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Will anyone experiment with Ramsey's position in FM16?

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Must saying, i'm really enjoying the FM16 beta.

Anyway, so i noticed, much like in real life, Ramsey is capable of playing in the AMR position - the lovely guys working for FM must have noticed wenger's insistance on trying to make him some kind of weird modern wide man. And because I have an interest in trying to replicate Arsenal's tactics in real life, something i do every year on each save, i set about trying to create the newest evolution of arsenal tactics.

Tactics: P(A)




Team selection:

WB(S) Monreal

CB Kos

CB Mertesacker

WB(A) Bellerin

DLP Cazorla

BWM Coquellin

IF(A) Sanchez

AP Ozil

IF(S) Ramsey

P Walcott

Normal defensive line

Mixed/Direct passing

Pass into space

Play wider

Whip crosses in

Run at defence

Now I think it's a bit of a fallacy to still think of Arsenal as this tippy tappy Barca-esque team. Whilst they are still capable of playing intricate passing

triangles, these days they're more likely to cede possesion and counter teams on the break, this is especially true away from home and playing against bigger opposition.

So you'll notice my above team instuctions aren't born out of a 'retain possesion at all costs' philosophy - and it's just my humble opinion, but i actually think Arsenal have evolved into a more dangerous team, more akin to how the invincibles used to play, obviously not yet at the same level but i do think they are returning to a strategy that sees them play with a more direct / rapier style of play.

Now all of the above gives you the context to my original question. So it's obvious that I have decided to play Ramsey in an IF(S) position. And whilst it's true to say that nothing is set in stone, i've only played around 10 league games so far, Ramsey has been an absolute beast. He has an average game rating of 8.13 so far, he's setup numerous goals, one every other game I think, and he's scored 7 goals in 10 games.

Traditionally, i'd use Ramsey in a box to box role, this always frustrated me - he'd never score any more than 5 goals per season and was often not effective enough to warrant a starting place in my first XI - but in this form he's pretty much undroppable.

My other IF, Sanchez, is being totally overshadowed. Yes he's been injured so has only played a handful of games, but he's only got 1 goal in 5.

So I guess I just wanted to put it out there - if anyone is think of playing Ramsey in a wide position you should definitly give it a go. At this rate he's going to fire me to a league win and if he stays injury free I think the Ox will have to sit it out on the bench.

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Thanks for this, I was wondering just how to play Rambo. From re-reading the role instructions, I had wondered whether he was maybe more of an Advanced playmaker in the AMR role, but so far (and I'm still in pre-season) he hasn't been performing how I'd hoped and the team shape still feels off.

One question I do have about your tactic if I may; How are Cazorla and Coquelin performing with those roles? I just can't seem to get them right. I've got Cazorla as DLP(s) and Coquelin as CM(d)

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They are performing amazing well so much so that Javi Martinez is being kept out of the side by Le Coq. I play Cazorla exactly how you play him, in the DLP(S) role. But I thought Coquellin is more of a BWM(D). We play a normal(ish) defensive line so i'm not worried about leaving spaces behind him as he moves up the filed to chase the ball simply because we don't play that high up the field. My direct style of play also means i want Coquellin to force errors and proactively try to win the ball back, we don't press too hard but it's also true to say that we don't sit back and wait patiently to get the ball.

I did also try to play Ramsey as an advanced playermaker on the wing, but this went against his core attributes and didn't sit comfortably with me. I see him being on the end of moves, adding the finishing touches by popping up and scoring. And it would be a bit silly to have him as a playmaker simply becasue Ozil is one of the best in his position so why replicate another player role in the same team.

How else have you set up your other players?

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I like to play Arsenal the same way as you, so trying to keep it as close to RL (which is why I like the feature of Arsene being DoF - makes it feel like he's there as a mentor, even though obviously he's not)

Defensively the same as you, and it's worked pretty well, still some issues to iron out - but I think that's down to TIs. Bellerin in particular has done pretty well in the games I've had so far, doing as I would hope he would, popping up on the right to provide the width.

