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The Manchester United thread 2006/2007 - featuring BBB leaving early


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right, 19 games gone, my legendary maths skills tell me that's the halfway mark, ergo it's time for a half-term report type thing:

Edwin van der Sar

if we were playing word assocation, i think the one that would spring to mind upon mention of vds would be 'solid', or maybe 'dependable'. no reina-esque heart-in-mouth moments with edwin, you can probably count his errors this season on the one hand, and three of them would probably be miscued kicks into the crowd. delighted he's re-signed for another year, the #1 shirt is in safe hands. cringe.

grade: B

best moment:

Tomasz Kuszczak

have i spelt that right? ess-zed-see-zed was the mantra i think, so wp me. very little to go on so far - rash in conceding the penalty in the arsenal game, atoned by saving it, and then did well without ever looking entirely convincing in the magical carling cup run. too early to judge, but he looks an able deputy if nothing else.

grade: n/a

best moment: the penalty save from gilberto

Gary Neville

might be the mind playing tricks but gaz seems to be getting more attacking as he ages. he's certainly never found himself in as many potential goalscoring situations in half a season as he has this one, and he really should have notched a goal or two by now. still, as long as his overlapping and link-up play with Ron and Roon remain at the current high level we can have no complaints. solid as ever defensively, only concern would be the niggling injuries which seem to be becoming a more regular occurence.

grade: B

best moment: the sublime cross for rooney to hit the vital equaliser at bramall lane

Patrice Evra

i think usage of the word 'revelation' is justified here. written off by many after his baptism of fire at the boo camp, those who kept faith and gave the diminutive frenchman time to bed in have been handsomely rewarded with some fine performances from wee Paddy. deceptively sound defensively, he's offered a new dimension going forward, even if his crossing could be better. who'd have thought back in january after that eastlands debacle that the hapless #3 on show that day would be arguably first choice by christmas?

grade: B+

best moment: the brilliant first goal against everton

Rio Ferdinand

it seems somewhat strange given his character, but Rio's been something of an unsung hero this season. with Vida understandably taking the majority of the plaudits, the improvement Rio's shown has gone almost unnoticed by many, but those paying attention will have seen a new-found willingness to get stuck in, the near-total eradication of the dreaded lapse in concentration and a player maturing into the role of defensive leader. there even seems to be a slight improvement in his somewhat troubled rapport with the supporters. keep this up and those claims of being 'the world's best defender' won't seem half as fanciful.

grade: A-

best moment: what else? THAT goal against the scouse, AGAIN

Nemanja Vidic

'revelation' part II. Vida was a cult hero in the making from the moment he signed, but many were still to be convinced going into the close season. they're convinced now (with the 'honourable' exception of alan 'MAMMOTH C**T' green ofc). dominant in the air, immensely strong in the tackle, ever-improving positionally and in possession and with so much more still to come. as if that wasn't enough, he knows how to find the net as well. so good that (as with paddy) it's a disgrace he hasn't got a proper song yet.

grade: A

best moment: either one of two crucial headed equalisers against wigan and benfica

Wes Brown

last season was probably Wes' best at United - his partnership with Rio showed plenty of promise, and in staying free of injury he looked to be starting to fulfil his undoubted immense potential. so where's it all gone wrong? the impressive form of Vidic hasn't helped him, but Wes was the man in possession at the start of the season and lost his place for a reason. a series of unconvincing performances in his rare opportunities since haven't helped his cause (wigan away stands out). having a player of Wes' quality as backup is almost a bit of a waste, and with the Rio-Vidic partnership beginning to look impenetrable, you have to wonder how long he'll be prepared to play second fiddle, especially with there being no shortage of potential suitors. needs to take the opportunities that come his way, starting on boxing day you'd think.

grade: C-

best moment: a neville-esque overlapping run and cross in for rooney to complete the rout of fulham

