waiting for others to do it so you can play FM is totally crazy. It's no bloody wonder the forums are going mad when this is the standard methodology or expectation.

Given you can't be bothered to read the guides, you won't know that the basic one I wrote would take you all of three minutes to read. You'd then be able to get on with things and start experimenting with some tactical ideas. You might struggle a little at first, but you'll quickly get on the right track and start flying through seasons. You probably won't need to visit the forums again.

Yeah compleltly agree again, You make sense you know

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We might just be onto something guys...Just played Arsenal away from home in the League Cup Quarters and was winning 2-1...So I had a look at what shout combos I could put together to park the bus so to speak...I applied the shout in the last 10 mins and won the game 4-1...My team literally parked the bus...cleared the ball to the wings like I asked and Bobs your Uncle and Fanny's your Anut...Semi's here I come!!!

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I don't wait for others to create them so I can play it. I still play it with my own tactic, but I don't enjoy it as much because I haven't got the time or patience to create my own or modify them after each update.

Anyway, I think I'll dodge out of this one. I'm terrified I'm going to get violated. That's what infracting means by the way.

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I have tried this with Rangers, I'm using a basic set up i haven't touched the individual player or team settings other than take long shots off each player.

I'm using a 4-2-3-1 formation. Keeper - 2 fullbacks on automatic - 2 Limited Defenders on defend - 2 DM's 1 as anchor on defend 1 as DLP on support 2 Wingers on attack 1 Advanced Play maker on attack and a complete forward on support.

I am using the Rigid style and attacking Philosophy.

Set up this Shout - Play Out Of Defence - Pass In To Space - Play Wider - Run At Defence - Look For Overlap - Get Ball Forward - Exploit The Flanks.

You can select them all in a single shout combo and when you select this Shout Combo at the beginning or anytime of the game all of the shouts will be selected at once

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezey

So basically the trick is to create a base tactic and not actually start tweaking individual instructions (perhaps other than long shots to "rarely", and then use the shouts to dictate how you want your team to play based on those roles and duties.

The last thing that really confuses me on fm is the relationship between philosophy, strategy and creative freedom.

In my head I want to play a fluid possession game, in which my team look to control the ball with short patient passes and exploiting the gaps in the opposition midfield. Much how United play in the centre of the park, not thinking along the lines of barca. I then like my wingers to play more directly and act as a second route of attack when my advanced playmaker decides that nothing is going to happen through the middle today, and that perhaps he should pass it wide to nani/young to either cut in at an angle or take it wide and cross.

However, my issue here is does this concept translate to the "Fluid", "Control" "Short Passing" and "More expressive" team instructions on fm. If you see what I mean, I'm never sure if whether the vocabulary I have aligned to the concept in my head is the same vocabulary given to the settings I would use on fm.

Im actually directing this post at WWFAN aswell, so if he could provide an answer too, that would be very helpful and I would entirely appreciate it.

Another question to WWFAN actually.....Am I allowed to make my own help thread focused around my team specifically in the main tactics forum?

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Do you realise that plug and play tactics relied on bugs to work? They took advantage of flaws in the game, that's the only reason they worked and people called them plug and play. All SI have done if fix flaws and that's why majority of these so called super tactics don't work because they never should have to begin with, they were exploiting something that was broken.


I feel like this is a very circular argument. I completely understand your point. Exploiting tactics use match engine bugs to achieve unrealistic results = bad. No bugs no exploiting tactics, awsome. Personally i have no problem with creating tactics from the wizard but please do not try to tell me this is more "realistic football" in essence its more like i provide rough guidelines to my players and hope they listen to me. Results are not my problem, Shouts + Wizard allows you to get them, as long as you do them team specific which is great and all.

"All SI have done is fix flaws..."

So you mean that Pique receiving the ball and just staring at it within area without being pressured [initially] and then losing the ball and me being scored on, is how normal football plays out? Or maybe i have missed a shout that says play like a normal professional world class athlete?

Ball bouncing of the FACE of a goalkeeper into the goal? Tons of OG being constantly scored, i mean granted i dont watch prem daily, but in the greek league we have maybe 1-2 ogs a year. In this game i get 1-2og a match day, i even saw David Luiz bicycle kick an own goal in.

