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"The board will not deal with any budget related requests at this time"

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The issue is stated in the thread title.

This bug has happened to me virtually every season, I can't believe it still hasn't been reported/fixed.

Basically what happens, if my slider is set to max my wage budget and the transfer budget is set at 0, if I sign a player and then adjust the budget, this message appears on my budget screen.

It never goes away, ever, until the end of the season and the board set new budgets. This means I can't sign free transfers in January because I can't pay the bloody agents fee!!

And before you say it, yes I have plenty of wage budget available, my team spends $300k/week on wage and has a budget of $450k/week! Problem is, I can't adjust the budget to free up money for the sign on fees which is ridiculous.

And there are no contract negotiations open.

The ONLY time I got out of it was when I convinced the board to "increase" my transfer budget. Amazingly, they set my transfer budget to "0", but atleast it allowed me to move the slider again.

When I go to the finance screen, it says my transfer budget is $45k in the red, I guess this is the problem.

Does anyone have any suggestion on how to fix this? I guess I'm going to have to sell a player to get a transfer budget to my my slider again, which is ridiculous.

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This bug has happened to me virtually every season, I can't believe it still hasn't been reported/fixed.

If it happened to you so much, why didn't you report it? It might have been fixed by now.

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How is that exploiting the finances? You can do the exact same thing by just moving it one notch to the right. its just using the budget the board gave you.

And it's arbitrary and gamey of SI to just freeze your budget for the remainder of the season if you sign a player on a free transfer.....

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Because what was happening was players had no transfer budget so would move all their money into the transfer budget so they could afford to make a bid, then when the bid was accepted they would move all the money to the wage budget to be allowed to offer a good contract, then move all the money back into the transfer budget to complete the deal, so SI changed it so you couldnt just change it willy nilly, you have to wait a period of time, which in turn means you have to think about things carefully.

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I had something very similar happen, though I only adjusted the transfer budget a single notch. It stayed locked until January, when I asked the board for more transfer budget. I got extra budget and was able to adjust the slider again. So it seems like it's a set once per season thing, with the exception of getting extra budget midseason.

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The way i see it is you decide what you want for the period, either transfer funds or wages, if you decide you want a bigger wage budget, then your stuck with it, if you want more for transfers then you deal with that instead.

You could always log it as a bug if you dont think its working right.

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The way i see it is you decide what you want for the period, either transfer funds or wages, if you decide you want a bigger wage budget, then your stuck with it, if you want more for transfers then you deal with that instead.

You could always log it as a bug if you dont think its working right.

The reason its not working right is because you can move your budget around as much as you want aslong as you dont end up with a deficit in the transfer budget.

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The reason its not working right is because you can move your budget around as much as you want aslong as you dont end up with a deficit in the transfer budget.

No you cannot, that option was removed because it was being exploited, you can move it, then you have to wait a period of time before you can change it again, but like i say if you think its bugged, log it in the appropriate forum.

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I presume that the reason that he can't move it back is because he has signed someone on a Bosman, and hence the wage budget is locked at what he needed it for to get that signing, until the player joins.

Not 100% sure on this would need SI confirmation, but seems the most likely to me.

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  • 1 year later...

If you have changed it, you must wait a period until you can again- it's no longer the case you can change the slider freely, as that's not something that happens in real life. Imagine you saying to the board "OK, this is what I want it set at", then going back the next day and changing it, then going back the next day and changing it. They would put their foot down and say, "No, this is what you set it as, this is how it is."

You can, of course, request more funds when discussing signing a player out of your budget.

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How is it an exploit? You're still using funds that are within the parameters provided. If I adjust to have transfer funds, and then move it back to offer a contract, I'm still leaving myself with less funds for the next potential signing, whether that be for a fee or wages.

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If you have changed it, you must wait a period until you can again- it's no longer the case you can change the slider freely, as that's not something that happens in real life. Imagine you saying to the board "OK, this is what I want it set at", then going back the next day and changing it, then going back the next day and changing it. They would put their foot down and say, "No, this is what you set it as, this is how it is."

You can, of course, request more funds when discussing signing a player out of your budget.

If the total amount available to spend wasn't changing then I don't see why you couldn't do it in real life.

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Sounds like what's happening here is that people are over budget in their wages.

Moving the slider to have more wages available means there's less for the transfers.

Your board wouldn't allow you to move the funds back to the transfers - as it would mean that there would be a negative in the wages budget.

A quick way to free up your wages is to rid all the waste in the U21/U19/U18 B or C teams etc, either sacking them or putting them up for sale or for loan with 100% of wages paid by other team.

Definitely though if someone came to me and said "Boss we hired a new guy and there isn't enough in the wages can you transfer some to that account for us?" I'd be delighted to do it for them. If they came to me a few days later and said "Boss, we need to buy a new copier machine because we don't have enough - but we don't have anything in the purchasing funds!"

I'd be all like - well you'll just have to get on with it as we can't afford a new copier as that money is being used to fund the other employee you just hired.

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C&C- please note this is quite an old thread that's been bumped. I believe previously there was a legitimate exploit where you could change it, sign someone, then change it back without the finances being affected- I didn't use it myself, so forget the specifics of it. It was something like that.

