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How many key players do you have?

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I have the following key players in the 8th season in FM 14.


You saw it. 12 key players. Insane but they are really players who have won 4 titles in a row with 3 FA cups in a row and back to back Champion's League titles.

Timo Werner is the highest earner with the wage 175,000 pounds per week and he deserves a special mention. He had arrived as a youth 18 years old in the 14/15 season. That was when I was in danger of getting sacked when I missed champion's league qualification. Luis Suarez the actual proper striker I could not let go was sulking to leave for a club. The morale was abysmal. This guy arrived from Stuttgart for 18m and he took the team by the scruff of the neck and got us back. His scoring was good and he was way better that Suarez himself was relegated to the bench. This guy was that special.

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The question has to be why.

You really shouldn't have more than around 3/4 in a squad. Any more than that and you'll cause problems with regards to wages, squad rotation, player happiness etc.

Can you change a players squad status to like backup if you have too many key players? It seems to me that even when I change a former key player to backup he still nags me all season for playing time.

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Can you change a players squad status to like backup if you have too many key players? It seems to me that even when I change a former key player to backup he still nags me all season for playing time.

Of course they will, they're used to playing all the time, they're going to want to continue doing so.

This is why you really do need to phase them out over time. So switch them to first team, then half a season later to rotation, then half a season or a season after that drop them to backup.

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Can you change a players squad status to like backup if you have too many key players? It seems to me that even when I change a former key player to backup he still nags me all season for playing time.

I wouldn't make such a big change to a squad status in one go as you might upset the player.

Trying to fake a squad status also won't work as the player will recognise he is far better than that lower status and still complain as you've found out.

The best policy is by far to be honest with the players when it comes to contracts and try to keep them on the lower status as much as possible. In a squad of 25 I would aim for something like 3 key, 8 first team, 7 rotation & 7 backup/hot prospect/youngster.

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The question has to be why.

You really shouldn't have more than around 3/4 in a squad. Any more than that and you'll cause problems with regards to wages, squad rotation, player happiness etc.

How do you manage 3-4 Key players if I may ask? I constantly got players asking for key player status when signing new contracts and they generally really don't like stepping down. So usually I'm kinda stuck between giving them a key player status contract but at least the ability to negotiate their absurd wage demands down a bit or having the player refuse/demand even crazier stuff if I turn his squad status down.

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How do you manage 3-4 Key players if I may ask? I constantly got players asking for key player status when signing new contracts and they generally really don't like stepping down. So usually I'm kinda stuck between giving them a key player status contract but at least the ability to negotiate their absurd wage demands down a bit or having the player refuse/demand even crazier stuff if I turn his squad status down.

I always try to knock key player status down to first team when negotiating a contract and it seems to be accepted a fair bit of the time (Maybe 50%-66%).

If I'm forced to go with key status I'll knock it back to first team after about six months unless they truely are a key player.

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There's no stopping the whole "asking for more playing time" feature. Even if they sign a contract to be a backup and you give them regular cup matches, they'll still show up after a few weeks and say "I know you see me as just a backup, but..."

It's the lone reason I use the IGE: I pretend to have the conversation and the just "Remove All Unhappiness". Sure, you have to do it a few times a month, but it's better than losing the dressing room. It's one of the oddest "features" in the game.

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There's no stopping the whole "asking for more playing time" feature. Even if they sign a contract to be a backup and you give them regular cup matches, they'll still show up after a few weeks and say "I know you see me as just a backup, but..."

It's the lone reason I use the IGE: I pretend to have the conversation and the just "Remove All Unhappiness". Sure, you have to do it a few times a month, but it's better than losing the dressing room. It's one of the oddest "features" in the game.

So basically you cheat because you can't be arsed to be proactive and manage a squad properly?

There really is no excuse for it, the feature works as intended and its realistic to RL. As one of the SI staff also pointed out in a previous thread it is the only in game way for players to force a move away from a human managed club. Without it human users would be able to hoard players indefinitely while there would also be far less transfer activity between clubs. Neither of these would be a positive improvement in the game.

