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The Eurovision Striking Contest - The Battle Begins!

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Walcott's Wonderkids presents:

The Eurovision Striking Contest

Advocating plenty of Terry Wogan like banter and geopolitical voting

**Winner of Best Sign Up Award 2008, CSE Forums**

Welcome all to the beginning of a brand new pan-Europe contest, but one where semi-pointless getting one over on your rivals is put slightly on the back-burner, whilst the serious matter of European Football is brought to the fore.

The football confederation of UEFA currently comprises of 53 nations and the boffins at UEFA have devised a new contest where it is hoped that all 53 nations will be donated an 18 year old wonderkid by the footballing gods.

These wonderkids will compete for their new nations, earning points based on performances at senior international level for their countries and each year after the June Internationals each individuals points will be added up and the winner will receive the Annual Eurovision Striking Contest Trophy. The contest is designed so the wonderkids who play for the larger footballing nations will not necessarily be at a competitive advantage.

Points Based System

Int Appearance   =   5
Int Goal         =  10
Int MoM Award    =   5
Int Yellow Card  =  -3
Int Red Card     =  -8  (2 yellows --> 1 red = -8)
Team Win         =   3
Team Draw        =   1
Bonus 25 points will be awarded if player finishes top scorer in the EURO / World Cup Qual Tournaments.

Previous rumours have been confirmed, as in addition to the trophy a league system will operate after the first season, with players performances each season determining whether they gain promotion up the ladder or are relegated to the depths of European obscurity. This also means that not necessarily the highest scoring person in that season will win this league format, but will reward consistent performers! More details of this to come at the end of the first season, but suffice to say with 53 members there will probably be 3 leagues, with promotion / relegation of 5 spots per league.

Back to the details of here and now...

Domestic Bases

The 53 participants have been assigned to Regional Hub leagues to begin with, with all players being randomnly assigned a club in the 2nd tier of this country's league system. Details are listed below, together with the list of participants taking part:

   Player Name           Username             Country Representing       Regional Hub League

1.  Joo                   Ahjoo                   Russia                     Russia
2.  Julius Kapono         5ergio                  Denmark                    Sweden
3.  Triple H              Tom =)                  Armenia                    Russia
4.  Tom Collantine        SuperCupra              Spain                      Spain
5.  Jason Demir           DodgeeD                 Kazakhstan                 Russia
6.  dafuge                dafuge                  Macedonia                  Romania
7.  Robaldinho            JoseRR                  Czech Rep                  Germany
8.  Mike Bird             birdy123                Croatia                    Serbia
9.  Ryan Andrews          NeoAC                   Faroe Islands              Sweden
10. Pablo Gonzalez        Blackcats               Switzerland                Italy

11. King Queen            GazTheDoood             Ukraine                    Russia
12. Haowan                Haowan                  Hungary                    Serbia
13. Derren Brown          Whoopy D                Serbia                     Serbia
14. In Der Van Dude       The Golden boy          Slovenia                   Italy
15. Robert Boyle          Robert_296              Estonia                    Russia
16. Arthur White          super_lampard           Azerbaijan                 Russia
17. de Poopinho           PoopyPants              Italy                      Italy
18. David Pitt            evry1sfavedave          Slovakia                   Germany
19. Magnus Donaldson      MagnusD                 N Ireland                  England
20. Sebastian Skywalker   Liam =D                 Cyprus                     Greece

21. Sneaky Ninja          Deadlydevices           Moldova                    Romania
22. Jim Alex              Jimalex                 Romania                    Romania
23. Alexei Lloyd-Hooker   alexeilh                Andorra                    Spain
24. Diego Polo            Fudger                  San Marino                 Italy
25. James Knowles         aaberdeenn              Germany                    Germany
26. Damon Lowe            lfcfannic               Iceland                    Sweden
27. Juan King             MikelLUFC               Turkey                     Greece
28. Alex Drew             wisla                   Rep Ireland                England
29. Adam Moxon            mocko666                Sweden                     Sweden
30. Tom Healy             tomiscool               Wales                      England

31. Mini Saville          Minisav                 Austria                    Germany
32. Parker Reynolds       Parker                  Poland                     Germany
33. Bob Van Bob           Ruh Roh                 Portugal                   Spain
34. Robert Dillon         Evil Dave               Luxembourg                 Germany
35. Pendros               route1                  Greece                     Greece
36. Steven Kemp           Spurs + Eastbourne 4eva Malta                      Greece
37. Brendan Petersen      BP Doosra               Liechtenstein              Italy
38. Suk-yo Bum            Scott1990               Bulgaria                   Romania
39. Ulf Chaoc             CoachFlu                Georgia                    Russia
40. Niall O'Donnell       Everton_3_0_Liverpool   Holland                    Germany

41. Paddy O'Furniture     Living_Legend           Finland                    Sweden
42. Ben Arsenal           BenArsenal              Norway                     Sweden
43. Felix                 Bububu                  Lithuania                  Russia
44. Benj                  Benjaminoo              Belgium                    Germany
45. Bob McBob             SJ234                   France                     Spain
46. Tyler Burrows         PluckaDuck              Bosnia                     Serbia
47. Jason Healy           coldkohmew              Scotland                   England
48. Arthur Li             Arthur Li               Montenegro                 Serbia
49. Adam Wilkinson        Adamw                   Latvia                     Russia
50. Yhon Wi               ManU@oldtrafford        England                    England

51. Kyle Van Smith        kingrooney              Albania                    Greece
52. Jaradafred Zadabheer  jbleeds                 Israel                     Greece
53. Brucie Bonus          Walcotts Wonderkids     Belarus                    Russia

The club you have been assigned to will appear on your player profile screenshot in a later post.

I've had to use a bit of artistic licence with the allocation of countries to regional hub leagues to allow for a bit of balance and to prevent the Russian league containing half the participants!!! :thup:

Right, I think that's everything - let battle commence...

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One thing that always annoys me in sign up threads is where I don't know which player names match up with which user names. Could we compile a list to add to the opening post so we can check?

I'll delete the old lists so it doesn't take over the thread, but I think it would be useful.

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<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">Username - Player name

dafuge - dafuge

AhJoo - Joo

SuperCupra - Tom Collantine

aaberdeenn - James Knowles

JoseRR - Robaldinho

mocko666 - Adam Moxon

ManU@oldtrafford - Yhon Wi

birdy123 - Mike Bird

kingrooney - Kyle Van Smith

Robert_296 - Robert Boyle

The Golden boy - In Der Van Dude

Adamw - Adam Wilkinson


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Originally posted by dafuge:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by birdy123:

Adam Wilkinson looks amazing icon_redface.gif

He does look rather good. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Too good. He obviously cheated icon_wink.gif

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<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">Username - Player name

dafuge - dafuge

AhJoo - Joo

SuperCupra - Tom Collantine

aaberdeenn - James Knowles

JoseRR - Robaldinho

mocko666 - Adam Moxon

ManU@oldtrafford - Yhon Wi

birdy123 - Mike Bird

kingrooney - Kyle Van Smith

Robert_296 - Robert Boyle

The Golden boy - In Der Van Dude

Adamw - Adam Wilkinson

PoopyPants - Larry de Poopinho

alexeilh - Alexei Lloyd-Hooker </pre>

Larry de Poopinho looks quality icon14.gif

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