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**Tactic Sets of 6 versions *' - By The Better Half

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Tactic Sets by TBH

- sets of 6 versions

In this post, I have uploaded different formations, all containing 6 different tactics/versions. Look at them as frameworks and as inspiration for your team. Now, the screens beneath are from the Wide 451 and they might be slightly different in other formations (to come) but the general approach will be the same. The reason for uploading these tactics is not so that you can plug them in as a win button but instead as a help on the way for those struggling with the game. Naturally, the best way to learn more is to read and take part of the discussion in the Tactic Discussion forum but by looking at these approaches, you can get some help on the way into selecting your approach as a manager


Really Attacking


We push up and hassle. We exploit the flanks and look for killer balls. Feel free to add one more attacking role in midfield. Naturally, this approach is vulnerable to teams playing composed & compact so it’s not one you would launch at start against teams to have respect for. When facing teams that actually sit deep and defend well, then an attacking approach like this might be too attacking. Why not then use a more probing approach, like Control.



We play more probing with the aim to control the game and use more runs from deep rather than more advanced positions. We both try to retrieve possession as well as hold it, meaning that we both retain possession as well as hassle the opponent. We try to stretch the opponent to create space by using the width of the pitch

Slow Standard


We try to keep the ball when in possession and control the game. The players play with less risk and then also less reward. When using this version, be prepared to constantly and closely follow the flow of the game to react to what we see on the pitch. If the opponent sits compact and defend, perhaps we need to play more aggressive using Control or Wide & Stretch. If the opponent is all over us we are unable to cope with the pressure, unable to actually play a short passing game in a slow tempo, then look at the pitch to see what fails. Perhaps it’s time for Quick Counter ?

Wide & Stretching Counter


Here, we find the most probing and controlling of the counter versions. We look to use more width and deny the opponent space. We simply look to create space to exploit rather than exploit what is already there. In short, it’s an approach much closer to Control rather than Quick Counter

Quick Counter


Launching quicker counter attacks to exploit the space the opponent leaves behind. If the space is not there, the efforts might be in vain and result in a loss in possession without actually getting any chance out selves. When playing on poor pitches or when it’s raining etc., this approach is perhaps one that whilst not suiting your team and the way that the opponent play, still might be the correct choice as the circumstances dictates that you need to play ugly.

Cautious Counter


Here, we sit back more, trying to keep possession when we have the ball. Do remember that it’s a fine line between being cautious and too passive.


When it comes to the formation and the uploaded tactics, you will find that some formations are more attacking and aggressive by default. This means that playing Cautious Counter in a more advanced formation will have less players behind the ball than in a ?deeper? Formation, just like Really Attacking might be more of an overloading approach in the advanced formations and more of a Controlling or cautious approach in the deeper formations.

In the end, it’s up to you to choose the formation that gets the best out of your team and is more likely to be able to get results. Think about it, if playing as Chelsea and having many central mids, you might be tempted to use a Narrow Diamond formation. Whilst this might suit your squad, you need to consider if this is a formation that suit the circumstances, that you will be likely to face teams flooding the midfield playing compact and defensive. It might be that this part of the field is congested so a formation using more width might be better. The same goes for a team like Crystal P. A too advanced formation might not be the best of choice. Better than to have a consolidation season, playing a more compact and deep formation and build for the future

You will also find( in the future) some uploaded sets that dont contain 6 version, but maybe just one, two or three and I will refer to these as “ EXTRA SETS

“ These are the ones that by default can’t be used in both a really attacking and a Cautious Counter version. Like a Deep and Narrow 4132. This formation is great when wanting to play really compact on the counter but not when wanting to be in control and playing attacking. The same goes for the 424, a formation that simply can’t be used in the more probing versions, like Slow Standard, Cautious Counter etc. Here, you can either use these as plug & play tactics or implement them into the other sets, like having the 424 as an extra version to the 4411, or the Deep & Narrow Quick Counter as an extra version to a more advanced but narrow formation


Have a look at the different roles and duties, along with the player and team instructions before editing any of them and the importance here is the balance rather than the specific role. When using a more probing approach though, it’s important that the movement comes from deep rather than from the advanced players, just as it’s equally important to have players stretching the defense from advanced positions when playing a more direct style ( like attack and Quick Counter, i.e. more players on attack in advanced positions)


I have not touched this so please re-arrange them so they suit your squad. In fact, it might be crucial to do so since the formations have been made with the last one as a framework, meaning that the DMC in the 451 might be the 2nd striker in the 442s and I don’t know If this might mess up the set pieces instructions, making one DC stay up and the FC go back. Just have a look at it yourself and set it up to suit your players.


