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Make Editor available to purchase at Steam for FMT - PLEASE!

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Could SI please make the Editor available to buy on Steam for FMT..!???

It´s really frustrating, that one can´t go in and look up the players, see who has ´0´s (zeros) in their attributes, who has what in potentiel ability (-8, -9 etc.) - This can´t be done with FM Genie Scout.

IMO, the Edior should be standard supplement for FMT - But since it isn´t, at least you could make it available to buy as an addition on Steam.

(Tearing the hear on my head, that I don´t even have, out of its roots because I really feel this is unfair to all of us playing FMT...):(


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There's never been an editor for FMT. But we'll take the suggestion into consideration. Please use the wishlist thread in future :)


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