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Training Adivce Tips

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Since coming back from FMT I've always left as much of the player training aspect of the game to the Assistant Manager as I'm not really sure what type of training I should be doing or when on what days etc (seems like info overload), however even if I recruit the best coaches and have the highest ratings most of my players always seem to have more down arrows in their attributes than up arrows not long into the season, regardless of the club I manage.

Am I doing something wrong, or are AMs generally not very good at setting training schedules? (I'm forever being told in the medical center players need a rest or high injury risk no matter what point in the season or what type of training has been assigned).

Can anyone offer some good training advice if I chose to take over this aspect of the game instead of leaving it to the AM please, as it's not an aspect of the game I've ever really bothered with before (but I think if I can get it right, it can have a major impact on improving my team; especially when player the DoF Challenge and I have to work with what I've got). Cheers.


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I would avoid leaving the assistant manager decide on the team training as he switch that around a lot and team training dont give good result unless you leave that on a single training type for a long enough period.

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I think people over-complicate training. I never dive into it in very much detail. I leave the team training on Balanced, give them individual training that I set maybe once a season and that's it. I don't have issues with developing players because I give them the match time they need or I find a club that can give them that.

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14 minutes ago, Colonel Getafe said:

Can anyone offer some good training advice if I chose to take over this aspect of the game instead of leaving it to the AM please

My advice would be to head to the Tactics, Training and Strategies forum, and check out the guides pinned to the top of it in the thread labelled "Please Read".  (I don't mean that to sound facetious, there really are some decent guides in there).

If you're still struggling, open a thread in that forum and ask specific questions :thup:.

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Some decent guides in there suggested by @herne79

Pre-season I always go look at the Team Comparison page, work out which attributes and areas my squad needs work on, then, from one of those guides (can;t remember where sorry) I set the team training that works on those attributes.

I will leave it for a couple of months though, let the training bed in with the players, the only thing I adjust is the intensity depending on the match schedule.

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