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Everything posted by gunner86

  1. Even with that though, he should be able to register Conceicao for example.
  2. Nope, there will be qualifiers: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/c29djy14z33o It’s either a bug or something wrong with an editor file.
  3. Literally does, you have to clear the filters before changing what you want, otherwise it gives you weird stuff in the results.
  4. They’re instructions in 24. The things that are being removed are things like “calm down”, “berate” and “demand more”. Personally, I use the same sort of things as you, I use more specific instructions, which you’d really hope will remain as they’re a vital part of how a team plays.
  5. I’ve had it at both ends of the scale. At Schalke I had high badges and rep, also had it at Torquay in the 6th Tier with low badges/rep
  6. You definitely can. in my current save, I was managing Schalke, moved to Villarreal after they approached me for an interview, didn’t apply.
  7. It is an interesting question and I’m looking forward to seeing their approach. Will men’s and women’s teams have separate reputations? Or will it be a shared club reputation? Same goes for finances too I guess. They’ve had a lot of time to think all this through I suppose.
  8. You would think the economics would stop men’s team managers going to women’s teams, sure. But probably not the other way round, that’s where the manager’s reputation would likely be the hindering factor. You would hope that between these two factors we get balanced manager movements.
  9. The same way that Sean Dyche will never manage Man City IRL, but it can happen in game - and has. That being said, I wouldn’t be surprised if our old friend reputation doesn’t render female manager getting top men’s jobs unlikely anyway. I’m more worried about it going the other way and too many managers going from the men’s game and clogging up women’s football roles. Hopefully they get the balance right.
  10. My understanding is it’s the cumulative xG of shots that are saved averaged over the amount of games. The lower score seemingly better, which seems counter intuitive I do agree. I think what’s helping Costa out here is penalties, as he’s conceded 0 out of 5 faced.
  11. In text edit, go to format and select “make plain text”. Once you save, right click on the file and select rename, type “.lnc” at the end of your file name. This will trigger a dialogue box asking if you want to “keep .rtf” or “use .lnc” - so click the second one.
  12. You do realise that what was announced wasn’t everything right? That’s not the whole announcement for the game.
  13. I didn’t say no one uses shouts, I said they are taking out things they know have low usage, and separately shouts, because they know there are people that don’t use them, and those that do use (which includes myself on occasion) aren’t getting the experience SI want to give. As with every release, the UI and graphics work is done by a completely different team of people, so if you want improvements in areas away from that you need the resource to come from somewhere in the coding team. If in 3 months time, we’re all sat around wondering what the hell they’ve been doing because nothing else has made any progress, then yeah, they’ll be a queue in the complaints department, but bearing in mind they’ve been working on this release for a couple of years at this point, there’s nothing so far to indicate that’s the case from what we’ve seen.
  14. Because it takes resource to make improvements. If there is stuff in there that isn’t used, and stuff like shouts - which is easy enough to lift out without impacting a reasonable amount of people at all - which has never worked as it was meant to, that can be taken out, then this frees up resource that would be use on these parts of the game to be repurposed to other areas of the game, where there have been problems for a long time, but that a much higher percentage of players actually use. I’d much rather they made the stuff they’re keeping work properly, coherently and immersive, than use create a club - which is far better done in the editor anyway, or play a challenge. The only feature they’re removing I’ve used is shouts, and I don’t use those that often anyway, and a lot of it can be circumvented to a degree by changing instructions anyway. It really is far too early to be making any judgement on the game when all we’ve seen is a load of words, 2 screen mock ups, and a bunch of mocked up tiles and cards.
  15. They’ve said previously one of the reasons it wasn’t just dropped straight in was a requirement for a different ME. I think you’ll be fine in that regard.
  16. They said last year they were hoping to do it but the change of engine presented some challenges that needed to be overcome. They’ve not confirmed it’s in yet, BUT it wasn’t on the list of removed features so that’s a good sign.
  17. Yeah I get it. But like you say, this is your first look, leave out silly errors.
  18. See I’ve gone the other way to you. I always used to play single club careers, but found spending forever at one club got boring so moved to journeyman style saves. For me it’s added a bit to the game, coming in and actually having a bit of work to do to sort the squad out. I do agree though, while better, there’s still a lot of scope for improvement. I think on top of the fees thing, which is a fair point, there are ongoing issues with balancing the right number of players for any given save setup. I know it’s manageable to a degree, but that shouldn’t be on us as the player to ensure is balanced I don’t think.
  19. It’s not all about reputation anymore either, clubs will now look at playing styles and tendencies and how they match with their own club visions. Reputation is still a big part, but if your style is attacking, clubs that favour defensive styles will look elsewhere.
  20. I do wonder if, historically, they have worked differently from most because it’s a different sort of game to most - reliant on repeat custom from a loyal fan base (lack of competition too I guess). Someone mentioned GTA earlier, and the fact they already had a trailer out for a game due next year. The difference with that though, is the last GTA came out 12 years ago - FM was less than 9 months. That being said, if 25 is truly going to be that completely new game that is built in a whole new way - the “new generation” of FM - isn’t this exactly the time to try something new with release info? Theres still time for Q2, there’s no Euros for 2 days, maybe that’s there window. It’s possible, I’m not banking on it. Am I frustrated? Absolutely. Will I buy FM25? Yep, probably. Am I gonna log another 3 hours managing Villarreal on FM24 tonight? You betcha.
  21. Towards the end of a press conference like that is, they may want to ask more general club questions. Doesn’t seem completely out of the realms of possibility. Definitely could have been a between conferences “called with a question to ask you” things though to be fair.
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