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How would you improve this tactic?

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Only 3 team instructions. Goalie has the typical roll it out pass to center backs less risky passes and shorter passes. The midfielders have shoot less often. What glaring weaknesses do you see with this tactic? There must be something seriously wrong because im leaking goals and not scoring many. All the roles seem to be correct. Got an inside forward then a complete wingback to take his space while the inside forward moves inside. Then i slid over my striker to the right because my winger will be attacking wide. Then got a shadow striker to push forward with striker coming back. for midfield i have a deep lying playmaker and central midfielder on defend. To holding midfielders to protect the middle but with no luck.


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not sure I would have puncheon as the only threat to opposition penalty area... when townsend crosses ... Benteke will be deep, probably edge of the box... remy will be the same unless he has PPM 'get into opposition area'

how does it play out in matches... do you see opposition defence easily clearing townsend crosses... does remy take lots of long shots ... do you create many chances with the lack of central support?

in your current tactic id prefer benteke as my SS ... but to be honest I think you need a support role in CM ... and a better combination of attacking 4 ... especially when you have benteke/puncheon neither of whom fit their current role.

I see Palace as ideal for IFs on attack (townsend and zaha both like to cut inside) with benteke as a TM support or DLF s to bring them into the game.... then using cabaye as playmaker you can either have a CM on attack or a box to box ... and a DM ... or use an AMC attack with a cm (D/S) behind.

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I think it's better ... Palace look a hard team to manage because your best players Benteke/Remy, Townsend, Zaha don't really form an FM friendly unit... i.e. Benteke is best as a TM but TM isn't easy on FM ... and if going to use it it tends to work with a deeper line so maybe 442 ... but then as I said before Zaha and Townsend are ideal IFs ... and IFs operate better with a DLF/CF (s)/F9 all of which dont suit Benteke greatly

And Benteke, Townsend, Remy are all new signings so its not like you can just sell one of them to make better use of the other.

I've always liked Lee Chung so I'd be tempted to play him rw and townsend lw in a 442 with zaha either dropping to the bench or fitting into an unfamiliar DLF/F9 role ...   Benteke as TM (a) or CF (A).

I don't envy your task especially as I suspect the board will want you to finish at least midtable

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My team report shows that crystal palace has poor work rate poor first touch poor passing poor aggression and their strength is jumping reach and strength. So knowing this what kind of tactical suggestions would you guys make? What kind of football should we try to play? Is there a site that gives tactical tips based off of team strengths and weaknesses?

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