Gabriel Heinze

it was beginning to look like he'd never shake off the niggling injuries that were a result of rushing himself back in time for the world cup. with Paddy flourishing in his absence, some were quick to forget Gaby's contribution in his debut season and exactly why he became so popular so quickly. recent improved performances (chelsea and city notably) have hopefully served as a reminder of what he brings to the side, although his comeback hasn't been without it's setbacks and poor games. has a real battle on his hands for the left-back position now. especially as we'll probably sign another next month.

grade: C, but improving

best moment: his OT return after nearly a year out

Mikael Silvestre

man, was there ever an individual performance that summed up a player more than Mickey's showing at vicarage road? raiding down the left to link up brilliantly with giggs and fire us into the lead highlighted most of what is good about mr easter island; switching off not long after and getting utterly skinned by ashley young as watford equalised was sadly all too familiar. sometimes feel it's harsh to bracket Mickey with JOS and Richardson, as the frenchman has it in him to be twice the player the other two could ever hope to be. sadly those all-too-frequent scatterbrained moments prevent him ever really establishing himself as a top-class defender, and always have. useful enough to have as backup, but a move at this stage in his career probably suits all concerned. if he goes, he'll be missed, but the heart-stopping moments he's given us won't be.

grade: D+

best moment: getting the opener at watford

Michael Carrick

this could be a contentious one. probably THE contentious one. if you believe one camp, he's been largely invisible, his passing poor and his only saving grace is that he's not John O'Shea. if you believe another, he's 'revelation' part III, and is the catalyst behind Scholesy's resurgent form and that of the team. the truth, as ever, probably lies somewhere in the middle. he's had his good games, he's had his off-days. for me, he's vastly improved the way we maintain possession, and on several occasions some impressive defensive work has been overlooked by many. we rightfully expect more to come from him, but it's been a sound start.

grade: B-

best moment: the sublime ball to Louis Saha that led to Ronaldo's goal at the Reebok

Darren Fletcher

if we put our Patrice's transformation down to acclimatising, then i think it's fair to say any hypothetical 'most improved' award would have to go to the scottish player. putting some meat on his gangly frame has rendered him capable of competing in the hurly-burly of a premiership midfield battle, and thus enabled him to display his passing ability. his efficiency in possession and non-stop workrate have elevated him way above the dross he was so unfairly brackered with, and he's now a valuable member of the squad who seems to have got the knack of making his rare goals vital ones.

grade: B-

best moment: the scholes-esque late run and header to grab the points at the riverside, although his entire performance against liverpool warrants mention as something of a coming of age

John O'Shea

i hate criticising JOS. he was awesome when he broke through. i've always wanted him to pull through the slump he sunk into not long after. he seems a nice bloke, and there's obviously some semblance of footballing talent there. it therefore pains me to say that his relative absence from the side this season has been a huge factor in our improved fortunes, and when you're saying that about a player it's probably time for a parting of the ways. the newly-trademarked 'john o'shea sigh' must surely have had one of it's final airings today.

grade: D

best moment: the nifty finish against everton was his highlight, but the comedy goal against copenhagen is probably more fitting

Paul Scholes

i can't have been alone in wondering whether we'd even get the ginger prince of last season back. that we've almost got the ginger prince of 02/03 back is fanf**kingtastic. he looked revitalised back in pre-season, and he's carried that form forward to pretty devastating effect. simply the best one/two-touch player in the game today, ridiculously composed in possession (sometimes overly so icon_mad.gif) and capable of the absolutely extraordinary (hopefully today will persuade him to have a pop from distance on a more regular basis). on his form and fitness rest our trophy hopes this season.

grade: A

best moment: the opener against the skaus was more important, but how can you overlook today's wonderstrike?

