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Confused about closing down on FM16

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Just a quick question here, but I'm a little bit confused by what seems to be conflicting team & player instructions regarding closing down on FM16.

What I mean is the following:


Here you can see that on the team instructions page I've instructed my team to close down much more often.


However when I look at the individual instructions for certain positions, shown here on one of my fullbacks, the highest the closing down will go is sometimes.

Does this mean that there are certain roles that simply will not follow my team instruction?

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As you are playing a complete wb A/S he will be naturally much higher up the pitch in a defensive phase. Pi instructions are just a modification on top of your Ti.

Cwb are naturally more attacking and creative and less inclined to close down hard. If you view the other player roles at fb you may find the other roles more suitable to closing down more but this will pull you players out of you defensive shape much more.

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As you are playing a complete wb A/S he will be naturally much higher up the pitch in a defensive phase. Pi instructions are just a modification on top of your Ti.

Cwb are naturally more attacking and creative and less inclined to close down hard. If you view the other player roles at fb you may find the other roles more suitable to closing down more but this will pull you players out of you defensive shape much more.

Why does attacking mean less closing down? Dani Alves could be seen as the archetype complete wingback and was one of the hardest working and pressing players.

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FM 2016 tactics and match engine really sucks..Beta version was much more better than final version.

You realise for 6 days it's was the exact same for both right? And if it sucks stop moaning about it here and report the bugs or errors that you find make it really bad in the bugs forum.

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Because its a computer game and to stop exploits player roles now have defaults that cant be undone - its tops people using and attacking/defensive default position with conflicting instructions that allow the development of 'glitch' tactics.

Its a compromise that in my mind makes the game fun and less open to exploit tactics.

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I thought I would put my question on this thread as it is along the same lines, in beta I closed down more and had good success... but struggling now to decide which is better, so any advice at the moment I am closing down sometimes whether I am playing my control or counter tactic... but its not consistent, if you where me how would you instruct the team to close down on control and counter?


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He will still close down often like the team. However as a very creative player with roam from position active in the role he will not be as structure in a defensive manner.

A bit like you can't force a tq to be defensive and structured....otherwise we would have a player role that would be "complete player' and we would select 11 "complete players". There are pros and cons for each player role within your system.

Maybe select wb and add in the Pi instructions to make him closer to what you expect?

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With a counter strategy would would likely close less in defence....as you are looking for structure and not be opened up by chasing the opponents all over the pitch. This leads to you waiting for the opponent to make a mistake and then counter...

Control is different and you would like close down much more with you attacking players making it harder for the opponent to launch effective long balls over the top and make them easily intercepted.

However you would have to consider where your defensive line is placed with both systems. Closing down too much over too much space is often ineffective as players are not close to the ball before the press.

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Another query, can you play a deeper defensive line and use the control preset? I know the whole point of Control is that you pressure the opposition, but I am getting caught on the counter with through balls, I thought it was linked to closing down but if I can drop a little deeper it should fix the problem, but wasnt sure if that would affect other parts of the tactic!!!

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I would recommend doing that. Always look at the speed of their attack, or if they are a strong technical team you may not be able to pressure them effectively. Weaker teams often chase shadows and a high press isn't always effective.

If I am the favorite and feel I'm not pressing effectively I sometimes push higher up if they are passing around their back 4....this however can be very dangerous and play right it their game plan.

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You realise for 6 days it's was the exact same for both right? And if it sucks stop moaning about it here and report the bugs or errors that you find make it really bad in the bugs forum.

I think he means the version before the release candidate, it should be pretty obvious as there are clear changes in the match engine since the release candidate .

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I have the same issue as OP. I'm playing a 41221. I wanted one of CM strata positions to be an AP, but he closes down less at most which I find bizzare. Andres Iniesta is my inspiration for this role and he closes down a lot and I'd consider him the greatest AP IRL of the last decade. So to say this is an exploit as I've read previously is outrageously inaccurate when we have a real life incarnate of what I'm trying to achieve.

We need a "custom role" in each position so that we as the players can decide how our players play. This seems to me to be possible with the CM role, but no others.

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I have the same issue as OP. I'm playing a 41221. I wanted one of CM strata positions to be an AP, but he closes down less at most which I find bizzare. Andres Iniesta is my inspiration for this role and he closes down a lot and I'd consider him the greatest AP IRL of the last decade. So to say this is an exploit as I've read previously is outrageously inaccurate when we have a real life incarnate of what I'm trying to achieve.

We need a "custom role" in each position so that we as the players can decide how our players play. This seems to me to be possible with the CM role, but no others.

The CM role is the most customisable. just do whatever you want with it.

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Just a quick question here, but I'm a little bit confused by what seems to be conflicting team & player instructions regarding closing down on FM16.

What I mean is the following:


Here you can see that on the team instructions page I've instructed my team to close down much more often.


However when I look at the individual instructions for certain positions, shown here on one of my fullbacks, the highest the closing down will go is sometimes.

Does this mean that there are certain roles that simply will not follow my team instruction?

I would suggest not to look at the words, but look at the bar. The closing down level of your CWB may say sometimes, but the bar is at c. 90% of max, which I suspect is the combined affect of the role itself, the duty, the overall mentality and the TI. All in all it indicates to me that you'll see plenty of closing down from your CWB.

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Quickie on the opening post.

TI = close down much more

On the PI - it seems to default to "sometimes" which as already explained is because this guy is a WB.

so my question is because it allows you to select the PI as "sometimes" does it have to be selected?

.... Or if left as default (due to the TI) will it simply be set as "sometimes" automatically?

I always have the TI - shorter passing but am then a bit surprised that it allows me to select the same thing as part of most of my players PIs ..... If set as TI do I also need to set as PI as well if the instruction is the same?

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Quickie on the opening post.

TI = close down much more

On the PI - it seems to default to "sometimes" which as already explained is because this guy is a WB.

so my question is because it allows you to select the PI as "sometimes" does it have to be selected?

.... Or if left as default (due to the TI) will it simply be set as "sometimes" automatically?

I always have the TI - shorter passing but am then a bit surprised that it allows me to select the same thing as part of most of my players PIs ..... If set as TI do I also need to set as PI as well if the instruction is the same?

Quick answer... No

PI screen shows affect of TI's & Mentality (and possibly Shape, but am sure a mod will confirm). Further PI's will adapt these and hence are not needed to "confirm" the instruction.

I really like the new PI screen as it really shows the affect of the various instructions.

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Quick answer... No

PI screen shows affect of TI's & Mentality (and possibly Shape, but am sure a mod will confirm). Further PI's will adapt these and hence are not needed to "confirm" the instruction.

I really like the new PI screen as it really shows the affect of the various instructions.

Cheers mate!

Learnt never to assume anything within this game :)

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