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Struggling to create meaningful chances

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Hi all,

So I'm in my second season with AC Milan, and I'm struggling to create a tactic that is both consistent and creates a number of good chances. For example, in my last game I drew 1-1 at home to mid-table Sampdoria. These were the match stats:


Apparently, I didn't even create a half chance let alone a clear one. Most of my chances were poor chances from outside the box, even when I instructed to work the ball in to the box.


This is how I am setting up (with my strongest line up) :


Does anyone have any feedback for me? I know I've not given loads of detail, so if anyone has any quesitons please do ask

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My first impression is that  your IFs will be attacking the same space as your MCa and BBM.  Have you noticed on highlights that you have loads of bodies lining the edge of the box?  Your DLP will sit really deep near the half way line and is a good outlet, but aside from your F9 there's no one else that's going to work the gap between their defence and midfield.  I'd try changing the CMa to an APa, he'll be in a much better position to hit final balls, There's 2 IFs, a BBM to make runs for him which is plenty, and even the F9 would try to get on the end of some.

I know some would suggest setting look for overlap but TBH the team shape their will encourage it anyway and I prefer not to focus a team down one path.  The WBs provide a nice wide alternative anyway.  This way they get used or pulled into play when it's appropriate.  The AP and DLP will look to use them if they're available and struggling to find options in the middle.

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15 minutes ago, borivoje213 said:

My first impression is that  your IFs will be attacking the same space as your MCa and BBM.  Have you noticed on highlights that you have loads of bodies lining the edge of the box?  Your DLP will sit really deep near the half way line and is a good outlet, but aside from your F9 there's no one else that's going to work the gap between their defence and midfield.  I'd try changing the CMa to an APa, he'll be in a much better position to hit final balls, There's 2 IFs, a BBM to make runs for him which is plenty, and even the F9 would try to get on the end of some.

I know some would suggest setting look for overlap but TBH the team shape their will encourage it anyway and I prefer not to focus a team down one path.  The WBs provide a nice wide alternative anyway.  This way they get used or pulled into play when it's appropriate.  The AP and DLP will look to use them if they're available and struggling to find options in the middle.

Thank you for this! Yeah, that definitely seems to  be the case. I don't know why but I've always been against using two playmakers so close together but really thinking about it that's stupid of me especially in this situation

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Seems to be the same sort of struggle so far but will update!


Has anyone had much success with 3 strikers this year? That is what I am essentially doing here but it's not working out. My team isn't really set up for two up top, but I almost feel I am lacking a physical presence

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I was just looking at your instructions, I should've taken notice before tbh. because of that creativity in the centre with the AP and F9 they're going to need a little space, and your IFs/BBM will need more space to make their runs into, so I would set the formation wider.  I would also set the tempo to normal, and passing to mixed.  If you play too slow against a defending team it'll just sit there and see everything coming which is probably why the number of chances is pretty good but not necessarily quality chances.

Everyone seems to be using work ball into box on this version and I was using it a lot too, but in a lot of cases its not really addressing the problem.  Its not that players are given too much freedom to shoot, it's that all too often they find themselves passing around aimlessly and then end up having a shot.  The more possession you have on the edge of the area, the more chance someone is finally going to decide to have a go from range.

Which means players need to get more creative.  I frequently end up with high possession in games and I think a lot of others are getting the same thing right now, and its something I'm trying to phase out because its frustrating.  60% possession is great if we're playing defensively, its 60% of the game that they can't attack.  But 60% when trying to attack means a lot of ineffective passes.  Against a weaker opposition I'm trying to finish off, conceding a little possession is a small price to pay because they're not likely to pose much of a threat with it.  Increased fluidity and creativity will definitely help now you've got the roles to utilise it.  you'll notice a drop in possession and number of shots probably but I'd say you'll definitely see a better percentage on target and larger numbers of CCC's.

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I play in a very similar tactic, so here my advices:

1) consider changing your left IF(s) to a W(s). This will more space for the forward runs from you MC(a)

2) Despite having one player attacking fom the right (IF) i think you should change the F9 to a more attacking player. Perhaps a DLF(s) or DLF(a) could work better. The DLF will also link the midfield with the attack, but will give you a bit more presence in the box.

3) You might consider changing your BBM to a more holding midfielder. I know you already have a DLP playing in the defensive midfield position, but i think your game could benefit by having a playmaker playing in the midfield strata. AP(s) or DLP(s) both work link up very well with the rest of your setup. And if you think having two playmaker is too much, you could change the DLP in the defensive midfield position to a DM(d) or DM(s) with Hold Position instruction.

My current tactic, is something like this:


IF(s)                                   W(s)

AP(s)            CM(a)


WB(a)    CD(d)    BPD(d)    FB(s)


TI's: D-Line slightly higher, Width fairly narrow, Closing Down More, Play out of Defense


WB(a): stay wider

Both CD(d): Mark Tighter

CM(a): Shoot less often, more risky passes

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I would suggest its a similar problem a lot of people have, in that you are probably boxing the opposition into their own penalty area and so its completely crowded in there, meaning the only way to get an attempt at goal is by taking long shots. 

I would suggest dropping your d-line a bit to allow them to come out a bit and create space for yourself. Also think about where your dangerous players are when you have the ball. Almost all of them are sitting in the centre, making it very easy to defend against. I'd think about using the flanks more. Maybe one of your IF is a winger, or a WB becomes more attacking. Go wider and more mixed passing because it seems to me your heavily basing your tactic on possession football which lacks penetration.

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