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The Fulcrum - Silk & Steel. A complete Tactical System for 14.1.4 and beyond......

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I'm doing a Stockport save as well in Skrill North. Only 5 games into the season, but some interesting things to comment on. First, I love the through balls! There is some amazing passing in this tactic that rips defenses apart! My strikers are timing their runs well too. Which brings another point; my strikers can't score! It was game four before one did. But that has more to do with my strikers being morons than the tactic. I actually had one striker run past the keeper to an open net, then turn around and kick the ball into the splayed out keeper on the ground! No idea why he didn't shoot for the net that had no one standing in front of it...

I'm getting some good play off set pieces as well. Corners are having contributors from several players, which is always nice to see.

I think the main issue is that I wasn't able to get a new goalkeeper, so I'm stuck with the original one Stockport has. That will likely be on January signing for sure if I can find one.

In five matches, I have 3 wins and 2 losses. One of the losses was one for the blooper reel. The other side had no shots at all and I had 23 with 5 CCCs. In the end, I headed the ball into my own net. Sometimes the world is cruel.

In all, I really like how this is looking in the early states of my season. I still need to get fluid, so hopefully it'll continue to get better.

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Well that's a first.

Getting sacked in your own tactical thread!

At least you all know its a warts an all thread.

(and apologies for my manager name in advance :brock:)


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15th in division.


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The game that got me the sack. they scored 4 goals from 1 clear cut chance, 0 half chances and 3 long shots.


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Post mortem

Complacency on my part with regard to team talks

Unable to get tactic fluid or close to fluid with part time team

Strong expectations from board means you dont get time to get fluid and turn things around.

If you're out of the playoff spots you're sacked.

Bit of bad luck, was comfortably the better team in 80% of games.

Weak Goalkeeper.

Thats got my attention.

Now I'm going again......

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Wow Uwe Im stunned. Whitehawk still on the up... now 8th and only 8 pts off the play off. Team talks Im very agressive.

Start of game unless we are expected to be beaten Im agressive expect a win and assertive ' believe youve...'. At half time unless we are winning by more than two goals its aggressive not happy and assertive not happy. If anyone over 7 then have faith.

At end of game, if we win then always happy (calm if assman says nothing) or aggressive disappointed.

Seems to work.

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Working well Mr Rosler.

I'm using it with Yeovil in the Championship, just coming up to Mid-Season in the first season and I'm sitting 12th. Given that avoiding relegation was the expectation, the board are delighted.

The tactic is performing very strongly at home, less so away from home, but that is more than likely down to the weakness of the squad relative to the rest of the division. No transfer budget left, and wage budget is almost at the limit, so don't envisage I'll be able to do much about it in January.

But, I've only been sounly beaten once, and I've picked up a few good wins along the way against the "big" teams. Highlight has been a 4-1 win away at Watford, which resuled in Zola losing his job - the first time in all my years of playing that I've been responsible for a sacking!

Good work Uwe!

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Funny how some tactics bring out the best in ordinary players. Joe Keehan has never been a star but as box to box on the left side of this tactic he is a veritable goal machine!! Into the play offs and to think before I started this tactic we were 21st. Only one defeat in 14 games and that was with v4 right at the beginning.

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I have to say the first 20 games with Stockport are the hardest time I've had on any FM.

It was 4th of January before my tactic was fully fluid.

You are a 'big rep' team in this division so teams are coming and parking the bus. So you are having to break down 10 men defences with an unlearned tactic.

If ever there is an argument for ignoring star ratings and recruiting on attributes it Phil Jevons. This 5 star striker is as mobile as a lampost with his 4 acceleration and 7 pace, He is useless.

Released him in Jan along with some more dead wood. Brought in some of my own guys.

Came within 1 game of the sack twice.

Sitting in 3rd spot, but 4 points cover the top 10 so that can change.

Will post up later.

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Well that's a first.

Getting sacked in your own tactical thread!


That's pretty funny indeed :D

Still following your efforts and I'm still impressed nonetheless. :thup:

What struck me is that you seemed to play few friendlies only. Having Cleon's thread in mind, that may have harmed your efforts to get the tactic fluid somewhat.

Also, did you ever try an advanced forward? How did that go? Asking because complete forwards are pretty much all-round players who are difficult to get.

Finally, with respect to the team instructions, I would like to know you thoughts and reasons around the drill crosses instruction. :)

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This time round I played 12 friendlies. First season always takes longer. Especially for a part time team.

Next season's would expect to be fluid by October.