You know i could go on and on and all i have in my disposal to counter this instances ? Shouts. Its not the results that matter, its that it feels like i would get the same results if i just Burned incense in front of my pc, the wizard has removed any sort of self sattisfaction out of understanding what made the AI tick and countering it. SI did not give us a better AI that is simply not upheld by the facts here, they gave us a simplified method of creating tactics that forces our team to play by the same restrictions that apply to the AI. As i stated before: The AI is not smarter, Our players became dumber.

As far as plug and play goes not all of them relied on bugs, obviously the stupendously overachieving ones did and there is certain amounts of fun to be had in cracking the system and winning the prem with a low team but i have no issue with them fixing the exploits by making the AI harder, but simply said the exploits are still there just harder to make your team reach them.

Just 1 mans opinion of course so im probably completely wrong who knows

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I don't wait for others to create them so I can play it. I still play it with my own tactic, but I don't enjoy it as much because I haven't got the time or patience to create my own or modify them after each update.

Anyway, I think I'll dodge out of this one. I'm terrified I'm going to get violated. That's what infracting means by the way.

I won't really infract you. I just get hacked off by the 'read what I wrote' defence. It does not a good argument make.

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Im actually directing this post at WWFAN aswell, so if he could provide an answer too, that would be very helpful and I would entirely appreciate it.

Another question to WWFAN actually.....Am I allowed to make my own help thread focused around my team specifically in the main tactics forum?

Of course you are. That's the point of the main tactics forum. Just be clear and detailed about what you are trying to do.

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I feel like this is a very circular argument. I completely understand your point. Exploiting tactics use match engine bugs to achieve unrealistic results = bad. No bugs no exploiting tactics, awsome. Personally i have no problem with creating tactics from the wizard but please do not try to tell me this is more "realistic football" in essence its more like i provide rough guidelines to my players and hope they listen to me. Results are not my problem, Shouts + Wizard allows you to get them, as long as you do them team specific which is great and all.

I'll quickly clarify the bugs discussion. The ME will never be perfect and will always have bugs. The issue is that illogical tactics can produce terrible football which the user perceives as bugs. Which then get confused with real bugs.

As for the TC discussion, it is far more realistic for a manager to produce a tactical guideline than micro-manage every single aspect of every player's play. As soon as you go to micro-tweaking, you are trying to do the latter. That level of restriction should result in bad play.

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Of course you are. That's the point of the main tactics forum. Just be clear and detailed about what you are trying to do.

Oh didn't realise...I'll set one up for myself then.

Do you mind answering the question I put to Mr. Hough aswell. It's something that has always stopped me from persevering with "Home-made Tactics"

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So basically the trick is to create a base tactic and not actually start tweaking individual instructions (perhaps other than long shots to "rarely", and then use the shouts to dictate how you want your team to play based on those roles and duties.

The last thing that really confuses me on fm is the relationship between philosophy, strategy and creative freedom.

In my head I want to play a fluid possession game, in which my team look to control the ball with short patient passes and exploiting the gaps in the opposition midfield. Much how United play in the centre of the park, not thinking along the lines of barca. I then like my wingers to play more directly and act as a second route of attack when my advanced playmaker decides that nothing is going to happen through the middle today, and that perhaps he should pass it wide to nani/young to either cut in at an angle or take it wide and cross.

However, my issue here is does this concept translate to the "Fluid", "Control" "Short Passing" and "More expressive" team instructions on fm. If you see what I mean, I'm never sure if whether the vocabulary I have aligned to the concept in my head is the same vocabulary given to the settings I would use on fm.

Im actually directing this post at WWFAN aswell, so if he could provide an answer too, that would be very helpful and I would entirely appreciate it.

Another question to WWFAN actually.....Am I allowed to make my own help thread focused around my team specifically in the main tactics forum?

if thats how you wanna play look at the shouts i would create one and use

Play out of defence - because you wanna keep possession

push higher up - Put them on the back foot

Pass to feet - you wanna keep possesion so passing to feet will help achieve this.

Play through Defence - short passing into the box

work ball into box - Pretty much same as the above

Retain Possession - You wanna keep hold of the ball.

You could use 2 others,

Hassle Opponants but you gotta be careful with that if your playing a high lineso i'd leave that off.

Midfield Distrubtion, You could use the exploit the middle shout but i'd rather go for the exploit the flanks, If you think about it, If yor playing in the middle short passing playing around the oppositon your gonna draw them onto you leaving potential holes down the flanks for the likes of Evra and Rafa so they might be able to get a few cross's in.

