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Gundo's FM08 Small club from a small nation European adventure challenge

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I finally bought my version og FM08 today. The patch is downloading as I'm writing this and this time around I´ll give Gundo's challenge a go. I nearly finished Dafuge's challenge in 07 - so I think I'm ready for another challenge.

Is there a list of the teams all other participants have chosen, so I can choose a different one and feel unique? icon_razz.gif I'm gonna read all 21 pages of posts while I wait for the game to process trough season 1 - but if there is a list....Thanks in advance. (PS. the patch just finished downloading icon14.gif)

This will be my first game in 08 - so hopefully they killed all the bugs.

I'll get back to you when my profile is ready...

I'm 29 and still this is better than Christmas icon_frown.gificon_cool.gif

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Originally posted by Blackmama:

I finally bought my version og FM08 today. The patch is downloading as I'm writing this and this time around I´ll give Gundo's challenge a go. I nearly finished Dafuge's challenge in 07 - so I think I'm ready for another challenge.

Is there a list of the teams all other participants have chosen, so I can choose a different one and feel unique? icon_razz.gif I'm gonna read all 21 pages of posts while I wait for the game to process trough season 1 - but if there is a list....Thanks in advance. (PS. the patch just finished downloading icon14.gif)

This will be my first game in 08 - so hopefully they killed all the bugs.

I'll get back to you when my profile is ready...

I'm 29 and still this is better than Christmas icon_frown.gificon_cool.gif

The challenge table is further up this page Blackmama. icon14.gif

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happy. Congrats on finishing 3rd icon14.gif.

That's the way you should look at it rather than seeing it as a missed opportunity. Your players will be a year stronger and a year wiser and the extra year in Division 2 could serve you well when you do go up.

johnny. Were you not tempted to have another go at N.Ireland? I suppose because you completed the challenge from there last season you felt like pastures new.

NepentheZ. Good luck at Knockbreda. You have some big boots to fill there. Now don't be signing my Super Keeper just to compete with him in the goals-scoring stakes icon_wink.gif.

Annihilator. Can you remember at what point you became solvent? Also, how did you do in the early(ish) years against "grey" teams. I'm REALLY struggling against them. Would you mind posting a pic of your overall best eleven at the end of each season with your update please. It helps me follow peoples games.

In fact.........

If it's not too much trouble, could everyone post a pic of their overall best eleven with their end of season update if they get the chance. It's nice to see how players are progressing.

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Blackmama. Good to have you on board, (ya youngster) icon_wink.gif. I can whole-heartedly recommend N.Ireland, but I know that Croatia and Norway are popular destinations too.

The thread is certainly worth a read icon14.gif.

Peter G. You might find it easier if you uploaded a pic of your transfers in future. Once you've done it a couple of times it becomes easy. It also help the appearance of your posts and maked people more likely to read them.

rlipscombe. You've started a little Caerloen club haven't you icon_biggrin.gif.

ManU@ Come on! You can't tell us you signed your old school-teacher without some pics icon_biggrin.gif. Name him and show us how he improves.

ps. Make backups icon14.gif!

Gundo. PC Myhre looks good but I'm surprised he didn't score with his long shots ability. Have you thought about where you position him at corners icon_wink.gif?

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Originally posted by Jimbokav1971:

NepentheZ. Good luck at Knockbreda. You have some big boots to fill there. Now don't be signing my Super Keeper just to compete with him in the goals-scoring stakes icon_wink.gif.

Cheers buddy. I don't think i have the same keeper as you, and he no longer takes FK's either. His stat dropped from to 6 within about 5 weeks. icon_frown.gif

Although, you did state the top scorer for you in the first season was 4 goals, so far with 4 games to go, my 16 yr old AM/SC has 25 Goals in 25 Games icon_smile.gif 19 Goals in 16 League Games.!!!!

Also, who's big boots are about? Was it last years challenge? A link would be nice icon_smile.gif Hopefully I will do them justice.

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Originally posted by iacovone:

Gundo - could you retell the story of Patrick Burda for those that weren't here last year? It's all a mystery to me at the moment.