In terms of the realism side of things, whilst I agree there'd probably be a greateer flexibility with them when negotiating specific deals ("we could afford this guy's wages if we took it out of the transfer budget") than FM offers, but I'm not sure they'd be all that happy if you kept changing those budgets often. You have to produce forecasts based on something, after all, and a one-off expenditure of a transfer fee (or installments) is different to a constant wage payment. In that respect, I think the game's current setup is OK- not perfect, but OK.

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I seem to have a similar problem at the moment.

I started my save with "no transfers at the start of the season", so the slider was equally locked at max. at my wages, and my transfer budget was 0, which was fine, as that was the plan. (And was the same for all other AI clubs).

I am now in January, winter transfer window. All other clubs apparently can sign new players, but I still can't seem to change the silder at all.

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I seem to have a similar problem at the moment.

I started my save with "no transfers at the start of the season", so the slider was equally locked at max. at my wages, and my transfer budget was 0, which was fine, as that was the plan. (And was the same for all other AI clubs).

I am now in January, winter transfer window. All other clubs apparently can sign new players, but I still can't seem to change the silder at all.

You will only be able to if your board consider your finances to be good enough. You would get a message (normally around November IIRC) giving you the funds if the board allow

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You will only be able to if your board consider your finances to be good enough. You would get a message (normally around November IIRC) giving you the funds if the board allow

Well, they are constantly upping the maximum wages, and financial control is quite alright. I just got the wages adjusted another time and have approx. 100.000 € / month more than I need at the moment. I just can't turn this cash into transfer budget...

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C&C- please note this is quite an old thread that's been bumped. I believe previously there was a legitimate exploit where you could change it, sign someone, then change it back without the finances being affected- I didn't use it myself, so forget the specifics of it. It was something like that.

Fair enough - I just don't see it as an exploit if you're not going over your allocated budgets. In the OP's example, he has 50% of his wage budget available, so I don't see why changing it to transfer budget, then back to wage budget, then back to transfer budget etc would be an exploit at all, as he is still using funds made available to him. He should be able to use it how he likes and when he likes IMO.

At the end of the day it's still money the board has allocated, I am sure they wouldn't mind how it's spent as long as it's not overspent.

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Fair enough - I just don't see it as an exploit if you're not going over your allocated budgets. In the OP's example, he has 50% of his wage budget available, so I don't see why changing it to transfer budget, then back to wage budget, then back to transfer budget etc would be an exploit at all, as he is still using funds made available to him. He should be able to use it how he likes and when he likes IMO.

At the end of the day it's still money the board has allocated, I am sure they wouldn't mind how it's spent as long as it's not overspent.

Agreed. I would imagine that most boards would care way more about the overall profit/loss than specific expenses anyway.

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I am paying 400.000 € wages/month out of 700.000 € wage budget. Board is jumping up and down with joy, financial confidence 93%.

Still no possibility to change the sliders.

So I guess this is a bug, and I will take my question to the bug forum...

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I am paying 400.000 € wages/month out of 700.000 € wage budget. Board is jumping up and down with joy, financial confidence 93%.

Still no possibility to change the sliders.

So I guess this is a bug, and I will take my question to the bug forum...

if u have no new contract offers for your own players or any incoming transfers offers or contract offers and u still cant change it even after 3-4 weeks without any incoming transfers or contract offers then it's a bug

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  • 4 years later...

What the **** it's happening to me too! My club couldn't be more financially secure. 

They were offering me a new contract and I decided to talk about other issues (Transfer Budget) and yay I got 28M extra just to find out I can't even offer my own players new contracts (who've been crying about them for ages now). After that I still had my own managerial contract offer available in the dialogues so I got both money and the contract (but you don't do jacks*it with the transfer money if your max player wage is 600£/week, especially when playing @ premier). Ok so then just to confirm this isn't just a bad fluke I decide to test and fast-forward two weeks by going on a holiday. Surprise surprise, the BUG is still there when I get back. How awesome! You're supposed to play/win cups/season without being able to offer anyone contracts? Wow, did SI secretly apply some more difficulty levels? I've quit games for lesser reasons, but now it feels like I've thrown my money down the toilet, ya know, IRL cash while buying the game.

How can this bug still exist in FM2020 after 7 years is just beyond me - what a joke really and speaks volumes about the creators. I've played these games for who knows how long (although skipped most of the versions from this decade but before that), spending hundreds after hundreds of hours pretending to occupy one the best jobs on the planet, while of course encountering all kinds of bugs on the way, but this one really sweeps the floor under the feet and the fact that it actually still exists is frankly, well lets just say borderline hilarious. I've wasted another 100+ hours (likely more like 200-300h) on FM2020 as well (probably) more but don't know where to get accurate number in game cause I had my steam run/installing another game so can't check there atm (hopefully with less bug holes).  Anyway as far as I'm concerned to have all this time go down the toilet? You can bet your arse it's the last FM I spend any $ on. F*i* hate games and studios that release their products unfinished and tarnished just to ruin the gaming experience for the end users and players. Heck nevermind fixing a serious problem that's been around for a near decade, lol (I don't use that word too often).

Someone (or the entire team) has been hibernating for nearly a decade @ SI HQ?! Thanks a ton.


A "caring" customer

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  • Administrators

Hi @Magicoz29 - A lot has changed in 7 years, including the new club vision system. Reasons this appears are quite specific, individual cases. Could you please report the issue on our forum and let us look at your save so we can see why your issue occurs? 

Thanks. https://community.sigames.com/forum/745-club-vision-and-performance/


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