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Everything posted by gunner86

  1. Yeah, you’re right. It could be taken that way I suppose. It’s odd that I’m so negative about the chances of a Q2 announcement, when when it comes to Beta I’m always “It’s gonna be early”
  2. “In the next few months” certainly doesn’t tally with Q2 2024
  3. It is time to retire the purple IMO, It’s had a good run.
  4. I think my lowest on since it became FM has been around 4.8. And even then he had to miss a pen, and get sent off to do it.
  5. You’re other option would be to ask the DoF to handle the contracts for just the ones you want
  6. If you go on to the transfer clauses section (I think it’s under the Finances section, may be under Scouting), it will show you any pre-determined transfer clauses. While you may not buy in installments, Palace may well have before you took over (i.e In Real Life). As XaW mentions, Agent fees etc also count
  7. If you’re playing in real world mode, contract renewals take place at the same time as they did in the real world.
  8. I believe crowds can be turned off in graphics settings, so check that. The first intra-squad friendly will also be played behind closed doors too.
  9. If you hover over the “Ine” icon it should give you a reason as to why they can’t play. Normally at the start of a save it’s because the players would be on international duty, but based on the players impacted I’m not sure that’s the case here.
  10. Hello French, I’m Gunner. Probably worth a shot having a look in here: https://community.sigames.com/forums/forum/21-fm-online-careers-and-game-modes/ Bon chance!
  11. Douglas Costa and Eden Hazard from around 2010 Kurt Zouma and Daniele Rugani from around 2013 Ethan Nwaneri in 2024 Paolo Vernazza at Arsenal in 00/01
  12. The only time I’ve had this is where the player had an active release clause that I had somehow managed to miss. Worth checking that as well.
  13. It’s also worth getting the best Sport Scientists you can attract/afford as they are the people tasked with working on injury prevention.
  14. Yeah. CM4 was the one that stands out for me as a shocker. CM3 was a bit of a jump but was generally positive. I would have been 13/14 at the time though and I’ve slept a lot since then.
  15. Because A) People forget promises they made a while back and B) I’ve been around enough launches where we’ve missed reveal windows Aim low, anything else is a bonus
  16. My money says it won’t be Q2, probably post Euro’s so second half of July
  17. To the best of my knowledge, I don’t think it makes any noticeable difference. You can send him on an intensive language course for a cost - which for Liverpool would be insignificant. Or he will learn the language over time naturally.
  18. It’s weird, cos it seems to me to be specifically related to positions, I can change any other filter with no issue
  19. For some reason, I have had a few similar issues with filters not working when you select or deselect a position from the pitch map. I've been able to resolve it by clearing the filters entirely and then reselecting them. Probably worth raising a bug with your screenshots and see what they say.
  20. What you’ll probably find is that individual match results matter less to manager support than overall competition results. So once the league finishes that’ll help. You can also boost it by getting people to list you in their favoured personnel by praising training and match performance at the right times
  21. For what it’s worth, I managed to replicate this today. For example, you want to sub off your right back, move your left back to right back, and the new player coming on slots in at left back. If you make the substitution, then before it’s taken place use the tactics screen to swap your left back with the player coming on, both players come off. If, however, you swap your left back with the player coming off, they just switch positions on the pitch.
  22. What you’re really paying for there is the reputation. In terms of what he brings, he will, like @warlock says, be a better coach, and his higher DDM will make him more effective at it. As a rule of thumb, unless I inherit someone with terrible attributes, I tend to review my staffing at the end of contracts, so as to save at paying them off, as you’re generally only going to see marginal gains anyway unless you’re smashing up through leagues. If Sampaio is approaching the end of his deal, and you can’t find someone as good or similar as Sacramento for less, then yeah, I’d take the plunge, otherwise keep your powder dry for a while.
  23. During a match, I made a double substitution. I then swapped one of the players I brought on with another player on the pitch. This then resulted in 3 players coming off, but only 2 players coming on, leaving me with only 10 men. It also counted it as 2 instances of substitutions, leaving me with only one more substitution break to use in the match.
  24. Team talks etc have always been less effective at the start of the game, or when you take over a new club. It just seems that it’s now more extended and pronounced. I’m in my second season now and like @Dagenham_Dave have no issue getting a reaction in team talks. Whether or not it’s by design only SI can answer but it’s not even really a new thing, so I feel it is deliberate.
  25. Just to add to this, because I think it’s bang on, the key barometer to use here is the manager support. The higher it is in the green, the stronger players will be positively impacted by your actions. This now seems to change slower than it has in previous FMs too.
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