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Horizontal score and kits


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Is there a way of getting the score to be horizontal rather than vertical during a match like in real life? Also including the kits on the screen like this? Thanks to Michael Murray I’ve sorted out the background pics now. I’ve had a look around but can’t see anything that matches using the latest skins


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On 27/12/2017 at 02:55, beanos36 said:

I’ve had a look around but can’t find anything that would make the score larger and horizontal during the match, (I play with stadium backgrounds rather than 2D and 3d view). Could you point me in the right direction 



To make the scoreboard text larger you can do it by increasing  the font size by editing the code in your match title bar.xml file (its in your skins; panel/match folder).

Look for the headers; <home team name>, <away team name>, and <home score>, <away score> and amend their font sizes..


<widget class="text_button" id="T1nm" auto_size="none" alignment="left,centre_y,can_scale" size="13" click_event="htac" font="scoreboard" colour="white">

I too would like to see a return to the horizontal scoreboard but have no idea how to do it. I'm not a fan of the new scoreboard in FM18. :(  It seems there's an alignment issue when the away team scores - see the screenshot below.


I've tested the default skin, and around 6 custom skins, and they all have it.  Anyone know of a fix?


Would much prefer a return to the older scoreboards though.  This is how I had mine set in FM17.. simple and unobtrusive... 


Would really like that again if any modders out there know how to do it in FM 18.

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The titlebar is a fixed bar, you can play with the graphics, but the in screen scoreboard cant be done.  You can shift the graphics aorund stealing an older titlebar score from last year but it will always be accross the top rather than in the window.   I remade mine, but Clinched/Vitrex/Gunzo all have decent ones that can be shoehorned in with abit of work. 


(Clinched in due out shortly though if you want to wait). 




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7 hours ago, Erimus1876 said:

To make the scoreboard text larger you can do it by increasing  the font size by editing the code in your match title bar.xml file (its in your skins; panel/match folder).

Look for the headers; <home team name>, <away team name>, and <home score>, <away score> and amend their font sizes..


<widget class="text_button" id="T1nm" auto_size="none" alignment="left,centre_y,can_scale" size="13" click_event="htac" font="scoreboard" colour="white">

I too would like to see a return to the horizontal scoreboard but have no idea how to do it. I'm not a fan of the new scoreboard in FM18. :(  It seems there's an alignment issue when the away team scores - see the screenshot below.


I've tested the default skin, and around 6 custom skins, and they all have it.  Anyone know of a fix?


Would much prefer a return to the older scoreboards though.  This is how I had mine set in FM17.. simple and unobtrusive... 


Would really like that again if any modders out there know how to do it in FM 18.

Really appreciate the help! Like you I much prefer the horizontal score, it’s much better than the vertical one. I’ll get it like that if it kills me, haha. Thanks though 

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7 hours ago, wkdsoul said:

The titlebar is a fixed bar, you can play with the graphics, but the in screen scoreboard cant be done.  You can shift the graphics aorund stealing an older titlebar score from last year but it will always be accross the top rather than in the window.   I remade mine, but Clinched/Vitrex/Gunzo all have decent ones that can be shoehorned in with abit of work. 


(Clinched in due out shortly though if you want to wait). 




How did you manage to get the horizontal score like that? Looks amazing to be fair. I don’t really know much about coding but can edit files if pointed in the right direction, thanks 

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6 hours ago, D_LO_ said:

I wouId only recommend people try editing/creating a match titlebar if they know what they're doing (and even then I'd still probably recommend against it :lol:).

It's definitely jumping in at the deep end for novices. If anyone is intent on starting here make sure you use the resources available on the forum, making use of the search function for the inevitable issues.


Check out the coding of plenty of existing examples from FM17 too but be aware that the match time slider has been incorporated this year and you will need to seriously think about what you plan on doing with the format, unless you want to sacrifice some things.  

Yeah, I’m not an expert in coding whatsoever. I can follow instructions to edit files, etc. Not too fussed about the match time slider, it’s decent but would still prefer the score across the  top of the screen like in wkdsoul’s post. I’ve had a look at coding on google but goes way over my head, thanks for the reply though

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9 hours ago, D_LO_ said:

This is the thing, there aren't really any instructions to follow for this. This is a larger undertaking than most things asked on here and more than merely editing a few lines. The knowledge for this is only really acquired over time through experience. You would have to create the panel from scratch or at the very least make serious amendments to a titlebar from FM17 ... and that's before we even start talking about graphics.


For example, your question to @wkdsoul is incredibly broad and there's no way he can answer that concisely. You can't take bits (unless you know what you'll doing and capable of doing the rest alone) it's all part and contributes to a bigger picture, you would need it all for the panel to work. Tbh the easiest thing would be take his entire code. However then you'd also need his graphics. Then there's secondary, linked panels (it looks like there's a weather panel in there) And I can tell you wkd also has a weird resolution :lol: that will mean it could possibly look distorted on more common resolutions after all that anyway. 


The possibilities are endless, just look at the screenshots from the FM17 skins on fmscout, they vary considerably. 

My advice would be to wait for a custom skin to implement a horizontal score, I'm sure one will eventually. If you refuse to wait, you really need to put the work in I described here & above, this won't come easy (it still doesn't to far more experienced skinners). 

Didn’t realise so much work goes into it, apologies for the naivety. Looks like you guys go to a lot of work in regards to these skins. I’ll wait to see if anyone brings out a skin with the score horizontal. Appreciate you getting back to me though. I’ll have a look at tips in regards to skinning in the meantime to see if I can pick it up myself :) 

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