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What are the chances of a file I create now being compatible with FM2015?


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I bought FM2014 purely because the editor was so good but now it looks like we're stuck with a very buggy tool until at least October. But let's say I want to get a head start for next year: could I put together a nation/continental/international rules file on FM2014 and have any hope of using it in FM2015? I've been setting out my ideas for a load of new league/cup structures on paper and I really want to get into building them but there's no point if they'll be somewhat unplayable in this version and no use in the next one. I know it can cause a lot of failed changes in editor files if you load them into different versions from the one they were created with, but I'm not thinking of doing much more than adding a few new competitions to the database and then building a few league structures. I think there will almost definitely have to be some tweaking for FM2015 but do we reckon it'll be a lot of work to get an FM2014 file to work with FM2015 or not so much?

I'll probably end up making the files anyway, just out of boredom, but the answer I get to this will tell me how much effort to put into it.

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Judging by the current state of continental and international rule I would expect the tweaking there, so any changes on that end could end up needed to be redone. Then again, practice with a previous versions gives you a start with a next version. The more detailed your edit will be, the less likely it will port over to the next version easily.

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I have been able to use most of my files made years ago, obviously there are no guarantees and the proof will be to test it when it comes out, but I know where you coming from putting hours in and you might not be able to use the file, or wait until fm15 comes out with a fully working editor that will be able to do what you need(what I am doing is preparing files we all know the current issues so no point doing those parts yet)

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dont mix new records with changes to default database. if you make some new players, clubs , stadiums keep that changes in separate file. all changes to default database you can make in separate file or wait and make them on fm15

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