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Two questions about new created nations


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Editing some extinct nation, to create a new one, I encountered a couple of problems and I have two questions:

1) I wanted my created nation could not enter into official competitions. Leaving the nation without Fifa membership, the nation can not enter in the World Cup qualification, but still enter in continental competitions, in particular in the continents of North America, Europe and Oceania (that is tight to reality since these confederations permit the participation of the associated members that are not Fifa member). Is there a way to exclude them without rebuilt these continental competitions?

2) I edited extinct nations (i.e. Burma) changing the name and the language, but still the game, when it refer to the nationality (staff and players), uses the old name (i.e. "burmanese"). Is there a way to avoid the reference at the old nation's name?

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Hi Krlenjushka, I did not assign any region or capital city to these nations I have modified. I changed the continent only.

Yes, I can change the nationality name and I have already done it, but the game still assign the old nationality referring to persons of this nation. I can tell in the editor I work in my language, Italian, but I tested the game with both English and Italian: the name of the nation was changed correctly in both the languages but not the nationality when referred to persons. And I have no idea what is the problem.

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