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71 "Houston, we have a problem"


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    Brain tumour survivor, father of one


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    Football, Rugby Union, F1, MotoGP, Music amongst others...

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  1. @dannyo666 @Mush1983 thanks ever so much for your help. my game is working again now. Life savers!!
  2. Apologies if this is the wrong place but ever since the new update was released yesterday, my Steam account has been 'validating' and 'patching'. It's been like this since yesterday afternoon. It won't let me play the game again since. This is the error message. Can anybody advise what to do to get past this issue and carry on with my save? If this should be elsewhere please point me in the right direction....
  3. great couple of updates @Rainbowz a great team to get, great stuff surviving....
  4. Thanks for the dates @jmarchand. looking forward to seeing where you end up
  5. FM24 Global (Less England) Small Club to Big Club Challenge Introduction Welcome to a brand new season of the “Global Small Club to Big Club Challenge”, (less England obviously as we have Dafuges' challenge for that). Whilst participation was a little lower last year, there were still a few great saves, and I have high hopes for many more this season. As ever, the premise of the challenge is simple, to start with a previously unplayable club and taking them all the way to a National Title and then on to winning the relevant Champions League (or regional equivalent). With a variety of leagues, styles of play, different rules, and many different locations for your clubs there can be a lot of variety throughout the thread, providing a great atmosphere and stories for our users to become immersed in. General Challenge Info Possible Countries Europe · Austria · Belarus · Belgium · Bulgaria · Croatia · Czech Republic · Denmark · Finland · France · Germany · Gibraltar · Greece · Holland · Hungary · Iceland · Ireland · Israel · Italy . Latvia · N. Ireland · Norway · Poland · Portugal · Romania · Russia · Scotland · Serbia · Slovakia · Slovenia · Spain · Sweden · Switzerland · Turkey · Ukraine · Wales South America · Argentina . Brazil . Chile . Colombia . Peru . Uruguay North America . Canada . Mexico . U.S.A Asia . Australia . China . Hong Kong (China P.R) . India . Indonesia . Japan . Malaysia . Singapore . South Korea Africa . South Africa The Rules A) Game Set-up 1) Your choice of Database Size (Large Recommended) 2) NO Edited Databases of any kind Suggested Adds Players from Top Clubs/Top Divisions (Europe or All Continents) - This increases the challenge at Continental Level Players Based in your Nation - This can add up to 50% more players to your game Players Based in your Region (Central Europe/East Europe/UK & Ireland) - This can add extra players likely to join your club There will be a file correcting the club/competition names, I will advise use of this. NO other additional customising is allowed. 5) Attribute Masking should be Enabled 6) Disable Ingame Editor (Please do this) 7) Optional Ticks Add Key Staff (This will give you a Scout, Physio & Ass Man by generating them if your club is without) Add Players in Playable Nations (This will ensure all clubs have a minimum number of players, generating them if needed) The extra levels of detail that you can change while in the game are up to you, as they shouldn't make a difference. B) Steps in the Game 1) Add an unemployed manager; you will not use this man to manage your club. I like "Unemployed Man or Holiday Man" 2) Go on holiday until the reset date of your chosen nation (Should take about an hour) TIP - Changing Detail Level to None will make it go faster. (Remember to change it back afterwards) TIP - Saving on the day before this date may give you a better choice of teams by reloading the game then going on holiday for one day, I would strongly recommend trying this. 3) Add a new manager - Use yourself, or a created character to help build a story line a) Personal Details - Your Choice b) Tracksuit vs. Trainer - Your Choice c) Past Experience lowest Possible (Generally Sunday League) d) Coaching Licenses lowest Possible (None) e) Other options are up to you TIP - If you add the language of your country of choice it will make it easier at the beginning TIP - Training now includes you at some level depending on your abilities. 4) Choose to take over any club which has been promoted to the bottom playable league of your nation. TIP - Easiest way in FM20 to see this is on the "Season Review" screen, showing the "Promoted Clubs" TIP - You can confirm your club by checking the Domestic History's page for not being at this level since start of game 5) Retire your unemployed manager. 