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Can somene explain the @2x logos?


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Some logo packs contain logos that are twice the size of the small logos and are in a folder called @2x that is located within the small logos folder. I have the impression that these larger small logos are automatically used in place of the smaller small logos if screen resolution is very high. I do not have a system that supports resolutions high enough for the @2x logos to be "activateted", so I cannot test this in practice.

  1. Does someone know if what I described above is what actually happens with the @2x logos (they are used when the screen resolution is high)?
  2. How high must the screen resolution be for the @2x logos to be used?
  3. Why don't the @2x folders have config files?
    3b. Perhaps the config for the small logos is used for the @2x logos as well? A wild idea: a small logo xyz.png is assigned to id 12345 in the config. The game wants to use the @2x logos, so it picks up xyz.png from the @2x folder instead of the small folder.

I have somewhat delved into logo pack "artistry", so I would love to know...

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They're used when you use zoom levels above a certain level (it might be 100%, but that might be wrong). I'm guessing there's some clever jiggery-pokery going on and the logos are substituted in automatically, and the regular config is used. Point 3b is pretty much what happens.

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