The following formations have been uploaded into one big pack, ready for download in the link beneath

Download Link


What versions should I use?

In the end, it’s all up to you as a manager, what kind of football you want to play and what end of players you have at your disposal. Here are some hints about what versions you could load up in the 3 slots

Notice that these are just examples of the chosen 3 versions. It might be that you as a manager want to play possession football BUT still want to go for the 3 points in all matches, using Control as your main version and then Really Attacking and Quick Counter in the other slots

Possession based style of football


-Slow Standard

-Wide & Stretching Counter

Balanced approach


-Quick counter

-Cautious Counter

The Counter approach

-Wide & Stretching Counter

-Quick counter

-Cautious Counter

High Risk & High Reward approach

-Really attacking


-Quick Counter

Could I use just the one version?

Indeed you can .

Possession based style of football, smart players


Possession based style of football, quick and technical players

-Wide & Stretching Counter

Swift Attacks playing compact

-Quick counter

Can I pick versions across the formations ?

Yes, you can. This is probably the most realistic way to do it.

The more attacking/aggressive the version, the more attacking formation. The more cautious the formation, the more cautious the version. Just remember that you might need to re-construct the tactics as the Striker might end up as a DMC if switching between the 442 and the 451: D Here is some examples

Using AMR/L and one FC

Really attacking – Wide 4231

Control – Deep 4231

Quick Counter – 451

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If anyone is at all interested ( ;D ), d you have any suggestion on one more formation for me to get my hands on before I start my longterm save ?

If so, then please write back with the exact positions of the players ( rather than a XXX formation). It dont have to be a set but also one single tactic(extra version) using a formation that simply cant be used with all 6 versions, like a cautious version in a deep formatio or an attacking version within an advanced formation yet to be uploaded

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As I said on the dugout, an impressive body of work this is.

Exceptional and I think on behalf of everyone, thank you.

Surprised there has been so little response, excellent piece of work.

Puts the responsibilty on the manager to choose the correct strategy but gives them a good base to start with.


Thank you both. Think I am going to start my longterm save now as the new update(14.2) is out.

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Can someone advise further?

So basically we pick the formation, which will already have team instructions on there? Then, based on how we want to play we pick the philosophy?

Thanks for any help in advance.

You pick à set, a formation and within that set you are provided with 6 different tactics for you to use, all depending on the circumstances. Say you play with Norwich and want to use the narrow Diamond, then you pick the versions you are most likely to be using. Perhaps 2 of the Counter versions and Really attacking etc etc

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4-1-4-1 would be awesome with DL DC DC DR - DMC - ML MC MC MR -STC.
Totally agree, I'd love to see this tactic as well.
Always love your tactics TBH. Would be interested in seeing how you would make a 4141 work. Im surprised theres no bog standard 442 released with this aswell ^^

Thanks for the feedback.

I am currently working on this formation and so far, I have "made" the following template or versions.

  • Control
  • Wide & Stertching Counter
  • Quick Counter

I loaded them up at the end of my season with Arsenal (2013/14) and here are the results.


As you can see, I have conceeded only one goal in 11 matches, including 3 matches against Utd, 3 against Chelsea and one against spurs. Beneath you will also see my version picking and whilst the Quick Counter gave away 60 % possession, I still restricted Chelsea and Utd to longshots taken in vain also restricting them to less than 3, 4, 2...9,3,2 corners in those games. If giving away more coners, we would had conceeded more though.

As you can also see, I have not played any games away from home against weak/weaker opponents where I would have used Wide & Stretch so this is to be tested with a top team

Will continue working on Really Attacking, Slow Standard and Cautious Counter with a lesser team, like West Ham, Villa or Fulham.

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Now this i am very impressed with.

Think it was your posts and tactics a few years ago that i spent most of my time reading.

Would love this formations ( Narrow 4231 with MCs)

I have tried making this formation but in my opinion, its not suitable for a set of 6 versions. I might mighht a small set ( Extra set/versions) like described in the opening post. I have used tghis with top temas and whilst all the versions work for that team, the Slow Standard and Cautious Couinter soimply cant be used with teams like Fulham etc as the formation and just too advanced and too much pressure is put on the back 4 and the players of those teams are simply not good enough..

When I made a set with this formation in FM09/10, I do remember that I used a 4411 in those versions, then labelled Counter and Defensive( that did not use Counter attacks so more like an more agressive Contain).

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Great work, do these work well on 14.2?

Also I'd love a bog standard 4-4-2 as well, might actually encourage me to get a save going!

