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Can anyone help me find all the games?

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Hi All!

I'm in need of some assistance. My fiancé is a die hard FM fan and has been since the very first championship manager. He kept all of his games every year so HAD the whole collection. It was his prized possession and even had them in our glass display cabinet.

So here is my problem...we are getting ready to move house at the moment so I've started packing things into boxes. I put all our games/books/DVDs and his FM collection into boxes. But before I had a chance to move them to the new house I had a viewer come to see the flat. Putting the boxes outside my front door in the stair ready to be taken down 2 floors to the car, I thought they would be safe for a few hours. Well they weren't and someone has now stolen the boxes.

My fiancé has been very calm about the whole situation and has just accepted the fact they are gone for good but I can't forget and feel so guilty! I have decided to make it my secret mission to make his collection back up again. I'm hoping to get every one and give him the collection for his birthday. I know he won't play any of the old ones but for sentimental reasons I feel I MUST get them all.

So I need everyone's help, I have no idea where to start looking for the old games. I know I can probably buy the recent ones online but I think it's unlikely I'll find the old ones unless I know where to look.

I know it's a long shot but at least I can say I tried!

Please help!

The very guilty feeling fiancé of a die hard FM fan who's just lost all of his games.

P.s. Craig if you see this (as I know you look on this site) just pretend that it's a suprise?!

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Firstly - what a lucky man your fiancé is!

Secondly, you'd be surprised just how many editions are still available online from Amazon or other retailers.

I reckon you can get every version from the second iteration of the game direct on Amazon.

That leaves just the original Championship Manager and the Championship Manager Italia games to source.

The full list you need to get is:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Championship_Manager_series (go from 1.1 to 4.1 on here)

and then:


from 1-10 on here (ignoring 2.1).

Good luck!

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Thanks for your help! I managed to find them all apart from the first one but I think he can wait for that haha!

I don't know why I'm so excited to give him them because I loathe FM from being ignored for about a month every October haha!

Thanks again!

A now very happy fiancé who better get the best birthday present this year ;)

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