Kieran Richardson

please **** off, now.

grade: U

best moment: comedy goal #2 against copenhagen. sums the waster up. get out of my football club you homohaired freak

Ryan Giggs

at times this season it's been hard to believe giggsy's contract wasn't up for renewal. something clicked there over the summer and another 'fledgling' was revitalised, and it's been fantastic to watch. while it's fair to say he's not been able to keep up the level of performance that saw him rip teams apart back in august throughout the whole campaign so far, flashes of brilliance remain and like Scholesy, his continued fitness is vital to our bid for silverware. a note of caution though: the last few games have been a bit of a concern - too many needless fancy flicks not coming off, and he's not offered enough width or creativity. needs to get back to basics somewhat.

grade: B

best moment: the slaloming run through the watford defence and past their keeper to give us an early season away win

Ji-Sung Park

for obvious reasons, Ji's season's not got going yet. has a big role to play as one of only three capable wide players at the club - how well he deputises for Ronnie or Giggsy when necessary could be decisive over the coming months.

grade: n/a

Cristiano Ronaldo

english fans of our premiership rivals really ought to take note of the adage 'what doesn't kill me only makes me stronger' (or however it goes) when choosing to pin the blame for their national team's inevitable inadequacy on a Manchester United #7 - it's not like they haven't had fair warning of the consequences. the boos aren't the only things that have been firmly rammed back down throats by Cristiano's blistering half-season so far - the no-end-product jibes are surely a thing of the past, and those banging on about him diving only serve to make themselves look increasingly silly. looks happier than he ever has done at the club, and long may that continue. if it does, honours (both individual and collective) will surely follow.

grade: A*

best moment: an absolute screamer of a free-kick against pompey stands out as a specific moment, although you could pick several outstanding displays

Wayne Rooney

bit of a sublime/ridiculous season for Wazza really. of course, ridiculous by Wayne's standards is still pretty handy, but we've only seen his very best form in patches. he's not been helped by his summer exertions, his ludicrous early-season suspension or Fergie's use of him as a wide midfielder at times, granted, but a more consistent Wayne Rooney is essential over the second half of the season if we're to challenge. it would surprise no-one if that was exactly what we got.

grade: B

best moment: his sensational treble at t'Reebok

Louis Saha

Ruud who? not quite, but there's no denying the change in style with the pacier, more mobile king louis leading line has been a (probably THE) key factor in our fine start. in that sense, he perhaps offers us more in how he enables the team to play than he does in individual ability, if that makes any sense. as a centre-forward he can be immensely frustrating - he's practically allergic to one-on-ones and struggles in situations where he has time to think - but his strengths bring so much to the team as a whole (and to the likes of Rooney and Ronaldo in particular) that for now, it's worth tolerating. that's maybe overly harsh - his pace, ability to turn defenders and instinctive play make him a fine player in his own right. is he good enough at the very highest level? jury's still out for me.

grade: B+

best moment: the stunning strike in Lisbon to finally end the euro away hoodoo

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer

just having him back as part of the squad is a huge bonus. that he has six goals under his belt even more so. best of all, he showed before his copenhagen injury that he still had a lot to offer this team as a squad player. he was never massively pacy and perhaps a little of what pace there was has inevitably been lost, but the intelligence, the movement and the lethal finishing are still very much in evidence, and what an asset Ole could be in the run-in. legend icon_cool.gif

grade: B-

best moment: opening the scoring against newcastle with his first Old Trafford goal in three years

maybe something on fergie and a general team review thing tomorrow, knackered now

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<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