6) Manage your club to National Title & European Champions League Victory 7) Completing the Challenge. C) Signing of Players 1) You must be able to scout them TIP - You don't actually have to scout them, just be able to TIP - You can check your scouting range on the Scouting page 2) Alternatively (If you can't scout them), you must bring them on a trial first 3) You are able to sign anyone sent to you via Agent Offer TIP - Make sure you screenshot the Agent offer 4) In later versions you can get your DoF to find players, he will bring in players not in Scouting Range, these are also allowed. TIP - Grab a screenshot of your DoF signing them D) Posting 1) Player naming is allowed. (This is a warning for those of you who do not wish to see this) 2) Discussion of tactics is allowed. (This is another warning for those of you who do not wish to see this) Expected Updates We have minimum expectations when it comes to a first up post and also in the end of season updates. The Bold pages are necessary for everyone; the others are some suggestions that will get others interested in your posts and following your club. All other screenshots are welcome and encouraged, but we please ask that the majority are posted as links, because lots of pictures can make the page very slow to load. First Post: Domestic Leagues History (Club) Profile (Manager) Overview (Club) Squad (Club) End of Season Updates: Transfers (Club) - This is so we can see the ins & outs League Table (Competition) Squad (Club) Information (Manager) Profile (Manager) Information (Club) Profile (Players) Progress of your club should be documented using this thread; we want to hear the story of your club all the way through. Please keep us updated, even if you are doing badly. If you title your end of season report in bold this makes it easier to identify. Everyone will be supportive, and really get into your game if you give more detail. · E) Other · If you are Sacked · You can Restart from the beginning or; · Continue your game and pick a new club (Under Same Rules) at the end of the next season or; · Add another League/Remove Current League, holiday a whole season and continue · You can still only have one nation running at a time · Once the league becomes active you MUST holiday a full season · The club must be one of those unplayable from the beginning · No Restrictions on Parent or Feeder Clubs · International Management allowed (But you cannot start as an International Manager) The use of any external utilities and editors (Such as Genie Scout or FMM) are prohibited. As of FM14 there are also unlockables, these are also prohibited, please don't use them. It would be appreciated if you also ticked the box at the start which prevents the use of the ingame editor. How to Post a Screenshot 1) While in FM, press the 'Prt Sc' button (usually next to F12 on your keyboard). 2) Open an image editing program such as Paint and paste the image 3) Save the file as a JPEG or PNG 4) Upload the image to an image hosting website such as Photobucket or Imageshack 5) Post the direct URL to the image here. Alternatively using ALT + F9 in game saves a screenshot to your user data folder. (You can also edit this in the shortcuts options) The Global Nation Motivational As ever, I would like to thank all of you who choose to participate in this thread this year, and to wish everyone taking on this challenge the best of luck on a long and hard journey to managerial success! The atmosphere and support these threads have historically offered is key in making the thread, and your saves more enjoyable as I can testify to. I and some of the other regulars of these threads are here to help for the new challengers and hope everybody that participates contributes considerably to the thread. There is nothing better than getting immersed not only in your own game but providing the encouragement to other people's attempts too. Remember we are all fighting the same battle - to defeat the AI (and uncover fabulous newgens!) - Therefore it goes without saying that any form of cheating will be severely chastised. Don't do it! I know that it is painful to lose a European Final or to lose the title on the final day (I have been there myself on more than one occasion) but eventual success down the line is all the sweeter for those defeats. Good luck to all the participants – Here’s to a successful (and enjoyable) version!! I have said it for the last couple of years, but I REALLY am hoping to participate this year at some point, ‘real’ life allowing…. I just need to find my traditional ‘fallen giant’ to take control of!!