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What's wonderful about a single player game is that you can play it your way and I can play it mine and neither of us is affected by the other's actions.

And what's great about FM specifically is that through both the database and in-game editors, a player is given tools to adjust many aspects of the games "playability" to suit their own individual expectations.

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So basically you cheat because you can't be arsed to be proactive and manage a squad properly?

There really is no excuse for it, the feature works as intended and its realistic to RL. As one of the SI staff also pointed out in a previous thread it is the only in game way for players to force a move away from a human managed club. Without it human users would be able to hoard players indefinitely while there would also be far less transfer activity between clubs. Neither of these would be a positive improvement in the game.

I enjoy the feature, although i dont like the knock on effect it has on team mates. For example, I had a back up striker complaining about lack of game time. Starting striker was banging them and i only played 1 up top, so back up striker was getting sub appearances + cup and continental game time. Wants more playing time? thats fine. I try to give it to him but fail, he complains. I then have like 6 players in the squad unhappy with his treatment.. including the inform striker whos position he would take! Both lose morale, both stop scoring. Great.

Players aren't playing? thats fine. Let them be unhappy. But it shouldn't continually affect other members of the squad. There are drawbacks with the feature, and the responses are limited, so i can see why some people just get sick of it and use the IGE.

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The more key players you have the more trouble you will run into pleasing all of them with match play. If you are desperate to tempt some players coming over with a key player status I suggest you don't exceed 6-7 players maximum.

In any case at the beginning of each season I look at my players team status and change it accordingly. I would lower some of key players to first team and some first team to rotation. Most of the time they are ok with it.

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Like star ratings, player status is relative in the sense that it is vulnerable to inflation. If your entire starting XI are key players, the term loses all meaning. And more importantly, you end up artificially inflating the players' egos, leading to man management trouble...

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The question has to be why.

You really shouldn't have more than around 3/4 in a squad. Any more than that and you'll cause problems with regards to wages, squad rotation, player happiness etc.

They deserve their squad status.

All are consistent performers and without them the team has a drop in quality. 80% of matches they have 7.0 and above ratings. They are the reason why we have 2 back to back champion's league victories.

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I've only got one. :D

Have a relatively small squad (Karlsruhe, 2021/22) of 24 (excluding players out on loan).

One Key, eight First Team, six Rotation, four Backup, four Hot Prospect and one Not Needed.

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I generally have a core of 4 or 5 key players, but like to have a flexible squad.

To me key players are the players you build your team around - someone who if I don't play would compromise the quality of the overall team, anyone else is 1st team down to hot prospect

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Two.. and I thought hard about giving him that, but he was my captain and I wanted him with me for at least another 4 seasons.

The other one was key when I took over, is the highest earner, and is my best performer..

I'd never have more than a couple of key players, it upsets the whole balance of the squad.

If I have to downgrade a players role, I always give them a season or so to adjust... I know how i'd feel if I was told ' I know we've told you for the last 3 seasons you are key to this team and we couldn't do without you, but now you're just backup for the team, don't expect more than a handful of games now.. mmkay bye bye'.

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They deserve their squad status.

All are consistent performers and without them the team has a drop in quality. 80% of matches they have 7.0 and above ratings. They are the reason why we have 2 back to back champion's league victories.

A key player is going to expect to start 90% of matches, start, not appear in. You have 12 when you can only field 11. You've made a rod for your own back here.

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A key player is going to expect to start 90% of matches, start, not appear in. You have 12 when you can only field 11. You've made a rod for your own back here.

1st teamers expect to play in nearly all the games as well, whilst rotation 50% I believe. OP never said if he had any of them, which I expect he has, & will make it even more difficult to keep them happy.