Up front I've set it to change between Poacher when it's Walcott, and TM when it's Giroud, but that Handsome French Bloke just ain't doing it so it looks like I'll be starting the season with Theo up top.

I've had Ozil in as Treq, and he's been doing ok, no better or worse than last year - and then Alexis on the left as IF(a).

I'll be fiddling around with the TI's this evening, as I'm still seeing some gaps which get countered against, and doing a couple more friendlies, but you've come along and answered some questions just when I needed it.

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I'd personally play Ramsey in the WMR position instead of AMR. I think it better reflects his contribution in the defensive phase, build up and transition. This also better reflects one of the key elements of the tactical decision to play Ramsey on the right wing which is Bellerin overlapping to give the right side width and penetration. I'd probably play him as a wide midfielder instead of wide playmaker as the team doesn't seem to look for him above other players, especially not over Cazorla.

My setup would be this:

SK(d): Cech

WB(a): Bellerin

DC(d): Mert

DC(d): Kos

WB(s): Monreal

WM(a): Ramsey (Possibly some PI's like roam, sit narrow, cut inside. Might even try him on support)

MC(s)/DLP(s): Cazorla (possibly with roam from position)

MC(d): Coquelin

WM(a): Sanchez (Again might give some TI's but Sanchez already behaves pretty well with his PPM's)

AM(a): Ozil (I don't think he is a playmaker in his current role)

CF(a): Walcott (He is trying to work on his hold up game and involve the rest of the team)

Shape: Very fluid

Mentality: Attacking/Counter

TI's: Shorter passing

Against teams that sit really deep I would go with Giroud as CF(s).

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I like to play Arsenal the same way as you, so trying to keep it as close to RL (which is why I like the feature of Arsene being DoF - makes it feel like he's there as a mentor, even though obviously he's not)

Defensively the same as you, and it's worked pretty well, still some issues to iron out - but I think that's down to TIs. Bellerin in particular has done pretty well in the games I've had so far, doing as I would hope he would, popping up on the right to provide the width.

Up front I've set it to change between Poacher when it's Walcott, and TM when it's Giroud, but that Handsome French Bloke just ain't doing it so it looks like I'll be starting the season with Theo up top.

I've had Ozil in as Treq, and he's been doing ok, no better or worse than last year - and then Alexis on the left as IF(a).

I'll be fiddling around with the TI's this evening, as I'm still seeing some gaps which get countered against, and doing a couple more friendlies, but you've come along and answered some questions just when I needed it.

Yes Walcott is a beast as a poacher - 10 for 10 in my save so far. I still feel i need to make some tweaks to the defence too, bellerin is amazing going forward but i've been a bit caught out with him at the back - i'll post a pic of my tactics later as its hard to show an accurate portrayal of my formation without screen shots, but Bellerin plays one level up from the other 3 in defence. So in essence he is in the WB position you would expect to see in a defence that employs 3 CB's. And Monreal is in the WG position you would expect to see in a flat back 4. Try Ozil as Advanced player maker (A). Seems to really work for me.

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I'd personally play Ramsey in the WMR position instead of AMR. I think it better reflects his contribution in the defensive phase, build up and transition. This also better reflects one of the key elements of the tactical decision to play Ramsey on the right wing which is Bellerin overlapping to give the right side width and penetration. I'd probably play him as a wide midfielder instead of wide playmaker as the team doesn't seem to look for him above other players, especially not over Cazorla.

My setup would be this:

SK(d): Cech

WB(a): Bellerin

DC(d): Mert

DC(d): Kos

WB(s): Monreal

WM(a): Ramsey (Possibly some PI's like roam, sit narrow, cut inside. Might even try him on support)

MC(s)/DLP(s): Cazorla (possibly with roam from position)

MC(d): Coquelin

WM(a): Sanchez (Again might give some TI's but Sanchez already behaves pretty well with his PPM's)

AM(a): Ozil (I don't think he is a playmaker in his current role)

CF(a): Walcott (He is trying to work on his hold up game and involve the rest of the team)

Shape: Very fluid

Mentality: Attacking/Counter

TI's: Shorter passing

Against teams that sit really deep I would go with Giroud as CF(s).