Drill crosses as we are mostly aiming at a pacey forward. Not a big target man type,

I view the complete forward attack as a kind of 'complete poacher'. A modern day poacher if you like. A direct threat with a few tricks in his locker.

Playing an advanced forward I think would be very similar in the ME I think with the same player instructions.

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It's great to see it going well in non league - season one.

Hang on! That's Skrill north......., WHERE THE H ELL ARE STOCKPORT!!

Didn't you leave them in 15th? :p

Thanks for your replies. Did you experiment with an AFa a bit? Wondering whether this would be worth a go as their template is easier to fit (as long as we don't fully disregard the game's key attribute indications in favour of your recommendations)

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Didn't you leave them in 15th? :p

Thanks for your replies. Did you experiment with an AFa a bit? Wondering whether this would be worth a go as their template is easier to fit (as long as we don't fully disregard the game's key attribute indications in favour of your recommendations)

Didn't experiment with ADf in this version. Did on previous.

Probably my 2nd favorite option for this position.

If you've got someone perfect for it then why not.

CFa has been very consistent for me, even when I got the the boot...... As you keep reminding me.....

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Motoring now we are fully fluid . Playing everyone off the park.

Hammered League Leaders. Lots of quality chances.


Signed monster Anchor Man and good CM/A..... meeting our Attribute requirements at a good level for this league.


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Starting to play and look like the Fulcrum now, I think I can make a good run at promotion.

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I tested your tactics with two parts 1 with the 17th Monaco the first half of the season before a back to the 4th place and cutting France . and season 2 t always jai gagnier Championship with 20points the League Cup and the uefa cup.

and tested with dortmund I finished at the 3rd place ( I was 8th in mid season) and the Supercup against the gagnier bayern 3/0 .

good solid tactics it may have to be patien and a lot of activity in the middle of the field .

I like this kind of tactic.

sorry for my english

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I've now just finished October with Stockport and doing decent, pretty much on par with my season expectations. Currently sitting in 4th.


Fixtures have been good. Had a bit of a blip this past month, but was also dealing with injuries to my centrebacks.


Funny enough, I had picked up the same Anchorman as you! Geohaghan is a beast in this position! I was going to see if you had found him, but looks him you did. I haven't had the problems with Jevons as you have. He is slow, but he can pass, which it helping my CF.

My main issue is leftbacks. For some reason, no matter what tactic I have played so far, all my leftbacks are abysmal. O'Halloran begins on the Stockport squad with a good 4 star rating, but his match average is around 6.00. I brought in another player in September from the Skrill Premier. On paper, he's better, but he plays even worse!

Have you been having the fullback issue as well?

I've been using Craney in the Centre Mid Attacking position. He's been good enough, except he gets injured in every match he plays. Will need to replace him before he dies.

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I started a new save with the Daggers and took a lot of advice from Mr U's musings above. Here's the story so far:



Not bad for a very, very average squad :) All thanks to the Fulcrum!

First season with Silk&Steel has just finished and this is the rest of the story:

Things as you can see from above were just perfect and then all of a sudden we hit a catastrophic run of bad form:


I tried everything to pull the team out of this rut. The only thing that seemed to work was giving up on team talks altogether. Our form began to return in March:


Match stats from the 0-0 against Torquay:


Which eventually resulted in us winning the league by 5 points:


This didnt help - my star strikers injury record for the season!


Lets see how season 2 goes :)

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I've now just finished October with Stockport and doing decent, pretty much on par with my season expectations. Currently sitting in 4th.


Fixtures have been good. Had a bit of a blip this past month, but was also dealing with injuries to my centrebacks.


Funny enough, I had picked up the same Anchorman as you! Geohaghan is a beast in this position! I was going to see if you had found him, but looks him you did. I haven't had the problems with Jevons as you have. He is slow, but he can pass, which it helping my CF.

My main issue is leftbacks. For some reason, no matter what tactic I have played so far, all my leftbacks are abysmal. O'Halloran begins on the Stockport squad with a good 4 star rating, but his match average is around 6.00. I brought in another player in September from the Skrill Premier. On paper, he's better, but he plays even worse!

Have you been having the fullback issue as well?

I've been using Craney in the Centre Mid Attacking position. He's been good enough, except he gets injured in every match he plays. Will need to replace him before he dies.

Your doing better than i was at that point.

I assume your tactic is not yet fully fluid?

Geohaghan made a big difference to me. Didnt get him until January window.