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Currently two, but usually not more than 3-4. It's recommended that if you need to downgrade player status then do it in May-June, just after season has ended. So he can spend a month or so sulking, but it's off-season and he'll get over it before new season starts.

Edit: and keep in mind, that (IIRC) backup players can't be tutors, so keep your good tutors at least in rotation status.

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They deserve their squad status.

All are consistent performers and without them the team has a drop in quality. 80% of matches they have 7.0 and above ratings. They are the reason why we have 2 back to back champion's league victories.

I am just going to repeat myself verbatim from the post directly above:

Like star ratings, player status is relative in the sense that it is vulnerable to inflation. If your entire starting XI are key players, the term loses all meaning. And more importantly, you end up artificially inflating the players' egos, leading to man management trouble...

To put it another way: You can't have a team consisting entirely of key players. It is just not semantically possible. Just because you give them the status, that doesn't mean they are key to your team...

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Key players are players who, being key, will expect to play pretty much every game. That's all it really is. "You're important to my team, so we need you every game". So it is technically possible to have 11 key players, you may pick up issues with the players outside the 11 who won't be getting many (or any) games.

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Key players are players who, being key, will expect to play pretty much every game. That's all it really is. "You're important to my team, so we need you every game". So it is technically possible to have 11 key players, you may pick up issues with the players outside the 11 who won't be getting many (or any) games.

I have 12 in my FM15 save and 11 of them play when fit with the other always coming on, of course the 12th player is rotated around the squad.

I simply had to give all 12 'key player' status for them to join, I have a tycoon in the Conference League and the players I signed are all listed from 'good League 1 player' to 'good Championship player'.

Like you said, as long as they are playing just about every game then you can have an entire team of 11 key players and keep them happy.

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What is this about playing every game?

In a top end team, you regularly play 2 matches pr. week and my current schedule leaves two days between matches, there is no way I can play the key players every league match, even with both days being rest days, several of the key players can't rest up to get out of "tired" status before the next match.

I don't see this 90% matches requirement for key players and I'm not sure key players have the same playing time strict requirements as backup/rotation/first team players, might even be a bug that your better of making everyone key player.

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I have 3 apparently. My two full backs, and a central midfielder. All 3 do start every game. I only have 2 at first team status at the moment as well.

Maybe this is why I very rarely get playing time complaints compared to those with way more key/first team players?

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What is this about playing every game?

In a top end team, you regularly play 2 matches pr. week and my current schedule leaves two days between matches, there is no way I can play the key players every league match, even with both days being rest days, several of the key players can't rest up to get out of "tired" status before the next match.

I don't see this 90% matches requirement for key players and I'm not sure key players have the same playing time strict requirements as backup/rotation/first team players, might even be a bug that your better of making everyone key player.

As always the baseline for playing expectations are adjusted by the player's personality and other factors but in general a key player doesn't expect to start every game. One of the SI staff did post the approx expectations for each squad status in a thread a while ago and it was lower than I thought it would be which indicates those users who get a lot of complaints are managing their squad rotation even worse than was previously thought.

Off the top of my head I think key players were around 75% of starts and I suspect this means league games not including cups which don't seem to matter.

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What is this about playing every game?

In a top end team, you regularly play 2 matches pr. week and my current schedule leaves two days between matches, there is no way I can play the key players every league match, even with both days being rest days, several of the key players can't rest up to get out of "tired" status before the next match.

I don't see this 90% matches requirement for key players and I'm not sure key players have the same playing time strict requirements as backup/rotation/first team players, might even be a bug that your better of making everyone key player.

I don't know why you are having problems with tired players, also I am not sure why you only have 2 days in between matches.

I am in the lower leagues and with good squad management my players are rarely 'tired'.

If a player has played say 2 games in a week, maybe the Saturday and then again on the Wednesday, if he is around the 89% or so which I do see then he starts on the bench, if there are 4 or 5 at the or around the 89% then some will start on the bench and others will be in the starting 11. I will already have plans to replace 1 or 2 of the players at halftime or soon after so they are not playing the entire game, I rotate the players and who is on the bench and who starts.