Interesting ideas. As i said earlier, Sanzhez is the only one giving a concern but i'm sure this will be ironed out as the season progresses.

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I'd personally play Ramsey in the WMR position instead of AMR. I think it better reflects his contribution in the defensive phase, build up and transition. This also better reflects one of the key elements of the tactical decision to play Ramsey on the right wing which is Bellerin overlapping to give the right side width and penetration. I'd probably play him as a wide midfielder instead of wide playmaker as the team doesn't seem to look for him above other players, especially not over Cazorla.

My setup would be this:

SK(d): Cech

WB(a): Bellerin

DC(d): Mert

DC(d): Kos

WB(s): Monreal

WM(a): Ramsey (Possibly some PI's like roam, sit narrow, cut inside. Might even try him on support)

MC(s)/DLP(s): Cazorla (possibly with roam from position)

MC(d): Coquelin

WM(a): Sanchez (Again might give some TI's but Sanchez already behaves pretty well with his PPM's)

AM(a): Ozil (I don't think he is a playmaker in his current role)

CF(a): Walcott (He is trying to work on his hold up game and involve the rest of the team)

Shape: Very fluid

Mentality: Attacking/Counter

TI's: Shorter passing

Against teams that sit really deep I would go with Giroud as CF(s).

See, this is the sort of system I envisaged for the big away games, or the sort of structure we had against Bayern. Certainly with the counter mentality.

This is where I was think of going with my 2nd tactic. But wanted to get the primary (home) tactic working first.

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One thing i really noticed playing with Arsenal on this year FM, and probably true for other versions of the game too, play more direct away from home and do the opposite at home.

I wouldn't agree with that for every game necessarily (in older versions - can't speak for this year yet). For a top half team, certainly. I always like to have a 2nd tactic which is more counter based and hence is more direct, but for away games against weaker, bottom half sides (you know, the Villas, Newcastles and Chelseas of the world) you can normally just play your normal tactic.

This might be just me though

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I wouldn't agree with that for every game necessarily (in older versions - can't speak for this year yet). For a top half team, certainly. I always like to have a 2nd tactic which is more counter based and hence is more direct, but for away games against weaker, bottom half sides (you know, the Villas, Newcastles and Chelseas of the world) you can normally just play your normal tactic.

This might be just me though

Hahaha loved your little dig at Chelsea. Hats off to the FM team though, they seem to have got mourinho's personality spot on and have captured all of his ugly character flaws 100%.

i've had two interactions with Mourinho this season. In the first i absolutely trounced him in the charity shield (6-0) and he lost the plot in his press conference. Accused me of getting lucky, yeah 6 goals worth of luck. The 2nd game i played them at home, had to put up with all of his mind games throughout the week, simply replied we'll see who comes out on top after the game is over. Won 1-0. Didn't seem to shut him up though.

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Liamgannon what mentality and team shape are you playing? Because I'm having a bit of trouble in terms of conceding lots of goals, albeit I'm trying a slightly different tactic to you

I started off with control and thought it was too aggressive so now i just play standard, if i then go into a convincing lead i like to switch to control. I'm just about getting my head around the fact that you can play attacking football and you don't have to have the mentality set to attacking.

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I wouldn't agree with that for every game necessarily (in older versions - can't speak for this year yet). For a top half team, certainly. I always like to have a 2nd tactic which is more counter based and hence is more direct, but for away games against weaker, bottom half sides (you know, the Villas, Newcastles and Chelseas of the world) you can normally just play your normal tactic.

This might be just me though

no you're right, doesn't work every game. It's just a genral rule i like to consider if i'm playing poorly. Usually i keep the same tactic for each game and then only change if i need to.

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Hahaha loved your little dig at Chelsea. Hats off to the FM team though, they seem to have got mourinho's personality spot on and have captured all of his ugly character flaws 100%.

i've had two interactions with Mourinho this season. In the first i absolutely trounced him in the charity shield (6-0) and he lost the plot in his press conference. Accused me of getting lucky, yeah 6 goals worth of luck. The 2nd game i played them at home, had to put up with all of his mind games throughout the week, simply replied we'll see who comes out on top after the game is over. Won 1-0. Didn't seem to shut him up though.