Once upon a time in the small Swedish town of Höllviken... icon_biggrin.gif

That'll be the long version. icon_rolleyes.gif

Well it all started in dafuge's FM07 challenge thread last year when cookie15 signed this young Swedish/Polish striker from the Swedish non-league club Höllvikens. He was an instant hit with his Burscough team he was managing at the time, anyway he scored freely outside the top division. Once cookie got his team promoted to the Premiership I remember posting this comment: 'Do you think he will be able to make the step up?', as I was very much doubting he could bridge the gap.

Well Burda went on to become an Immense force for cookie in the Premiership and become a abit of a legend to rival the likes of SuperKyle.

Then when I launched this FM07 challenge thread early last year, a few of us who where managing in Scandinavian countries signed him and he was simply awesome and the hype just kept snowballing.

And so the Legend was born. icon_cool.gif

Sadly in FM08 it is unlikely he'll be in your game unless you are managing in Sweden. icon_frown.gif

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I'm loving my new team - decided to play a load of friendlies against English clubs at home to gain revenue from the matches. Ended up playing 10 friendlies - winning the 2 against Croat opposition and getting slaughtered by the English teams - including a disappointing 6-1 against Bristol Rovers.

I've had to buy a brand new team which is always good


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Originally posted by Jimbokav1971:

Gundo. PC Myhre looks good but I'm surprised he didn't score with his long shots ability. Have you thought about where you position him at corners icon_wink.gif?

That was the most surprising thing of our season, no goals with the technical ability the lad has aswell?

I played him on the right wing for most of the season and for corners yes I did have him lurking on outside the area, there just always seemed to be far too many bodies in the box that the shots would hit?

I'll be hoping for a better return next season.

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Originally posted by Gundo:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jimbokav1971:

Gundo. PC Myhre looks good but I'm surprised he didn't score with his long shots ability. Have you thought about where you position him at corners icon_wink.gif?

That was the most surprising thing of our season, no goals with the technical ability the lad has aswell?

I played him on the right wing for most of the season and for corners yes I did have him lurking on outside the area, there just always seemed to be far too many bodies in the box that the shots would hit?

I'll be hoping for a better return next season. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Gundo. Without going into too much detail. Use a short option player to drag someone away, leave 1 side of the goal free(ish), challenge GK and load the other side of the goal and then leave just 1 lurker.

I haven't tried it so I'm not giving you a "perfect" tactic, but it makes sense to me and I score a LOT of goals from set-pieces icon14.gif.

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Cheers Jimbo.!

1 Game left in my first season and the table looks like this...

| Pos | Inf | Team | | Pld | Won | Drn | Lst | For | Ag | G.D. | Pts |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1st | | Wakehurst | | 21 | 13 | 2 | 6 | 41 | 20 | +21 | 41 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2nd | | Knockbreda | | 21 | 12 | 5 | 4 | 40 | 20 | +20 | 41 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3rd | | PSNI | | 21 | 11 | 5 | 5 | 28 | 18 | +10 | 38 |

I've got to play 2nd from bottom QUB in the last game.! Just demolished the bottom team Glebe 6-1, With my 16 yr old forward smashing 4 more goals.!

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Originally posted by Jimbokav1971:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gundo:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jimbokav1971:

Gundo. PC Myhre looks good but I'm surprised he didn't score with his long shots ability. Have you thought about where you position him at corners icon_wink.gif?

That was the most surprising thing of our season, no goals with the technical ability the lad has aswell?

I played him on the right wing for most of the season and for corners yes I did have him lurking on outside the area, there just always seemed to be far too many bodies in the box that the shots would hit?

I'll be hoping for a better return next season. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Gundo. Without going into too much detail. Use a short option player to drag someone away, leave 1 side of the goal free(ish), challenge GK and load the other side of the goal and then leave just 1 lurker.

I haven't tried it so I'm not giving you a "perfect" tactic, but it makes sense to me and I score a LOT of goals from set-pieces icon14.gif. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Cheers Jimbo, I'll do some experimenting and see I can increase his goal tally. icon14.gif

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Originally posted by Jimbokav1971:

NepentheZ. Click on this.

It's the 2025/25 season update from the original Knockbreda manager icon_biggrin.gif.

I certainly have a lot to live up to.!!!! I hope I do well. Promotion in my first season isnt a bad start.!