Craney is slow and contantly injured. I let him go on a free in january to free up wages. (he was injured for 3 months anyway). New guy is much more mobile and has good 'off the ball', he already been popping up in good positions.

o'halloran gets injured 25 mins into every mAtch. Haven't solved left back problem.

Playing Tunnicliffe and Fagbola at CB with Charnock as back up.

You can get kyle jacobs doing flat bullet throws if you train him.

Should get easier when fluid.

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How important is Acceleration for the complete striker?

I've found a gem for the lower leagues who has 16 finishing and composure, with 11 Off Ball, but only 8 in acceleration. His passing is even worse at 3 so I can't play him as a False 9.

Im worried that although he can put the ball in the back of the net, he wont be quick enough to get onto the through balls.

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How important is Acceleration for the complete striker?

I've found a gem for the lower leagues who has 16 finishing and composure, with 11 Off Ball, but only 8 in acceleration. His passing is even worse at 3 so I can't play him as a False 9.

Im worried that although he can put the ball in the back of the net, he wont be quick enough to get onto the through balls.

Whats his pace?

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Whats his pace?

10, so I guess that would help make up for it a little?

I was drawn to him due to his superior finishing ability for Skrill Premier level, he also has 11 Long Shots, 10 Heading and 18 Penalty Taking. He doesn't offer much else other than being deadly when given the ball in the box however, with low stats for Work Rate (6), Teamwork (5), Determination (8), and Decision (5)

The other player I have for the role has 11 Finishing, 9 Composure, 12 Off Ball, 13 Acceleration, 12 Pace so I could rotate depending on the opposition defensive pace.

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Pace/ACC is pretty key for the complete forward role and is deadly in the lower leagues as there are many big/slow defenders.

10 pace would be borderline in Skrill Prem. 12 i would be happy with for example. If you rate him highly go for it. You may miss out on a certain type of goal but gain some other goals as the finishing, composure and off the ball are excellent.

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im doing really well with my liverpool side third season, but my forwards are struggling to score, got suarez and the CF role and some guy that i got based on your OP for f9

I note a lot of issues with Liverpool around the forum this year!

I would look at your supply from midfield.

If I was managing Liverpool I would expect 17 passing minimum from my 3 first choice midfielders. And 15+ crossing from the flanks (fb).

there is no reason why suarez shouldnt get loads of goals, unless they have nerfed his attributes or there is something going on with his hidden attributes. (i.e he is a NUTTER!)

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Your doing better than i was at that point.

I assume your tactic is not yet fully fluid?

Geohaghan made a big difference to me. Didnt get him until January window.

Craney is slow and contantly injured. I let him go on a free in january to free up wages. (he was injured for 3 months anyway). New guy is much more mobile and has good 'off the ball', he already been popping up in good positions.

o'halloran gets injured 25 mins into every mAtch. Haven't solved left back problem.

Playing Tunnicliffe and Fagbola at CB with Charnock as back up.

You can get kyle jacobs doing flat bullet throws if you train him.

Should get easier when fluid.

Yeah, I have Jacobs working on flat throws for the past 3 months. I think once I get fluid and solve the left back issue, this season could become a cake walk. Not sure what the left back issue is though. Like I said, it's with any tactic I've tried in FM 14 so far, not just yours.

Appreciate the hard work!

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Top with 2 games to go......... Can I blow it?


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Biggest game of season so far. Just faced league leaders Altrincham in a top of the table clash............


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And we deliver a crushing blow. On the back of creating excellent quality chances.

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Missed out on automatic promotion on goal difference......... 1 goal.......... Grrrr


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However we were the form team going into the play-off's and thats how it went. Pretty comfortable in the end.

Monster run at the end of the season.


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Basically the tactic was fully fluid on 4th january. I got rid of 3 players in january that didnt fit the system and brought in 3 players that did. from that moment we were dominant.

My new MC/A performed very well. Good goals and assists running from deep.


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Bought in a new (pretty average) complete forward. But he met our keys stats well enough for this level and was excellent including a hatrick in the playoff final.

Who said you cant get complete forwards at this level. it all scales.


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But the star of the season was my False 9.


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And twice, early season, I was 1 game from the sack. I was even called into a board meeting where i had to explain myself!

Time for some very careful recruitment.

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I thought you did get sacked...? Did you re-start then?

Yeah, restarted.

Not gonna wait 10 months for FM15 coz I got sacked once in FM14.

In all seriousness, Stockport is the project. I could have hung around and picked up another Skrill job but I was so wound up by getting canned I wanted to prove I could make it work at Stockport.

If I get sacked a few seasons in on the back of a takeover for example I would carry on a take another job.

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