# Team Manager Gameweek Total

1 Ruud FTW Matt Huart 71 956

2 Dynamo Keane-Nev Jon Fadugba 56 939

3 Atletico Theis John Theis 45 938

4 Monzo's FHFC Rejects Terry McGrenra 46 929

5 JOS Football Genius Nick Morgan 67 920

6 11 Blind Mice Nobby Steelez 46 917

7 Julesy Giants Julian Reddick 76 907

8 Insert Clever Name Luke Hudgson 41 894

9 Sultans of Crime foobs t. xanthian 65 885

10 Eastside Philip Rolfe 36 881

11 Glazer's Final Hurra Blaine Emmett 55 870

12 Rob's legends Robert Powell 46 869

13 Wakey's Rockets Gareth Wakefield 62 866

14 Mart's Loser 11 Mart Sheehan 50 862

15 11 Rooneys Antony Cousin 86 849

16 Z Stars Craig Beaumont 60 846

17 AFC Saha 1978 Josh D 68 843

18 Silvestres Saints Taz Devil 45 839

19 Elevator Road United Simon Whitworth 39 838

20 bristol united james marshall 45 837

21 Burrage Blitzers Peter Burrage 44 834

22 Hodgeys Heroes Richard Hodkinson 60 829

23 VfB Timbo Tim Keward 38 828

24 Jossy's Midgets Richard McKeon 58 821

25 Good...Wins FC Dan Goodwin 52 814

26 AFC Edgar matt edgar 40 811

27 Beloved Aunts Chris Sharvin 32 802

28 Clueless ****s Gregg Carter 48 801

29 RED ARMY master blasta 54 797

30 King of Kings XI Sam Alabaster 73 785

31 'S Rioghal Mo Dhream James MacGregor 38 778

32 John O'Shea XI Ali Law 47 768

33 Barrys Horne NL B 56 754

34 United Strokes LUHG James Beatty 27 731

35 Wimples Dimples J C 19 725

36 Timsbury Cricketers Michael Gray 40 718

37 link all stars john garthwaite 52 646


I've gone from challenging for the title to a midtable spot, despite having Ronaldo as cap'n icon_frown.gif

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Right, yesterday, based on MOTD its:

MOM: Ronaldo - easy just because he looked a holy terror yesterday in the 2nd half.

2ND: Scholes - difficult to award a 2nd from the highlights but I thought I'd do something different and pick someone I never go for...plus what a ****ing strike!

As for the West Ham issues:

1. Reo-Coker's right foot clearly.

2. If you want to go back a week or so and see my reasonings for it then do that but the bottom line is that even though it was a collective **** up of about 5 players its Scholes thats ultimately culpable for allowing Reo-Coker to get into position unchallenged to score.

Bloody hell forgot about that fantasy league and it shows in my position! icon_biggrin.gif

Barton I'm not keen on, and links to him & Hargreaves at the same time when he's basically a sub-version of the Anglo-Canadio-Welsh midfield dynamo don't really make sense unless he's being solely considered as a backup. And thats before we get to the point where we take into account that he's basically got Gerrard syndrome where he'd probably excell more if he was more focussed on being disciplined and shielding the team from harm rather than making more effort to forage further up-field for goals.

As for Bale, I've still not heard a compelling reason why we should sign another left-back, especially one where I have no point of reference for ability level other than prowess at set-pieces.

Btw, has Hargreaves played in Europe for Bayern this season? Anyway, regardless of whether he is or isn't I want him at the club in the absence of more viable and proven targets (like the multitude of French based DMs we're constantly linked with...or Aldo Duscher).

Last question: What number has Larsson been given btw? Did someone say 17?

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">As for Bale, I've still not heard a compelling reason why we should sign another left-back, especially one where I have no point of reference for ability level other than prowess at set-pieces. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

You state another left back in a way you believe if we sign him he would automatically be put into the first team squad to dual with Gabby and Evra for first XI activities; just because fergie is prone to have at least 6 back up doesn’t make this a typical fergie signing. Bale is just 17, already with international and first team experience albeit be at championship level. This is a very much signing for the future in my eyes, I really doubt Fergus is going to have him at the club apart from preseason tours etc for at least one and a half or 2 and a half years. Meaning he will be 20-21, Gabby will be 31 or so? Paddy 28 or 29? When he returns.

The fact that bale is the youngest ever wales player and scorer (iirc?) either shows he has the quality of an international at such a tender age, or the quality of the wales squad is atrocious if they are relying on kids.! Maybe gregg can answer that point.

7 Million for a left back of the future is an enormous fee, but when do we ever pay a fee upfront, surely if he makes x amount of appearances for the first team/country etc etc they will get more money and if it doesn’t work out we have just paid an initial fee and not stuck with future unrealistic payments.

From what i've seen he is ok defensively, quick, good attacking link up and of course hits a great dead ball from either wide as a cross or central on target. I dont know his game at all to be honest but George Burnley waxes lyrical about him and the hype is pretty huge. So if we could sign him for 7mill now (increasing up to) and he turns out to be our number 1 left back for 10 years if he comes after being loaned out for a few seasons then surely its shrewd business?