Something to think about mate.

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Oh didn't realise...I'll set one up for myself then.

Do you mind answering the question I put to Mr. Hough aswell. It's something that has always stopped me from persevering with "Home-made Tactics"

I think they'd be better as part of a conceptual thread detailing what you want your tactic to do. I'd have to see your overall tactical strategy to comment on whether I think your choice of philosophy or style suits your conceptual ideas.

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I think they'd be better as part of a conceptual thread detailing what you want your tactic to do. I'd have to see your overall tactical strategy to comment on whether I think your choice of philosophy or style suits your conceptual ideas.

I did make a thread before which was quite detailed and I think you helped me a little, but I only set it up to answer one or two questions. Ill set a proper thread up now!

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I'll quickly clarify the bugs discussion. The ME will never be perfect and will always have bugs. The issue is that illogical tactics can produce terrible football which the user perceives as bugs. Which then get confused with real bugs.

As for the TC discussion, it is far more realistic for a manager to produce a tactical guideline than micro-manage every single aspect of every player's play. As soon as you go to micro-tweaking, you are trying to do the latter. That level of restriction should result in bad play.

I understand, all i was saying is micromanaging those little 3d suckers can be fun :)

Oh well, old horse got to learn new tricks at some point or its got to be put down so out the west goes Old micromanager, IN from the east comes new stress riddled guy screaming from the PC imagining he is Mourinho :)

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Oh, so you don't have a combo of shouts which you use for every game, in the beginning? Making the tactic/shouts sort of plug-and-play?

I made 5 or 6 combo shouts which is selecting a bunch of individual shouts like i describeded here

Play out of defence - because you wanna keep possession

push higher up - Put them on the back foot

Pass to feet - you wanna keep possesion so passing to feet will help achieve this.

Play through Defence - short passing into the box

work ball into box - Pretty much same as the above

Retain Possession - You wanna keep hold of the ball.

Select everyone and save it as whatever you want to call it, Then at the start of the game select the shout you have saved all ^^^^^ them as and it will select them all and your team will play/atempt to play like this ^^^^^

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Couple of tips for shouts:

1) Look at when ur opponents concede their most goals (on the team report) then have an attacking set of shouts and attack attack attack during this period.

2) If opponents have injured or heavily fatigued players then target these areas.

I was playing with Barca when I noticed both opponents Left back and left winger were carrying knocks so I focused everything down the right. Exploit flanks, play wider, made my AMR a target man etc etc. Scored 3 goals in 7 minutes until the AI finally subbed the left back :)

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Couple of tips for shouts:

1) Look at when ur opponents concede their most goals (on the team report) then have an attacking set of shouts and attack attack attack during this period.

2) If opponents have injured or heavily fatigued players then target these areas.

I was playing with Barca when I noticed both opponents Left back and left winger were carrying knocks so I focused everything down the right. Exploit flanks, play wider, made my AMR a target man etc etc. Scored 3 goals in 7 minutes until the AI finally subbed the left back :)

Great thinking

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@WWFan - Something i have noticed is that you lose your shouts even if you save the tactic if you load up a differrent save and select the tactic, Is there anyway to save your shouts for each tactic?

I think they save if you save the tactic in a game, then reload it on the main tactical screen. Never tried myself though.

I do think "shout combos as a playing style" should be a more obvious part of the game and should be better integrated in training and tactics.

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I think they save if you save the tactic in a game, then reload it on the main tactical screen. Never tried myself though.

I do think "shout combos as a playing style" should be a more obvious part of the game and should be better integrated in training and tactics.

Yeah me too, it's so much easier to think 'OK well i wanna play down the wings so if i pick that this and that it will do it' Viola it works, So Simple, So Effective

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Oh, so you don't have a combo of shouts which you use for every game, in the beginning? Making the tactic/shouts sort of plug-and-play?

About using shouts in the start of the game, I don't see the point, because what shouts do is changing the sliders, I think they are meant to be used to easily change things DURING the course of the game, not at the start. If you need to apply shouts at the start of the game then it means that your tactic is not set up how it should be, how you want it to be. There is no point in training a tactic all week and then just before the kick off say to your players: forget what we trained, I want you to play wider, press more, retain possession, etc... moreover, those changes will affect the fluidity of the tactic.

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