The only thing thats bothering me about FM08 in this Nation, is the fact that i keep getting beat in the cups by nobodies. They are non league clubs and get odds of like 20-1 to beat me, they have between 0 and 10 Real player's yet they smash the hell out of me. icon_confused.gif

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Originally posted by NepentheZ:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jimbokav1971:

NepentheZ. Click on this.

It's the 2025/25 season update from the original Knockbreda manager icon_biggrin.gif.

I certainly have a lot to live up to.!!!! I hope I do well. Promotion in my first season isnt a bad start.!

The only thing thats bothering me about FM08 in this Nation, is the fact that i keep getting beat in the cups by nobodies. They are non league clubs and get odds of like 20-1 to beat me, they have between 0 and 10 Real player's yet they smash the hell out of me. icon_confused.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Get used to it.

I have played 14 "grey" teams at the last count.

Lost 9 icon_frown.gif.

Won 5.

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Originally posted by Jimbokav1971:

iacovone. Do you never re-train players to play in more postions. I do it to just about all my players and you seem to hardly ever do it by the looks of your best eleven.

No its a feature of the game I really rarely use to be honest. I tend to just play players in their preferred positions. How could you tell by the way? icon_confused.gif

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Knockbreda - 2008/2009 End of Season Update.!

League Table (2nd Division) | League Graph

Squad Stats


Club Info

Paul Wallace - Star Man

Overall Best 11

League (2nd Division) - A great start to my management here at Knockbreda. The board wanted promotion, the fans wanted promotion, and me being the optimistic manager that I am, wanted promotion. And I duly delivered. If it wasn't for Goal difference, I would have won the league, but had to settle for second place. Led the league for long periods early on, but injuries and suspensions caused me to drop silly points to silly teams. A GREAT scoring record in the Division along with a good defense. Final Position - 2nd

Intermediate League Cup - After smashing my way through the group stage, winning three and drawing the reamaining two, I was hopefuly for a nice 1st round draw. Unfortunately, I got league 1 Newry. After taking an early shock lead, Newry eventually came back into the game and took a storming 4-1 victory home with them. I was a little disappointed, but hey, they were higher level oppo.!

Antrim Trophy - The third game in my as yet short career, and I draw non-league, non-player, no hopers Abbey Villa. I was delighted, I expected to rattle goal after goal past them. And boy did I.! My new signing Paul Wallace, a 16 year old fast AMC (who I have sinced developed into a Striker), rattles in hat-trick on his debut, and another of my new signing's put a 4th past Abbey Villa. I was delighted, 4 Goals past Abbey Villa.! Final Score. 4-5. icon_frown.gif . Yes, It seemed Abbey Villa were there to play too, and each of the 4 times i went ahead, they pulled one back, only to wrap the game up in the 80th minute with their 5th goal. I was extremely annoyed, but thought 'hey, its a new young team.. they scored 4, it cant be that bad.'

Intermediate Cup - Yet another non-league team, and yet another deafeat. This time to a hapless Civil Service (NIR), who scored with both of their 2 shots. I was now getting unhappy at the process of losing to grey teams.! Final Score, 1-2 icon_frown.gif

Irish Cup - AGAIN, another non-league team, and ANOTHER defeat. This time to Bally castle, who came, saw and conquered me in a 1-0 victory. Again, I dominated, but couldn't do anything to resist the great "AI"... Final Score 0:1 icon_frown.gif

Summary -

A nice first season, gained promotion, assembled a good squad at a young age, and have a good tactic to suit my fast striker. Unhappy about not progressing very far in all of the cups, something that I will look to rectify next season.

My player of the year - It just has to be Paul Wallace. He scored 31 goals in 28 games, and at the young age of 17 holds all scoring records for the club. Already capped at U-19 level for N. Ireland, and deserved it. At times, he single handedly won games for me.

Fans player of the year - Paul Wallace. for reason's i've just stated icon_smile.gif

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Originally posted by NepentheZ:

Knockbreda - 2008/2009 End of Season Update.!