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Jules, thats all I wanted - more than anything a summary of where his ability levels are at the minute outside the obvious free-kick skills.

I understand the notion of buying and then loaning out a youngster of very high potential all too well but its the fact that the rep had no real substance for me to support justifying the investment thats being suggested.

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oh and having watched the villa game earlier today i'll just agree that ronaldo's a touch good, and that my votes are

motm: ronaldo

2nd: scholes

so i'm not really adding anything in this post that hasn't been said a million times before, but i guess it'd be quicker to read this than the million previous posts.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Weststandred:

Just watched Premiership Years 94/95, champions and FA cup winners - Cantona. icon_cool.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thats 95/96, Blackburn won the title in 94/95.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Taz & The Devil:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Weststandred:

Just watched Premiership Years 94/95, champions and FA cup winners - Cantona. icon_cool.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thats 95/96, Blackburn won the title in 94/95. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Although you could also mean 93/94 but i'll guess you just got mixed up with the 95 bit.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Hero of the Day:

The united lads at the christmas party, bloody awesome, wes brown and gary neville leading the chants, plenty of scouse and hate and ole and roy love icon14.gif : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arnFD9e-C8k </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

My favourite bit was the Nicky Butt song icon14.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Hero of the Day:

The united lads at the christmas party, bloody awesome, wes brown and gary neville leading the chants, plenty of scouse and hate and ole and roy love icon14.gif : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arnFD9e-C8k </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

that is so fckin icon_cool.gif

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oh and btw I'd disagree entirely with whoever said Scholes was better tha Rooney's because it's harder to hit it standing still from ahigher distance etc.

for me, Scholes' shot was obviously utterly amazing and hitting the bar added to the 'wow factor' ... but Rooney's is still technically superior.

running onto a ball and getting your timing just right whilst adding swerve and hitting it that hard MUCH more difficult than standing waiting for a dropping ball and cracking it towards goal

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Probably Illegal:

Is that Larsson or Rio sitting next to Rooney at the end? Cant quite tell.

Still class though. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I thought it was Callum Best at first glance icon_redface.gificon_biggrin.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by ACou2000:

okay question .... Scholes' and Vidic's yellow cards yesterday meant they had a one match suspension.. is that in force on Tuesday or the Reading game next weekend?

because I've heard both </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

They miss Wigan on boxing day.

Lets hope its Giggs in the middle and not O'Shea.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Probably Illegal:

Is that Larsson or Rio sitting next to Rooney at the end? Cant quite tell.

Still class though. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

looks like danny simpson to me if hes back? Not tall enough to be rio for sure, didnt look like Larsson.

Theres only one keano....

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Coldberg:

Next match for 5 yellows. So they miss Wigan.


At least Toure is back for you - according to our official site anyway.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">

15] Sky Sports reports...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Manchester United are reported to have snapped up Nigerian starlets Kelechi Kalu and Okoro Osagepamwen.

It is claimed that the pair impressed during a recent trial spell with The Red Devils and have now been handed youth deals.

The pair are both 17 and reports suggest they will sign professional deals with Sir Alex Ferguson's outfit next year.

"We sent out four of them for trials with Man United and they drafted two out of the four into their youth team," agent Dominic Egbukwu told Tidesports.

"They are Okoro Osagepamwen of Bayelsa United and Kelechi Kalu (Dominion FC). "They will be with the youth team until they turn 18 and sign professional deals."


from rn

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Probably Illegal:

Is that Larsson or Rio sitting next to Rooney at the end? Cant quite tell.

Still class though. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Looked like Smudge to me but hard to tell.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Dangerous Dave:

ronaldo just an unbelievable player. how old is he? still 22 or something? **** knows how good he'll be in 3 years.

there do seem times though where he looks to be a bit disappointed in the quality around him. think you'll have to sort that out if you want him to stay for another 5 years </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

He is 21. His birthday is in February.

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