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Using Several Files, how they work together


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I am currently editing a game which has several core files. The majority of which combine two or more nations together. They have been edited seperately and not together. I just wanted to check if I were to start a game with all these files, how would they work together? They do not over lap in any sense, they all contain data to different clubs and nations.

However, they are all in Europe. So wanting to know if I add two,again seperate files, one that alters the European club competitions to take into account to the less nations that have come as a consquence of merging a few together and one for international competitions that will do the same thing. Would all these files work together, particularly the ones that edit the competitions?

Would be great to get some advice on how I can play all these files together.

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I think the files are read in alphabetical order so this is how I would name them(to make sure everything is read). Personally I add competition rules last so that they don't interfere with other changes. 

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