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Quick questions

1. What is missing from this version that is not in the full game?

2. Does it really run a lot quicker, even if you pick more leagues?

3. Can you still have a good journey man game?

4. Do clubs still get money to spend?

5. Is there still foreign rules in squads etc?

6. Can leagues like the welsh one improve?

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1. Tactical Familiarity, Team Talks, Less Press Conferences, Simpler Staff Management/Scouting, Opposition Instructions, Detailed Analysis Tools, Player Interactions (I might have missed some things here but these are the basic ones)

2. Yes. Because you do not have all these things to occupy your mind, you go from game to game quite quickly. You also could set up a Match Plan for Instant Results, so you can get through games quicker.

3. I would think so, don't have personal knowledge of this but since you go through it quicker I would think it's actually better for a journeyman save.

4. Yes, budgets, transfers are the same.

5. There's some limited rules for foreign players in squad (depending on country) but no squad registration.

6. I have no knowledge of that.

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In answer to your 3rd question, FMC is much more suited to a journeyman game cos the processing time is speeded up in comparison to the full fat version so you can open a lot more leagues which gives you more scope for variety.

Happy journeymaning (hey I just made a new word :)

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What about youth team players?

Youth players are generated on the season update day, and enter your reserve teams. There's no youth candidate system in FMC.

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