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Squad rules always being no more than


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I have been trying to create overall squad, and match squad rules which would require 4+ players of a certain nationality to be on the squad, and then require, 1+ of those players to be in the match day squad.

Using the advanced editor, I have tried all criteria, such as, More Than, Equal, and Less Than, but all of them read the information as no more than. How would I go about making the editor read it as the match squad must have at least 4+, 1+, etc.?


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this is for the EPL to make max squad size max99/min40 (to counter a bug if you set up future transfers eg I have set up lots to reflect this window  to start game in 2016 and the bug is clubs randomly dont select these transferred players, this seems to counter that having a massive minimum squad)

be careful you are using right set of rules ie overall squad/match squad/starting eleven


its easy to do



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I tried doing what you said, instead adding a Minimum Squad Size of 18, and also a Maximum Squad Size of 99. Seems the problem I am having still appears. Perhaps I understood wrong on what to change, but here's clarification on the problem:

Set under, "Squad Selection Rules" under nation match rules, I have:

  • Chinese Players in Match Squad, requiring 18, set to the criteria of "More Than", with it set to teams in a certain division.
  • Chinese Players in Match Squad, requiring 4, set to criteria of "More Than", with it set to teams from another division.
  • U23 Players in Match Squad, requiring 6, set to criteria of "More Than"
  • Max Squad Size, 99, set to criteria of "Less Than"
  • Min Squad Size, 18, set to criteria of "More Than"

The game reads the U23 Players rule correctly, requiring 6+, and the squad sizes, requiring at least 18 players, but no more than 99 players. The problem I run into is with Chinese Players in Match Squad. Even though the criteria is set to "More Than", it is still, "...must have no more than..." under match rules in-game.

From these rules set in the editor, should not it be read in-game as the teams from a certain division having to have at least 18 Chinese players, and another division, 4 Chinese players?

The numbers here are different from the original numbers in the first post, which were for another file that is to work together with the file containing these numbers in this post.


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I can't see an obvious error so my gut feeling is that either the Chinese players rule doesn't work or that setting divisions don't work. AFAIR I have personally used the Chinese players rule albeit with "Less than". Have you tried using just one Chinese players rule without divisions? If that works it would help reduce the number of possible errors. If it doesn't work then you could try "Less than" to see if that works. Then it's "More than" that doesn't work in with the Chinese players rule. 


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Thanks for the idea Fredrik, I probably will try that later.

As for how I saved the changes, robbo, I don't remember saving the file any differently than normal, just saving the file and/or verifying the file every now and then. "Edited Rules" is what I used, if that's what you're wondering.

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I tried what you said Fredrik in not having divisions set, and it seems it did not fix the problem, but to add on to what you responded to robbo with, the file I am trying to create also has teams outside of China having to play Chinese players, so that, perhaps, may be a part of the problem here as well.

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I did a simple test by myself and created a very simple Taiwan league with only one rule(More than 1 Chinese player in match squad). On the rule page it says "no more than" but what happens on the first day of the league is that my assistant leaves one squad spot open because of a rule. Clearly this is because I have no Chinese players on my team. 

Changing nationality of one player to China PR fills the open squad spot so that's it. 

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