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Purchase Magic Sponge? 69p...

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So I bought the Vita version of FM 2014 and am in the process of getting a game up and running on my PC to transfer to my Vita for my hols.

My key player after one day in charge is out for 12 weeks and I get a button telling me I can buy a "Magic Sponge"? How freaking apt, "Sponge", because this is what SI is now doing... micro transactions where they can actually alter the game so it makes it more likely that you'll buy this crap to make the game "playable" NOT JUST "easier"

Every time an incident happens and I get the option to buy something, paranoia will set in with me thinking SI just want to make some MORE freaking money. Is it not enough that they release basically the same game with minimal changes every year at full price, they have resorted to micro transactions?

I simply can't believe this, and will be returning FM 2014 Vita and will never buy a future FM again.

I hope everyone feels the same and goes on strike like me, it's disgusting.

Trolls fire away, I won't be checking this thread, I just wanted to voice my opinion, with the slightest hope that SI will do away with this game altering micro transaction crap.

You should be shot.

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Trolls fire away, I won't be checking this thread, I just wanted to voice my opinion, with the slightest hope that SI will do away with this game altering micro transaction crap.

Funny, I thought leaving a contentious comment and then running away and hiding was almost a textbook definition of "troll".

But perhaps in future you'll read about a game before you buy it. The microtransactions a) weren't a secret, and b) aren't compulsory. You and everyone else are quite welcome to play the game "traditionally" with no extra expenditure, as I do.

For those that want it, it's there.

You're not a Man Utd fan are you?

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I must admit, I'm with the op on this. I just wanted to turn the game off straight away when I saw this. I know you can just not buy the sponge, but it would continue to just annoy the hell out of me. If it was a feature that you could turn off in the options then great, but it's a big :thdn: from me too.

To davewhite04, maybe just play the full game rather than FMC, (or is it just FMC on Vita?)

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Funny, I thought leaving a contentious comment and then running away and hiding was almost a textbook definition of "troll".

But perhaps in future you'll read about a game before you buy it. The microtransactions a) weren't a secret, and b) aren't compulsory. You and everyone else are quite welcome to play the game "traditionally" with no extra expenditure, as I do.

For those that want it, it's there.

You're not a Man Utd fan are you?

More likely, he is David Moyes.

It's optional. You have the option of buying it. You don't have to.

One player got injured. Get over it.

Injuries happen in real life too.

Had this situation on a save recently...


I actually found it quite fun trying to hold on with a team shook by disaster. Played one as Man Utd, Rooney broke his leg(or something) first week, cam back half way through January, and in his first match tore his hamstring, rest of the season gone. Not only the issue of missing my star player, he regressed massively, and ended up being sold for 15m to a mid table Inter.

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There is no need to overreact to buttons on a news item, resorting to insults or ranting over a feature you don't want to use that will have no impact on your game should you not choose to use it.

The unlockables are ways for users to cheat, if they want to, consumables like Magic Sponge, Bank Balance are completely left to the user to buy if they wish. They are not, and never will be, options in our game that force you to buy them to continue playing the game however you want. As we announced when we first released FMC last year and announced unlockables, the core game is sacrosanct and you can be rest assured they won't interfere with the core gameplay, they are just buttons on news items, not dialogs popping up urging you to buy them before you can carry on. They are there to let the user know they are there and how they can get them, if they wish to.

Some people want to use unlockables, some don't. If you don't like them, don't buy them. If you feel so strongly against the unlockables and would like to request a way for these buttons to not appear in your games, please use the wishlist thread. Thanks.

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It's optional. You have the option of buying it. You don't have to.

One player got injured. Get over it.

don't they also charge for the editor now though? were you could do things they now charge for? that's a genuine thing worth complaining about.

Personally if I get a huge injury I just reload and pretend it never happened :) .

plus it is a cynical money making scam , why can't you do these things with a simple cheat command? Anyone thinking it isn't a tacky cheap way of getting money out of people is kidding themselves. This isn't exactly a game that struggles to sell either , I assume SI are doing well for themselves and there's no need for it.

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  • 11 months later...

I am wondering about if injuries are more common in classic mode than in full-fledged FM. It would be great to get an answer to this. I have had a huge number of injuries (like 10-12 in about 2-3 months, and long ones too), on both my FM Classic saves. It could just be bad luck, but I would like someone from SI to confirm that the injuries are not more common.

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My only issue with micro transactions is that there is no way to hide them..I have no intention to ever use them so it would be nice to be able to not have them pop up every time i get an injury. I dont like micro transactions in a game i have paid for but as they are completely optional then its not a problem. Be great to not see them at the bottom of 2 thirds of my news items though.

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My only issue with micro transactions is that there is no way to hide them..I have no intention to ever use them so it would be nice to be able to not have them pop up every time i get an injury. I dont like micro transactions in a game i have paid for but as they are completely optional then its not a problem. Be great to not see them at the bottom of 2 thirds of my news items though.

+1 to this. Just a small checkbox in preferences, where you can tick or untick to show micrtransaction buttons.

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I am wondering about if injuries are more common in classic mode than in full-fledged FM. It would be great to get an answer to this. I have had a huge number of injuries (like 10-12 in about 2-3 months, and long ones too), on both my FM Classic saves. It could just be bad luck, but I would like someone from SI to confirm that the injuries are not more common.

Obviously no one will officially confirm this, but I too am starting to have serious doubts on this issue. In full mode injuries seems a common yet manageable issue, quite realistic really, in classic however I feel as if the game should be renamed infirmary manager 2015.

I know that some teams have gone through tough times with injuries but in fmc it seems to happen with every team, in every save, every week. Maybe it's because the ass man is doing a crap job with training..

I definitely give SI the benefit of the doubt; still it would be the perfect incentive for that magic sponge thingy...:o

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It's not, not something we'd be remotely interested in. If your players are getting lots of injuries then you should take a look at your training schedule and your player fitness levels when playing them in matches.

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plus it is a cynical money making scam , why can't you do these things with a simple cheat command? Anyone thinking it isn't a tacky cheap way of getting money out of people is kidding themselves. This isn't exactly a game that struggles to sell either , I assume SI are doing well for themselves and there's no need for it.

I agree.

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It's in the game for a reason - some people want this option, not because some assume that SI are cynical money grabbers. I don't think SI like having it in themselves but it brings in extra money so it's not going to change. A business needs to survive and having such a feature could allow some extra funding for that killer feature in the next version of the game.

Besides, I find it quite funny when I check my fixture list and see that I can purchase a Dodgy Lasagna. But I don't feel compelled to click on it.

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The ability to do it is there. It should be free, gamers still have the choice to use or not use it. The fact that SI are charging for it is because they know that they can fleece gamers for a tidy penny or two.

SI made the choice to use in app purchases, as many other developers have, because they understand perfectly that there will be plenty of people that are exploitable.

Considering that its a AAA title it is really a shame that SI have gone this route and will just be a downward spiral.

This sort of thing has nothing to do with business survival but everything to do with greed.

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Considering that its a AAA title it is really a shame that SI have gone this route and will just be a downward spiral.

This sort of thing has nothing to do with business survival but everything to do with greed.

Don't continue to be a pitchfork wielding poster please. This has nothing to do with greed whatsoever, and you need to familiarise yourself with trends in gaming software before spouting nonsense.

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