Also some cup games, some against easier teams or indeed in competitions that are not that important I bring in the fringe players or even play a couple of the youngsters.

The truth is though once you get into the season it starts to settle down a bit more, certainly to the point you are not playing 2 games 'every' week.

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What is this about playing every game?

In a top end team, you regularly play 2 matches pr. week and my current schedule leaves two days between matches, there is no way I can play the key players every league match, even with both days being rest days, several of the key players can't rest up to get out of "tired" status before the next match.

I don't see this 90% matches requirement for key players and I'm not sure key players have the same playing time strict requirements as backup/rotation/first team players, might even be a bug that your better of making everyone key player.

Key players expect to start most games. You've told them they're a key player, so why not? It'll depend on the personality of the player, but you're looking at anywhere between 70% (I've seen figures as low as 60%) and 100% of game starts to keep a player happy. I wouldn't think of it in strict percentage cases, but just start a player for most games you can? Players tend to look at the last 10-15 games too, so if you have a tough schedule (December, for instance) you should be fine.

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Unless you are using an editor, that should cause a lot of problems.

What kind of problems? I don't seem to have any.

Key players expect to start most games. You've told them they're a key player, so why not? It'll depend on the personality of the player, but you're looking at anywhere between 70% (I've seen figures as low as 60%) and 100% of game starts to keep a player happy. I wouldn't think of it in strict percentage cases, but just start a player for most games you can? Players tend to look at the last 10-15 games too, so if you have a tough schedule (December, for instance) you should be fine.

I'm still on FM14, so it must've been a lot less than 70%. My 17 key players are in constant rotation (along with a number of other players), so not a single player in my squad will play anywhere near all the games. My first-choice keeper will probably play 80%, top DC will play maybe 70% but everyone else will be 45-50% at best. None of my players get unhappy with this. They only get unhappy if they are left out completely for a run of games.

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I'm still on FM14, so it must've been a lot less than 70%. My 17 key players are in constant rotation (along with a number of other players), so not a single player in my squad will play anywhere near all the games. My first-choice keeper will probably play 80%, top DC will play maybe 70% but everyone else will be 45-50% at best. None of my players get unhappy with this. They only get unhappy if they are left out completely for a run of games.

On FM14 and before that, players basically never became unhappy due to lack of playing time. FM15 started to rectify this.

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There's no stopping the whole "asking for more playing time" feature. Even if they sign a contract to be a backup and you give them regular cup matches, they'll still show up after a few weeks and say "I know you see me as just a backup, but..."

It's the lone reason I use the IGE: I pretend to have the conversation and the just "Remove All Unhappiness". Sure, you have to do it a few times a month, but it's better than losing the dressing room. It's one of the oddest "features" in the game.

Despite the many detractors against your post, I tend to agree. Though this season I am not using any editor of any sort... this may change. I am not liking the game as much and it is because the amount of whining in it. I said it before, i will say it again, FM is more of a babysitting simulator than a football management game.

As for the original question at hand; I have two Key Players and I try really hard never to have any but when you get those top world players sometimes I make an exception.

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Which, again, is why it's great that SI give us tool to fix this if we don't like it. While, ultimately, I think it would be better if it was a Preference option rather than something to have to use the IGE to fix, at least it's manageable (no pun intended).

And I can understand that at big clubs a lot of players whine about playing time; I get it. But the two things that just push it beyond the realm of reality for me is that the issue persists down to the lowest leagues (and their extremely low rep players and teams) and the fact that it doesn't count non-league games (even Champions League) into the equation. Someone else might say it's realistic, but I simply can't come to terms with someone signing a contract to be a "Rotation" player coming back 6 months later saying he's unhappy because playing in every UCL match, every domestic Cup match and every midweek league match just isn't enough playing time for a "Rotation" player.

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