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Everything posted by gunner86

  1. It’s not all about reputation anymore either, clubs will now look at playing styles and tendencies and how they match with their own club visions. Reputation is still a big part, but if your style is attacking, clubs that favour defensive styles will look elsewhere.
  2. I do wonder if, historically, they have worked differently from most because it’s a different sort of game to most - reliant on repeat custom from a loyal fan base (lack of competition too I guess). Someone mentioned GTA earlier, and the fact they already had a trailer out for a game due next year. The difference with that though, is the last GTA came out 12 years ago - FM was less than 9 months. That being said, if 25 is truly going to be that completely new game that is built in a whole new way - the “new generation” of FM - isn’t this exactly the time to try something new with release info? Theres still time for Q2, there’s no Euros for 2 days, maybe that’s there window. It’s possible, I’m not banking on it. Am I frustrated? Absolutely. Will I buy FM25? Yep, probably. Am I gonna log another 3 hours managing Villarreal on FM24 tonight? You betcha.
  3. Towards the end of a press conference like that is, they may want to ask more general club questions. Doesn’t seem completely out of the realms of possibility. Definitely could have been a between conferences “called with a question to ask you” things though to be fair.
  4. To be fair, I think they did say they were aiming to show a “first look” at the game, so I would expect some screenshots albeit not with a great level of detail, but just to give an idea of how it’s gonna look. Still not holding my breath about it being Q2. I’d expect mid-July at best.
  5. One of them was available to buy for a while. I wanna say the white one.
  6. You forgot “take to the pitch”, “a whole new era”, “rebuilt from the ground up” and “1,000 new lines of dialogue”.
  7. There’s always 1 or 2 that try to actively ruin it, but yeah, the mods were generally pretty on it hiding posts that crossed the line. I can imagine were a lot of work though.
  8. They complain, but they both secretly loved it last year.
  9. At no point have I set that it’s needed. I just advised what I would do and provided my opinion on why I find it works better. How roles function also depends on the other roles around it. The OP is looking for high tempo counter attacking football, so he’s not really looking to retain possession, so while two IF(s) works, it’s not how I would do it.
  10. My point was, in Support, they’re not really there to attract the ball, so without having one on Attack the primary focus of attacks will still be the ST. Speaking more generally, in my experience, you need a variety of duties in each strata to be more effective. I myself am playing a 4-3-3 similar to the OP, with an IF(a) on the left and either a IW or W(s) (dependant on footedness) on the right. Without having someone in the CAM role, I find that far more effective than having both sides on support.
  11. The only limitation is you won’t be able to play on both machines at the same time.
  12. On Support, their function is primarily to create, they’ll also play a little deeper. At the moment your only player looking to score is your CF, if he’s marked out of the game you’re not giving yourself other options.
  13. Yeah. From what your tactic describes your centre backs are leaving space in behind, and neither your DM or FBs are really designed to cover, and while you can potentially mitigate that by just plain outscoring the opposition, your not set up to attack either enough, or with enough variety to do that consistently.
  14. Probably better off asking in the tactics forum to be honest, but a couple of quick thoughts: Theres not a lot of variety in your roles and duties. Only your 2 CMs have different roles. For your defenders, you have 2 BPDs, which essentially leaves you with 2 “goers”, you may be better off with one CD and one BPD, so you have a stayer and a goer. You also have a lot of Support duties, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I would be looking at switching it up and have one player set to Attack on each side (I.e. one FB(a) behind an IF(s) and on the other wing a FB(s) with and IF(a)). Again, it’s possibly worth looking at adding a little more role variety here and utilising with a WB or IWB role on one side, and an IW instead of an IF on one side. You need to consider here how you want to prioritise your attacking routes, well as where you need defensive cover, and what the strengths of the players in your team lend themselves too. Finally, pay attention to individual instructions, as well as traits, if you have a CB pushing out, is the FB there to tuck in and cover. For a long time I didn’t use IIs as I felt they were too granular and didn’t really impact anything, but they can make a big difference.
  15. It’s not to say it doesn’t happen, it’s just something you tend to notice more when it happens to you. Like how players seem to always score there first goal of the season/for a new club against you. I have had teams be out of form and batter me, but I’ve also had a lot of teams out of form be a walk in the park for me.
  16. My experience of this was it needed to be a Newgen, when I debuted club trained players in season 1, I got nothing. Once a player from my first youth intake played his first game, it popped up.
  17. They haven’t confirmed. They stated last year they were hoping to be able to but nothing has been confirmed since.
  18. I’ve not seen it with a transfer, but have had it a few times where I’ve tried to secure a deadline day loan to cover an injury or unexpected sale. Seems like the urgency is missing for a deadline day loan.
  19. Yeah. That feels like where we’re having different experiences then. Feels like being able to select which recommend players get youth contracts would be a suitable fix then.
  20. But are you selecting individuals for the DoF to negotiate with, or using the “Sign recommended players” option that you get when you get the intake news article?
  21. Yeah. They “provisionally agree” to sign a contract on their 17th birthday. But in my experience the DoF manages to just get them on a youth contract with no future pro terms.
  22. Why? Loads of teams have had official licenses for years, hasn’t made them any more OPd than the rest.
  23. Because when you ask the DoF to sign all recommended players, they just get signed to youth contracts. Only when you intervene do they want pro terms.
  24. Schalke have fallen down to the 2 Bundesliga in Germany and have a pretty decent youth set up. They are riddled with debt so I’m currently trying to return them towards the top of the German system on a shoestring budget built around my youth players.
  25. It’s just the standard edition of the game. I have been on Mac for the last few years now, play the same way as most
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