League Table (2nd Division) | League Graph

Squad Stats


Club Info

Paul Wallace - Star Man

Overall Best 11

League (2nd Division) - A great start to my management here at Knockbreda. The board wanted promotion, the fans wanted promotion, and me being the optimistic manager that I am, wanted promotion. And I duly delivered. If it wasn't for Goal difference, I would have won the league, but had to settle for second place. Led the league for long periods early on, but injuries and suspensions caused me to drop silly points to silly teams. A GREAT scoring record in the Division along with a good defense. Final Position - 2nd

Intermediate League Cup - After smashing my way through the group stage, winning three and drawing the reamaining two, I was hopefuly for a nice 1st round draw. Unfortunately, I got league 1 Newry. After taking an early shock lead, Newry eventually came back into the game and took a storming 4-1 victory home with them. I was a little disappointed, but hey, they were higher level oppo.!

Antrim Trophy - The third game in my as yet short career, and I draw non-league, non-player, no hopers Abbey Villa. I was delighted, I expected to rattle goal after goal past them. And boy did I.! My new signing Paul Wallace, a 16 year old fast AMC (who I have sinced developed into a Striker), rattles in hat-trick on his debut, and another of my new signing's put a 4th past Abbey Villa. I was delighted, 4 Goals past Abbey Villa.! Final Score. 4-5. icon_frown.gif . Yes, It seemed Abbey Villa were there to play too, and each of the 4 times i went ahead, they pulled one back, only to wrap the game up in the 80th minute with their 5th goal. I was extremely annoyed, but thought 'hey, its a new young team.. they scored 4, it cant be that bad.'

Intermediate Cup - Yet another non-league team, and yet another deafeat. This time to a hapless Civil Service (NIR), who scored with both of their 2 shots. I was now getting unhappy at the process of losing to grey teams.! Final Score, 1-2 icon_frown.gif

Irish Cup - AGAIN, another non-league team, and ANOTHER defeat. This time to Bally castle, who came, saw and conquered me in a 1-0 victory. Again, I dominated, but couldn't do anything to resist the great "AI"... Final Score 0:1 icon_frown.gif

Summary -

A nice first season, gained promotion, assembled a good squad at a young age, and have a good tactic to suit my fast striker. Unhappy about not progressing very far in all of the cups, something that I will look to rectify next season.

My player of the year - It just has to be Paul Wallace. He scored 31 goals in 28 games, and at the young age of 17 holds all scoring records for the club. Already capped at U-19 level for N. Ireland, and deserved it. At times, he single handedly won games for me.

Fans player of the year - Paul Wallace. for reason's i've just stated icon_smile.gif

Well done great season

Paul wallace = Leagend icon14.gif

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It just has to be Paul Wallace. He scored 31 goals in 28 games, and at the young age of 17 holds all scoring records for the club.

pffffft icon_rolleyes.gif. My GK has scored more goals than that icon_wink.gif.

I haven't come across Paul Wallace. I will certainly be on the lookout for him.

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NepentheZ. Congrats on an excellent season, promotion and a lovely looking skin.

Paul Wallace indeed could be a legend in the making.

Now we get the the bollocking!


Are you mad icon_confused.gif?

He is outscoring the rest of my squad at the moment icon_eek.gif.

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Originally posted by Jimbokav1971:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by happy slappy:

My first trophy, hopefully there will be more to follow in the future.

I can't get the link to work but Congrats anyway icon14.gif, but which Suck Ass Cup did you win icon_biggrin.gif? </div></BLOCKQUOTE> icon_biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Jimbokav1971:

NepentheZ. Congrats on an excellent season, promotion and a lovely looking skin.

Paul Wallace indeed could be a legend in the making.

Now we get the the bollocking!


Are you mad icon_confused.gif?

He is outscoring the rest of my squad at the moment icon_eek.gif.


The GK is carp on my game, I just signed him to see what his stats were like. Turns out, I lost my back up keeper in the close season, forgot to renew his contract icon_frown.gif so this kid may just get a few games. FK rating is only 11 though, so may not be taking my FK's.

As for Paul Wallace, thanks for the hype towards him.! Jimbo, I doubt you will find him, he was a regen after the 1st season in the game.

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OK Jimbo, a question for you. At what point does my scout spend more than a week on his assignments? For the whole season he spend 3-4 days on each assignment, and never came back with more than 5 players. ! I need to seriously improve my defense, but i just cant seem to get the scout to find anyone.!

