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Classic v Handheld

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Hi There,

Really excited to play the classic version of the game on the Vita.

I have searched for a thread and was but couldn't find some basic answers to the question:

After playing and enjoying the phone / pad version - What's the main differences between FMH and FMC? Is it just the 3D match engine?

Any help would be most appreciated,

All the best


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  • SI Staff
Again said on another thread but FMC >>>>>>> FMH.

Both are good games - what someone enjoys and is looking for determines which they prefer (but nice to see you praising FMC Andyh21 - always good to see someone passionate about our games).

FMH is designed to be fast and fun, while retaining the feeling of realism, its depth is more akin to our earlier games such as 01-02 etc. - FMC is the full-fat FM experience but with some of the more time consuming options removed.

I know people (such as myself ;) ) who enjoy both .. sometimes simultaneously ;)

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Both are good games - what someone enjoys and is looking for determines which they prefer (but nice to see you praising FMC Andyh21 - always good to see someone passionate about our games).

FMH is designed to be fast and fun, while retaining the feeling of realism, its depth is more akin to our earlier games such as 01-02 etc. - FMC is the full-fat FM experience but with some of the more time consuming options removed.

I know people (such as myself ;) ) who enjoy both .. sometimes simultaneously ;)

FMH is proper handy, saved my backside on some short flights, long drives, waiting for appointments, etc, recently, long enough spells of time to be bored, but instead it was great fun to whip out my phone and polish off a few challenges. Ended up developing a pretty neat tactic that I plan on exploring in one of the full-fat, as you call them, games.

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Both are good games - what someone enjoys and is looking for determines which they prefer (but nice to see you praising FMC Andyh21 - always good to see someone passionate about our games).

FMH is designed to be fast and fun, while retaining the feeling of realism, its depth is more akin to our earlier games such as 01-02 etc. - FMC is the full-fat FM experience but with some of the more time consuming options removed.

I know people (such as myself ;) ) who enjoy both .. sometimes simultaneously ;)

A nice reply so thankyou for that but given FMC is now out on a "hand-held" device my point is that FMC on vita is leagues above FMH on whatever you have it on. I had it on the old PSP a couple of years back and didnt really enjoy it but FMC is just perfect for me.

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They're different experiences. I mostly play FMH when I just want a quick fix, play a fixture or two and bug out. FMC (on PC atm but Vita when I buy it later today) is much more detailed and feature rich and is the mode I play at home when I want a more detailed experience. I enjoy both of them for exactly those reasons.

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Everyone is correct, FMC (Vita) has so much more depth compared to FMH (Android/iOS)

From simple things like player stats - in FMC you have a lot more individual stats where in FMH the stats are 'combined' so one stat in FMH will cover three separate stats in FMC. Also I've found that despite FMC's streamlined approach, you can hire and fire backroom staff, whereas in FMH you can't, but one strange omission in FMC is the training feels less than what you get in FMH...

FMC only allows for whole squad training regardless of positions, whereas FMH allows for training to be set for individuals and their roles/positions (I find this an odd choice considering that FMC should have at least matched FMH if not added a little bit more)

Scouting in FMC is about the same as FMH with only one difference (you can hire a better chief scout in FMC) The higher the rating of your chief scout will increase the number of scouts that work for him/the club, so a chief scout with 1 star, you get 2 scouts (allowing for 2 assignments - just like FMH) but a chief scout with 5 stars allows for 8 scouts (8 assignments)

The above are just what I have experienced and possibly there are other features that differ. Also I'm open to any corrections (if I've picked up the features wrong) feel free to reply and put me straight :D

I'd like to hear from anyone else if there are other differences I've not picked up on (main features, not just layout or rearranged features)


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