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The Anyone But Spain thread

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I am hoping Holland finish first in the group, and ideally Chile as second - but perhaps it will be Spain, so that they can get annihilated but those sexy Canaries.

Neymar hattrick, please.

No, no, no ... Chile love to role over for Brazil so that would be the dullest 2nd round game of the tournament

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"thread of horrible horrible gameplay and personalities bringing the game into disrepute."



I don't think we have the right to criticise any other team for horrible gameplay, diving, cheating etc when we have the likes of: Rooney, Gerrard, Sterling, Johnson (Impersonating a footballer), Barkley, Welbeck, Wilshere & Sturridge.


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I don't like this current Netherlands that much (think a lot of their current crop are moany, arrogant ********, barring a couple) but boy, tonight I was a little Dutch :D

Superb stuff. Didn't even see the game because of work :mad: but man, I saw one or two goals and Spain looked utterly helpless. That Robben goal that came from a clearance was just great. They had no answer. Teams have finally learned what to do against this 'tiki taka' (read: boring monotonous pish) style and I'm so glad.

Hope these don't even get out of their group. Mon the Chile :D

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Well, I have to say that I said in the beginning that I didn't like Spain because of their playing style. But on the other hand, I've not seen any of that playing style.

Or any style at all, really.

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