  6. Hello everyone. I'm still alive.....!! Apologies for not being around these last few months. Life took over a little bit and, along with my old computer dying, My 'gametime' has been a little reduced. As a result i didn't feel i had enough time to fully commit to a crack at the challenge this year, so i have had an enjoyable (and fairly successful) few seasons at the Amex managing Brighton. About to take on the Champions League for a final season after winning the Europa League with a youthful squad peppered with a few wonderkids. It's been enjoyable having cash to spend, especially on Wonderkids!! Had a catch up tonight - well done @jmarchand on your success in Hungary..!! If people want it still, i am happy to set up the thread for FM24 (might even return myself - time will tell) once the game is released a month today... Until then, enjoy your saves...
  7. yes that would be fine. just post a screenshot showing finished bottom. good luck.
  8. @Thebaker seems like one of those 'nothing' seasons, though in a positive you did get your best ever finish. good luck next season. @Connor good luck in Spain. Spain, for me, was always enjoyable, though the challenge to topple Barca and Real is a big one... love that skin by the way...
  9. Catania – Italian Serie B Season Review 2024/25 (Season 2) League Prediction: 20th League Finish: 15th Graph Finances Squad 1 Squad 2 Squad 3 Transfers 1 Transfers 2 Fresh off the back of a debut season promotion, we found ourselves in Serie B. in terms of quality, it was definitely a step up, facing Palermo and Sampdoria amongst others. It was definitely a level where we struggled at times, Through some strong individual performances, and a little luck here and there, we managed to survive, finishing in 15th place. Looking at the squad, I would highlight the following players as those who contributed the most: GK: Niccolo Chiorra - Niccolo once more was our number one goalkeeper, and performed well in our debut Serie B season. LB: Andrea Spreafico - Andrea joined us on loan from Frosinone, and the Italian youth international performed at a solid level RB: Francesco Rapisarda - Probably our main RB, he was solid if unspectacular. A potential area for improvement next season. CB: Michael Venturi - Signed on a free transfer from Cosenza following his loan speel last season, Michael was a rock in defence once more. CB: Nicholas Rizzo - A solid partner for Venturi, but a replacement required for next season. CM: Christian Langella - A solid season for Christian, if a little unspectacular. CM: Mattia Zennaro - Christian’s main partner in a steady midfield partnership. AMC: Cher Ndour - Cher handled the step up well, performing well in an attacking position. Now an Italian U21 interntional, the sharks are circling…. AML: Giuseppe Giovinco - Despite his advancing years, Giuseppe was always reliable when called upon. AML: Luigi Cherubini - Giuseppe’s rival for the AML berth, another Italian youth international. AMR: Carlos Borges - Decent season for Carlos, another are to look at next season. ST: Andrea Raimondo - After Juventus refused to let us have Pecorino back, Andrea joined on loan from Bologna. Performed well enough to make me think ‘Pecorino who?’, we shall see if I am more successful getting Raimondo back for another season…. Financially, I forgot to take a screenshot, but suffice to say it isn’t getting any better right now… I MIGHT have to cash in on a player or two to try nd balance the books a little… Onto the new season we go….
  10. fantastic update and a decent season again @jmarchand Domestically it looks like you continue to dominate and i (think) you continue to make progress in Europe. No complaints from the Champions League stage, and you only came unstuck against the TOP teams. no shame there. good luck next season.
  11. @_JHTB_ - congratulation on completion of the challenge in Europe, and to do it in Sweden is no mean feat. The results agaonst Real Madrid and Liverpool show just how fine margins exist and how close you came to not getting the opportunity. Sgows you should never give up in games. As for your tactic, it's an interesting one...!! Did you spend a lot of time working on it on the training ground..? @jmarchand - unlucky in Europe there (not personally enojying seeing 'dirty' Leeds doing well in Europe...) @Thebaker - tough season there in the top division but survival is key 1st season... hope you can build from there next season... As for me, i really need to get a season review up, especially as i'm well into the next season... need to sort it out...!!
  12. @_JHTB_ as @Thebaker says, another good season. That was a great deal for Moke - can't blame you for accepting that sort of money. Good luck next season...
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