Yeeeeaaah... he's always been like that. I tend to be pretty passive with most AI managers, but digital Jose can do one, as can the real one really.

I started off with control and thought it was too aggressive so now i just play standard, if i then go into a convincing lead i like to switch to control. I'm just about getting my head around the fact that you can play attacking football and you don't have to have the mentality set to attacking.

How have the board reacted to this? As I got the instruction to play attacking and possession football. Do they react to not actually having the mentality set that way?

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Cool cheers. And team shape? Is that just standard? Or fluid?

Can you quickly list them, sorry not at home and can't remember the exact option. It's more rigid than fluid though.

Tactics with specialist roles e.g player maker, ball winning midfielder - need to have rigid team structures. The more specialist roles the more rigid the formation.

More fluid tactics mean everyone is contributing to everything e.g everyone defends, everyone attacks, everyone presses so these tactics would have less specialist roles.

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Yeeeeaaah... he's always been like that. I tend to be pretty passive with most AI managers, but digital Jose can do one, as can the real one really.

How have the board reacted to this? As I got the instruction to play attacking and possession football. Do they react to not actually having the mentality set that way?

They're actually ok with it. Scoring on average 2.5 goals per game and not conceding so i think they're happy with me. I've won all my games (15ish in total) except one, lost to spurs at home in the carling cup to a flukey Kane goal. Basically rested quite a few first teamers and thought they would do the same, they didn't. Anyway, my point is the board weren't even the slightest bit chessed off. I was a little surprised. Although i was annoyed with myself for losing my first NLD.

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Cool thanks, the current tactic I'm running with isn't serving me tooooo badly, it's just I'm shipping an unacceptably high number of goals

I think fluid tactics are hard to master, or more difficult at least. With a rigid tactic you know where you stand - defenders defend, attackers attack and midfielders do a bit of both.

But with fluid its hard to get defenders to contribute to the attacking phase, less so trying to get attackers to defend but difficult all the same.

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Playing a defensive 41212 narrow tactic with Ramsey as a CM-Attack and he's been phenomenal. It functions as a box to box midfielder that's more aggressive in the attacking phase of play. Rambo has this knack for finding spaces, and times his runs so it matches with the rhythm of passing that's swinging the ball to his side. Watching the ME engine in FM16 has been a lot of fun so far.

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So, made a few tweaks to my set up, and just played my first league game, away at Stoke

Went for:


RMD(a) ----- T(a) -------- IF(s)

----------AP(s) - BWM(d)-------

WB(s) - CB(d) - CB(d) - WB(a)


Line up:











I'd say it worked quite well, running out 9-0 winners, ht tricks from Theo and Rambo, and the Ox in the AMC role getting 3 assists

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What I've been trying:


FB(A) -- CB(D) -- BPD(D) -- FB(S)

DLP(S) -- BWM(D)

IF(S) -- AM(S) -- IF(A)


Line up of:












Player Instructions:

Walcott/RW - Sit narrower (to allow RB to overlap)

Alexis/LW - Sit wider + sometimes roam from position

Ozil/CAM - More risky passes, into channels, roam, shoot less if Cazorla plays there lol. I find Treq limits Ozil personally.

I found Ramsey really difficult last year. So far, he doesn't seem to do much but gets decent ratings, so pre assists I guess?

edit: You beat Stoke away 9-0? WTF

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Interesting to see an inside forward on support duty doing better than sanchez in the raumdeuter role in scoring goals. I have a hunch from reading posts here and other forums that coming into the penalty box later tends to produce more goals in FM 16. How is the cutting inside working for you on FM16? Off the ball, does the player still aggressively cut into the penslty area to attack?

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You beat Stoke away 9-0? WTF

Yeah, definitely the exception rather than the rule though. Haven't lost yet, but normally only score 3 or less haha

Soooo what were the instructions?

