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Set pieces

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If you're looking to try and exploit your players strengths then you need to aim your setpieces at him and then try to draw attention away else where.

In FM12 I had fantastic success with sending my tall players up against the keeper and all to theback post in various forms or attacking from deep.... basically.... anywhere other than the front post where i whipped in crosses after crosses to my average jumping but great heading striker.

The problem with using key players like Hangeland are that he will be marked and marked well. So you either need to drop pinpoint bombs on his head OR use him in other ways...... ever see the films 'Sword Fish' or 'Lucky Sleven'? It's all about mis-direction.

I can't get my team to score with their head unless I leave it all default or whatever, so I am playing with short SP's and then have my short option man spin it in and my attacking from deep players are having some fun.

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The one that drives me crazy is defending indirect free kicks. Pre-patch it was a nightmare, but even now, I still find myself wincing every time the opposition get a free kick just inside my half. I have players with fairly good anticipation, concentration, and heading, though it's always a "throw your laptop out the window" moment when the opposition's tiny striker sneaks up and scores on the far post after you've been dominating games.

I wonder how much things like mentality affect defending set pieces. It could be just bad luck or karma, but I often end up conceding from set pieces when I am playing attacking football.

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