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20 year old playing 'close to full potential'

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So I signed a 17 year old Brazilian Complete/Inside Forward from Bahia for 800k as my very first signing in my Mallorca coaching campaign.

About 3 years in the coach report says he is playing 'close to full potential' and his star potential is filled out now at 3 1/2 stars. (he came to me like 3 stars current ability and 5 star potential ability albeit with black stars}

Does this mean he is not going to improve at all anymore soon? If so I just find it strange a 20 year old would be fully developed and not improve....

Important to know because if he isn't going to grow much more I should start looking for his replacement and maybe I can sell him. I'd probably have to sell him if he doesn't start because he takes up one of the 3 foreign player spots. Just sucks because I figured he had at least another 3 years of developing to do and thought he could be my first choice for a decade.




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Potentially. There are plenty of players in real life that peak at the age of 20 and there are some that develop later in their careers.

Remember that the stars depend on the quality of your squad. So If you have improved the squad in the three years and he hasn't developed as quickly as the improved players, then the star rating is going to indicate that he hasn't developed. It also depends on your staff. If your coaches three years ago had low judging ability and potential, they may have overrated him. For a better representation of his development, look at the attribute changes under Development.

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Just like James says, may have been overrated by your staff initially. Also remember Black Stars in the PA mean "We haven't really got a clue, but might be this good" whereas Gold Stars are " Well, in my opinion as a scout he IS this good" but that only depends on the quality of the scout.

Also, if you have improved your squad by around 2 stars, and his potential ability in comparison has dropped by one star, then yes, he is a better player than he was, because it is all relevant to the rest of your squad in the opinion of your AssMan, scout or coach so the staff abilities still have some bearing.

Also remember, there is still chance that he could improve slightly - at his age you can still coach him up in attributes so I wouldn't give up on him yet.

Even if he is close to his potential, at 3.5 stars he should still be able to do a decent job for you, probably cost less in wages than a bought-in player and there is no transfer fee to keep him, 3.5 stars to me is the threshold as a first team player, so I would keep hold of him for a while, maybe look for a bargain to replace him but even then he will be useful backup

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4 hours ago, James_Fraser said:

Potentially. There are plenty of players in real life that peak at the age of 20 and there are some that develop later in their careers.

*snip* It also depends on your staff. If your coaches three years ago had low judging ability and potential, they may have overrated him. For a better representation of his development, look at the attribute changes under Development.

I selected the option to disable attribute masking when I setup the game so I spend less time scouting, which can be really time consuming and menial, and annoying when mis-scouting happens which was an issue with an initially poor club like Mallorca.

I  guess now that I think about it the reports that say he is 'close to full potential' and his stars being filled out is based on the coach's perception though and not unmasked by the option I selected at the start? I guess I'll just have to keep an eye on him and notice when his stats stop improving?

Ultimately I'm not really worried about how many's 'stars' he has. But if he isn't going to keep developing I need to move him on in the summer most likely and bring in someone with more potential.

This is really unfortunate though because I really liked this player and he is a big fan favorite... so getting rid of him might end up being problematic.

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4 hours ago, Snorks said:

Even if he is close to his potential, at 3.5 stars he should still be able to do a decent job for you, probably cost less in wages than a bought-in player and there is no transfer fee to keep him, 3.5 stars to me is the threshold as a first team player, so I would keep hold of him for a while, maybe look for a bargain to replace him but even then he will be useful backup

I agree except since he is Brazilian he is taking up one of the 3 foreign player slots in the squad. I'd love to keep him at least as a back up long term but there are so many good players I find on the cheap outside the EU i don't know if i can justify it.

Also I can also cash in on the massive jump in value he has had to 11 million to beef up my power in the transfer market...

Guess i'll probably keep him around another season maybe but probably not longer unless my coaches are totally wrong about him. Unfortunate...

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20 minutes ago, WhiskeyDingo said:

I selected the option to disable attribute masking when I setup the game so I spend less time scouting, which can be really time consuming and menial, and annoying when mis-scouting happens which was an issue with an initially poor club like Mallorca.

I  guess now that I think about it the reports that say he is 'close to full potential' and his stars being filled out is based on the coach's perception though and not unmasked by the option I selected at the start? I guess I'll just have to keep an eye on him and notice when his stats stop improving?

Ultimately I'm not really worried about how many's 'stars' he has. But if he isn't going to keep developing I need to move him on in the summer most likely and bring in someone with more potential.

This is really unfortunate though because I really liked this player and he is a big fan favorite... so getting rid of him might end up being problematic.

Yep, the attribute masking covers the players playing attributes only, not his potential etc.

When I hear a player is close to his potential, I see it as the time to start micro managing his training ie, why waste time and potential points in general training.. Stick all the effort in the one or two stats you need improved. Finishing or composure for example.

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1 hour ago, Baodan said:

Did you train him in multiple positions? That also takes points potentially used for stats.

Nope, he came to me able to play both as an Inside Forward and Complete Forward. Part of what made him so appealing and why I liked him enough he was my first signing.


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1 hour ago, WhiskeyDingo said:

Nope, he came to me able to play both as an Inside Forward and Complete Forward. Part of what made him so appealing and why I liked him enough he was my first signing.

Yeah I used to really enjoy making my players more versatile but now I know better.

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Also note that sometimes a change in the personality or temperament of a player will create more room for improvement training-wise. (And the coach's report could also change if that changes). So don't assume there's a cap already.. 

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So Update: 2 months further into the game and his coach and training report have only gotten more confusing.

It still says 'playing close to full potential' but now the black stars are back so it shows him having 4 1/2 stars potential with black stars again. These stars had disappeared in the January pic I posted above.  '

I'm now more confused than ever if this player still has more room to develop or not. Which is an issue because Stoke are hovering and I figure I can get over 34 million from them for him which is insanely tempting! If this player is already pretty much developed at 3 1/2 stars i'd have to do it!

If he can keep developing into a 4 1/2 star player then I should keep him. But I have no way of knowing. His coaching report says close to full potential while his stars say he has more room  to improve. Which do I listen to? :idiot:


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I imagine the combination of one extra black star and the "he's playing close to his full potential" means he might still improve a bit but not a lot. 20 year olds can be close to fully developed, in FM and real life 

The star ratings are estimates based on actual potential scaled by coach's knowledge, judgement, reputation, age and form etc. The "playing close to his full potential" comment is triggered by a similar set of factors apparently weighted slightly differently. Obviously actual potential doesn't vary over time but some of the other factors do so scouts periodically change their mind. Take both into account and he's probably only improving a little bit (and he's still fairly young, so the coach is probably more likely overestimate than underestimate how much a mature-for-his-years player can improve)

Wouldn't panic sell him if he's playing well already and popular, but I'd imagine you could find someone better with £34m to spare.

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