Mentality - standard

Team shape - structured

Defensive line - slightly higher

Closing Down - more

Pass Into Space

Run at Defence

Stick to Positions

Interesting to see an inside forward on support duty doing better than sanchez in the raumdeuter role in scoring goals. I have a hunch from reading posts here and other forums that coming into the penalty box later tends to produce more goals in FM 16. How is the cutting inside working for you on FM16? Off the ball, does the player still aggressively cut into the penslty area to attack?

Actually, Stoke game aside, Sanchez has been the star of the show (albeit Rambo is out injured), contributing 4 goals and 3 assists in 5 league games, and has the teams highest average rating at 8.2. From the games I've played so far, he seems to vary his approach dependent on the build up, if it comes through the middle he sits wider, but if Bellerín is bringing it down the right he comes inside more and attacks the back post.

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Cool! Sounds like the cutting inside has been altered to a certain extent to reflect how modern inside forwards cut inside nowadays. In previous versions, the movement seemed limited to on the ball cutting inside tendencies. Good to see Rambo varying his play depending on the situation. I would love to try out the cutting inside instruction on a WM to see if it performs similarly.

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Curious, what are you doing with Chambers? IRL he's being made into a CB, but in game he's better attributed to a RB. I'm wondering if it's best to offload Debuchy and get a new CB and have Bellerin and Chambers as RB.

Decisions decisions.

Mertesacker has been struggling with injuries, and for me, Gabriel is too similar to Koscielny, so I've been using Chambers as a CB. I don't know how long Debuchy will stick around, already had one complaint about playing time.

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So, just to follow up, Raumdeuter certainly seems to be getting the best out of Alexis... he's now won Player of the Month for August, September and October

I found the same thing on the last beta, he was immense under that role. But in the full version, he did nothing, which was strange.

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Interesting to see an inside forward on support duty doing better than sanchez in the raumdeuter role in scoring goals. I have a hunch from reading posts here and other forums that coming into the penalty box later tends to produce more goals in FM 16. How is the cutting inside working for you on FM16? Off the ball, does the player still aggressively cut into the penslty area to attack?

Sanchez as IF-S in my set-up, 1st season (FM15). IMO this is much more similar to how he plays IRL, in which he's often used as an outlet, cutting in from the left before playing a forward ball to someone on the right-hand side. I'm pretty certain he'd have won the golden boot had I not started to fiddle around with my tactics 3 games before the end of the year.


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I found the same thing on the last beta, he was immense under that role. But in the full version, he did nothing, which was strange.

Well let's hope we don't get a repeat this year.

I've got the team playing exactly how I want them right now

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Finished my first season. Won the league quite comfortably in the end with city unable to catch me. Got to the semi finals of the CL but lost to Real Madrid, seemed to run out of steam towards the end with injuries mounting up. I was unable to put out a full strength team against Real Madrid which was disappointing but still managed to make it a competitive 2 legs. I was missing 7 first team players who would have otherwise played if they weren't injured. Moral of the story, i basically ran my players into the ground and the squad players, (gibbs, arteta, flamini, wilshere and welbeck) who i thought should have played better when given the chance, severely let me down when called upon.

Should have done the league and cup double but decided to rest the whole team in my FA cup semi final against Reading as i had Madrid 3 days later in the CL. Reading scored a late equaliser to make it 2-2 and then i lost on pens.

I only signed Javi Martinez (as competition for Coquellin) so i'll definitely be looking to strengthen the team as it could do with more depth. I'm toying with the idea of signing Bale, getting him to replace Ramsey on the right and then moving Ramsey to more of a central role, maybe as an AMC to provide cover for Ozil. Ozil basically played all of the games given to him so need to work on squad rotation a bit more next season.

All in all, a satisfactory first season but lessons to be learnt.

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Update: amazingly i was able to buy Bale at the end of the 1st season. I'm surprised he came, he had just won the league and CL with Madrid and was decisive in putting us out in the semis. He only cost me £63m (50m spread over 48 months - 13m upfront and cost 350k in wages per week).