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NepentheZ. My McIlmurray only has a free-kick rating of 7! and only has a penalty rating of 4.

He has now scored 39 goals icon_eek.gif!

I'm not joking. I think he's only missed 4 penalties in 5 years and one of them he stuck the rebound in.

Just pick him and stick with it if you know what's good for you.

Games Played 139.

Clean sheets 50.

Goals scored 39.

MOM awards 19.


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Originally posted by Jimbokav1971:

Annihilator. Can you remember at what point you became solvent? Also, how did you do in the early(ish) years against "grey" teams. I'm REALLY struggling against them. Would you mind posting a pic of your overall best eleven at the end of each season with your update please. It helps me follow peoples games.

My first two seasons I was in the red, but I started organising lots of pre-season friendlies with English Championship/League One teams and the revenue from these gradually built up my bank balance. Getting into the All Ireland Cup on a regular basis really helped too.

In the early years, I was terrible against grey teams. I lost probably somewhere between 60-75% of the time to them. In fact, in the last three Irish Cup finals, grey teams have been there twice.

And I'll start posting my best eleven from the next update onwards. icon14.gif

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Originally posted by Jimbokav1971:

NepentheZ. My McIlmurray only has a free-kick rating of 7! and only has a penalty rating of 4.

He has now scored 39 goals icon_eek.gif!

I'm not joking. I think he's only missed 4 penalties in 5 years and one of them he stuck the rebound in.

Just pick him and stick with it if you know what's good for you.

Games Played 139.

Clean sheets 50.

Goals scored 39.

MOM awards 19.


Great stuff there jimbo.! I assure you, My forward will have more goals than your keeper by the end of the season.! icon_smile.gif

Also, im guessing its not "morally wrong" or against the rules in this challenge to raise money..??

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Originally posted by Blackmama:

RW Walhain CG - Belgian Third Div. B

So the journey begins....

Luc Cavalier has taken control over the fine people of Walhain.

For some reason I have 63 players on my squad screen. All their contracts are expired and looking to be renewed...Is this common? icon_confused.gif Well maybe some of them can be used in my quest for glory.

good luck its becuase there on amateur contracts

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Originally posted by ManU@oldtrafford:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Blackmama:

RW Walhain CG - Belgian Third Div. B

So the journey begins....

Luc Cavalier has taken control over the fine people of Walhain.

For some reason I have 63 players on my squad screen. All their contracts are expired and looking to be renewed...Is this common? icon_confused.gif Well maybe some of them can be used in my quest for glory.

good luck its becuase there on amateur contracts </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks icon14.gif

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Also, im guessing its not "morally wrong" or against the rules in this challenge to raise money..??

I think it depends how it's done.

My personal point of view is that it's a big no-no, but then again as long as the opposition are realistic then it should be reasonable.

I'm playing a hot-seat game with my son at the moment and I am managing Man City. My Ass Man looked after pre-season frendlies and he had us touring round Ireland. With than in mind, the mention of the likes of Bristol Rovers, (can't remember who it was), and Annihalator playing Championship/League 1 teams seems pretty realistic to me if I'm honest.

Initially I was thinking of this from the point of view of the dafuge challenge, but the Gundo challenge is a little different. I would say that it's realistic for that level of team to come on tour to N.Ireland and also for Scottish teams (with the exception of the old firm). It's something I will probably look at next pre-season if I'm honest.

Maybe I'll tray and get Gundo to have a think about it and make a ruling on it before then.

Like I've said though, what little evidence of it that I've seen in here seems pretty realistic and reasonable. Annihalator is volounteering the info so he's not being underhand about it and whoever the other poster was posted the info without asking too.

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Croatian Second Division - Cakovec - Season 2008/09

Half Season Review

This first half season has many goals - for and against. I've the Kevin Keegan "Entertainers" Tactics. We've also seen a consortium takeover the club, inject some more cash and decide to keep me on as manager.

Media Predicition - 13th

Actual Position (so far) - 4th

League Table


Also, it was me that said about the friendlies against Bristol Rovers, Tranmere and Southampton

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