Nice one :)

Always love your tactics TBH. Would be interested in seeing how you would make a 4141 work. Im surprised theres no bog standard 442 released with this aswell ^^

Yes, they work on the 14.2. The only difference is that in this patch, key - and to some extended - extended highlight might give you a false picture of what is actually happening on the pitch due to the minor flaws of the ME so you might have to slow things down, use comprehensive and use the analyzing tool tyo understand where you got it wrong/right. ( Yes minor, but they will seem BIG when not watching the games in full. SI are so close now to making an absolutely terrific game)

The 442 is perhaps also a formation that would need a different formation in the more cautious versions, perhaps with dropped DMCs. I have used the 4411 and just pushed up the AMC into FC( used one on attack ripping up space and one on support, holding position and wokring hard) and it works in most versions, but not the Slow Standard and Cautious Counter. Here, the MCs get too exposed

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Can it work to play and only use your shouts with my own tactic? ( a fairly basic 4-4-2)

Hi " S" :D

Ideed. have a look atthe different "shouts" in the 4411 set. Then look at the REally attacking, Wide & Stretch and Quick Counter and you will find that those shouts would be suited for using only on strategy ( Control or Counter probably).Just have a look at the spread of the duties in the different version and how its línked to the urgency to get forward, like more runs from DEEP in the slower and probing versions and more runs from AHEAD of the ball on the quicker ones.

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Now this i am very impressed with.

Think it was your posts and tactics a few years ago that i spent most of my time reading.

Would love this formations


ON this topic again. What versions where you looking for and with what team ?. Unless its a whole set, I can upload them for you.

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Hi TBH, the formation I had the most success in FM13 was a sweeper setup as follows, but which I cannot get going in FM14 - wondered if you'd fancy having a crack at a tactical set for it...many thanks in advance


SW (d)

CD(x) CD(x)

WB(s) DLP(d) WB(a)

AP(a) DLP(s)

IF(a) at AMC


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Hi TBH, the formation I had the most success in FM13 was a sweeper setup as follows, but which I cannot get going in FM14 - wondered if you'd fancy having a crack at a tactical set for it...many thanks in advance


SW (d)

CD(x) CD(x)

WB(s) DLP(d) WB(a)

AP(a) DLP(s)

IF(a) at AMC


In FM13, this formation was rather exploiting as the opponenst fullabcks/Dmcs would just run back and forward between the wingback and the winger. Personally, I used a formation ( the Gyroscope) that in the end, also exploited the ME and I am rather pleased its not working in Fm14 :D

In my opinion ,the 3 at the back is just too unstable. When in possession, the Dcs ( or the outer Dcs in a 3 Dcs defence) spread faar, faar to wide and one looses the ball in the build up, the opponent basiclly come on-one-one or even 2 on one with central defense.,

If using a narrow 4 at the back though ( sweeper/libero and 3 Dc), the its a different thing butu then again, you cant use 4 wide players.

EDIT: Come on Arsenal !!

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ON this topic again. What versions where you looking for and with what team ?. Unless its a whole set, I can upload them for you.

Managing Spurs. Thought it would be good because they have alot of AMC's. I know it will make Lennon and Townsend redundant but im not worried about that.

And if i did want to use them i could soon change 2 of the AMC's to wingers.

As for the version. Not sure which would suit best because of the lack of width.

But then it might be better with the 2MC changed to DMC and the 2FB's more attacking.

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Managing Spurs. Thought it would be good because they have alot of AMC's. I know it will make Lennon and Townsend redundant but im not worried about that.

And if i did want to use them i could soon change 2 of the AMC's to wingers.

As for the version. Not sure which would suit best because of the lack of width.

But then it might be better with the 2MC changed to DMC and the 2FB's more attacking.

With Spurs, I would Control, W&S- Counter and Quick Counter. Will have a look at them using the Wide 4231 as a base. If you want, you could easily tweak them yourself. Just make sure the FC is on a attack dutie in all versions and that we use " play wider " and exploit middle in Control and WS- Counter.

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I want to start a Newcastle save, keeping the core players (which i feel are actually pretty decent)

Any suggestions on which set i should use?

I would probably go for the SPLIT 451

I have today read through the opening post again and in conjunction with wwfans guide came up with some new tactics. TBH thank you very much for showing me a new way of creating tactics and can I just say, excellent work. Truly excellent work.


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TBH, a question or two, please. In your tactical sets for FM13 you labelled some of them as 'non exploitive'. By this I have assumed that they do not exploit the match engine. Am I correct? In your other sets there are not any labels. I am assuming that they did exploit the match engine. Again, am I correct?