Looks like Rambo is going to have to make way and play backup at AMC / AMR.

It's a shame as he doesn't fit into my MC roles of DLP and BWM and i don't want to break up the Cazorla / Coquelin partnership.

The only shame is my board have put us on a transfer embargo - basically we're projected to not meet FFP so i can't spend any more money for the foreseeable future.

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Update: amazingly i was able to buy Bale at the end of the 1st season. I'm surprised he came, he had just won the league and CL with Madrid and was decisive in putting us out in the semis. He only cost me £63m (50m spread over 48 months - 13m upfront and cost 350k in wages per week).

Looks like Rambo is going to have to make way and play backup at AMC / AMR.

It's a shame as he doesn't fit into my MC roles of DLP and BWM and i don't want to break up the Cazorla / Coquelin partnership.

The only shame is my board have put us on a transfer embargo - basically we're projected to not meet FFP so i can't spend any more money for the foreseeable future.

Not surprised if you spent all that money on Bale.

I'm not progressing quite as quick as you, only in January at the moment but top of the league on goal difference to City, picked up some good results though (including demolishing Sp*rs and Chelsea - complete with obligatory Mourinho abuse)

Moving forward are you gonna look to adjust your tactic to he players you sign? O r sign players for the tactic?

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I too am trying to replicate the current system of Arsenal in real life, however my interpretation is slightly different. I have been playing a 4231 (narrow). My line up is as follows:


-----SS(a)-- T(a) -- AM(s)

-------- AP(s) - CM(d)----------

FB(s) - CB(d) - CB(d) - FB(a)


Team Instructions

Control / Fluid

Pass Shorter

Play out of defense

Exploit the Middle

Roam from Position

Look for overlap

If greater penetration is needed I'll increase width and expression.

I read someone mention that Arsenal are a lot more direct than recently and I agree. This set up isn't primarily for possession and so I often score quite a lot of goals on the counter. I naturally achieve high possession (around 60%) however as the players are closer together so as less wayward passes and just because of the technical attributes of the players.

Starting from the back...

I have Bellerin at FB(a) who naturally moves forward and looks for the overlap with players ahead. Monreal will not push so aggressively as to maintain greater balance. Both Full backs set to sit wider.

Coquelin as CM(d) on the right side will cover the space left behind by the on pushing Bellerin, again providing a deeper passing option to retain possession and defensive stability. I found as a BWM he would aggressively close players down and therefore lose shape and leave the CB vulnerable. In CM(d) he tackles less but gets much more interceptions.

Cazorla at AP(s), thinking of changing this to DLP(s) which i think would probably me realistic to his current role. Not sure yet...

Three AMC's with Sanchez as SS on the left, Ozil as T in the middle and Ramsey as AM(s) on the right. Ramsey will often find Bellerin on the overlap and then make a late runs into the box, as support duty he also drops and pivots as the link between the CMs and the AMCs.

Sanchez as SS on the left has been a complete revelation. He's not yet fully trained into the role but nonetheless he is scoring for fun, constantly linking up and overlapping with Giroud. He still occupies the left side of the pitch more the base formation set up suggests. I think this again reflects real life, Sanchez is a lot more central than he was when playing at Barcelona where he would often hug touch line.

Giroud as TM(a) provides a unpredictability up front, he will either drift into channels and find space for himself, or he will drop deep to create an overlap for one of the three AMCs. The opposition defense can't mark all three of them so quite often one is unmarked and finds themselves one-on-one with the keeper.

Training set to Ball Control (High) - want to by players to take control of the ball and set quickly in tight areas.


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Looks like a pretty handy tactic, do you feel from watching the games that it seems to represent how we play in real life?

One concern (and I use the term lightly) with mine is that I'm not getting much out of Giroud, so Walcott has been very much first choice CF for me (and top scorer) but he's picked up an injury and so I'm looking for a bit of a plan B.

When you say Sanchez has been a revelation, just how much are we talking? As my RMD he won the Ballon D'Or (not that I'm one to brag ;))

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