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Which three Leagues?

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So since the non selection of certain leagues affects the players available, for example if you don't select Argentina then Lucas Romero is not in the game, which three leagues do people think are the best to go with?

I would say England, Spain and Argentina.

Who do other people go with and why?

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I tend to pick England, Italy, Spain for a European save or Brazil, Argentina, Colombia for a South American save.

I usually do this because I like for my league selections to have a relationship with each other when it comes to transfers and continental competition - clubs buying from each other across the leagues and a challenge in the Libertadores/Champions League :)

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Romero's ability was dropped this year, presumably along with his reputation as well - which would make him less 'important' when the game decides which players to extract. Don't forget he's yet to make a name for himself in real football - still at Velez and hasn't represented Argentina at senior level (and hasn't even been that involved with the Argentina youth setup as far as I can see)

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ok, good point.

So i presume that, depeding on the nations you choose, the global number of players available can vary.

For example, if i choose Portugal, Italy and France, i'll have a larger database in comparation if i choose England, Spain and Germany.

I presume this, because, if players with large reputation are always loaded, and the majority are in England, Spain and Germay, if i choose others nations i'll have more players (the players from the nations i choose, and all the big reputation players that are in England, Spain and Germany).

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I'm not sure that your example is correct, but yes the game is weighted towards high reputation/ability players around the world and players in your active nations - this does mean that the player count will vary a little depending on what you choose.

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Standard one for me is England, Italy and Spain. This is my usual European save and one of my targets is to be a successful coach in England who is then approached by one of the top clubs in Italy or Spain.

I like the idea of Lucas’s South American save. I will have to try that out myself.

I’m also thinking of starting an eastern European save or east Asia save. Managing in China, Japan and Korea seems like fun.

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