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Samsung Galaxy S2

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Sorry to go to the lengths of creating a thread, but thinking about purchasing one of these solely to play FMT. Few questions

I know it is compatible, but how does it run?? Reason I ask is because my mrs used to have the Samsung Galaxy Tab S, which I have read was the previous instance of this generation and whilst it ran OK, i found it a little laggy?? Granted, from looking at specs, 16GB was probably being well pushed especially with all her usual rubbish that women tend to store.

Secondly, this is costing alot at £320. So I imagine i can buy plenty of tablets to run this at around this figure, if less is possible then even better. Any recommendations? I would like to stay Samsung, purely because my S6 but i remain open minded

Lastly, is it also likely to support future FMT releases???

Going currys after work so responses in the next few hours would be very welcome!

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