In your FM 14 sets, above, there are is not any labelling at all. I am assuming that all of these sets for FM14 therefore exploit the match engine. Once more, am I correct? I ask for this reason. When I am using a third party formation/tactics set, I prefer them to be 'non exploitive'. Kind regards.

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TBH, a question or two, please. In your tactical sets for FM13 you labelled some of them as 'non exploitive'. By this I have assumed that they do not exploit the match engine. Am I correct? In your other sets there are not any labels. I am assuming that they did exploit the match engine. Again, am I correct?

In your FM 14 sets, above, there are is not any labelling at all. I am assuming that all of these sets for FM14 therefore exploit the match engine. Once more, am I correct? I ask for this reason. When I am using a third party formation/tactics set, I prefer them to be 'non exploitive'. Kind regards.

None Of the mentioned sets have been exploiting the ME, no worries

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TBH. You have kindly supplied all of your sets with 'built in' team instructions. Does this mean that I should ignore any and all in match advice given by my assistant manager? Could you also assist in which set might be best when playing as Liverpool? My owners are expecting both attacking and possession football. I'm looking towards 'control' for the possession tactic but I'm unsure about the 'really attacking' option for the attacking tactic. I'm wondering if it may be too 'gung ho'.I favour 4-2-3-1 and 4-5-1 equally as they both lend themselves to the players Liverpool have. Kind regards.

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TBH, going to give this these a go. I've always thought you have been one of the leading people when it comes to tactics; so I'm surprised there hasn't been much of a response to you thus far!

I'm hoping by using these I learn something as well!

I'm a big fan of the defensive game (a la Mourinho), so I'm thinking I should be going for the Quick Counter as my main source, however having the other two counter versions loaded up :)

Just a question thus far, do all of these formation have the same effectiveness, or have you seen one particularly stand out?

Also, in terms of Player Roles, which I know you have mentioned, should I be looking to adapt them to the players I have??

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TBH. You have kindly supplied all of your sets with 'built in' team instructions. Does this mean that I should ignore any and all in match advice given by my assistant manager? Could you also assist in which set might be best when playing as Liverpool? My owners are expecting both attacking and possession football. I'm looking towards 'control' for the possession tactic but I'm unsure about the 'really attacking' option for the attacking tactic. I'm wondering if it may be too 'gung ho'.I favour 4-2-3-1 and 4-5-1 equally as they both lend themselves to the players Liverpool have. Kind regards.

Personally, I only load up Really Attacking as one of my 3 Tactics when playing with a Lower League Team ( or a team in the top tier of a weaker league, like when playing in Sweden). Here, I can use it along with Quick Counter as I try to beat the opponent by pure muscels and Physic.

When playing with teams in the Prem or other top leagues, I don't see the need for it as a starting version but I do implement it in-match when seing fit.

As for formation, I would perhaps go for the 4231 or the Deep 4231

As I watch the game closely, the assistant manager often jus states what I already know so I don't really pay much attention to him but If seing that his reflections ( but not solutions) are spot on, why not try to pause the game and look at the stats and think about why things are happening on the pitch and see if you can change an instruction to the opposite.

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  • 5 weeks later...

TBH, please help.

im using Newcastle, why my team against MU away always struggle at anytime?i using 4231 wide quick counter, cautious counter and wide stretching counter are nothing positive result in statistic. 23 shots against 6 shots and the possession 60% 40%

When against lower team or same level team im using the wide stretch, cautios counter always work with the statistic very well.

Can you suggest me what i suppose to do? such when full back line are more push up i hv to change what etc.., and basically i rather see in extend highlight (lazy to analyze reason too much complicated).

Thank you for your time.


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I thought i'd give a try to these, but the download link doesn't seem to be working.

Keeps saying that the website is offline.

Anyone else experiencing this? Any chance of getting the formations back from another source?


opened now, for some reason it was not working with Firefox, but worked ok with Chrome. Weird :)

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I thought i'd give a try to these, but the download link doesn't seem to be working.

Keeps saying that the website is offline.

Anyone else experiencing this? Any chance of getting the formations back from another source?

Having same problem, is not downloading :(

to the OP seems like you did a great work, also you gave me new ideas for two tactics I was trying to create

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Great work here BetterHalf! I have really enjoyed picking each tactic depending on what game I have next. The only issue I'm facing at the moment is getting my strikers to score, however I doubt that has anything to do with your tactics as I was struggling to get them to score before!

Suppose the only real question I have is how much can we tweak the tactics for them still to be effective. I noticed most of them are all based around a balanced mentality. I was thinking of removing the player instructions as I'm not a fan of them but wanted to know how much impact they have already. Thanks.

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