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Could someone help me with a something i think but cant prove...i know the ability to judge player abilities and potential is important for a scout but what one do people value more? and im i correct in thinking a scout with high ability in tactical knowlege is good to scout future opponents?

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I'm more interested in a scout being able to judge potential rather than ability if I can only have one or the other (which is often the case when I sign scouts).

Mostly because I sign young players, but also because I have all the info I need to from the uncovered attributes to judge the player's current ability for myself. Now if the scout's attribute for judging player ability affected the accuracy of the uncovered attributes that'd be a different matter, but uncovered attributes are absolute.

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Cheers guys, i tended to sign scouts who's attributes for both were high but that proves very costly and limits the kind of scouts i can sign and the knowlege they have. Now i just let my coaches watch players in matches to see how good they are and the scouts can tell me about potential. Im glad someone agree's with me about a scout with high tactical knowlege scouting future opponents i thought i was going a lil over board there lol

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