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Some help please.

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Looking for advice for some issues I'm noticing on my game.

1- Countless times when the opposition GK has kicked a long ball upfield, both my CB's and my Anchor man are all drawn towards the ball to compete for the header, a lot of the time 1 of them thankfully wins it but a few times they haven't and it's left an opposition striker with acres of space. Is this because I have both my CB's on the same roles and instructions? Or would setting them to man marking stop this?

2- From an opposition corner, my defenders clear the ball with a header, I always have a man on the edge of box, if he wins his header, the ball goes towards the halfway line,near enough every time, my striker will head in the opposite direction and allows them to take control of the ball and they start another attack, how can I change that?

3- I remember reading a few years ago that if there was something in your tactic that isn't working properly, one of the ways the Match Engine would relay this was that your strikers would miss sitters, was that true? If so, is it still true to this day? I seem to be having a lot of chances from 5 or 6 yards out that opposition keepers just keep saving. 

4- Not an issue, just after advice. How important are team instructions? Could you just set your match strategy, player roles and team shape. I keep seeing that team instructions merely help "refine" how you want your team to play, so could you then not use them and focus more on player roles and then selecting roles and strategy for each game?

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1. Roles, duties and team mentality could all play a factor as could the players attributes.  Likely a mental attribute is contributing to the bad choice. I would expect a player with good teamwork to cover but a bad one wants to go win it himself but if he lacks decisions, anticipation etc he might not see what could happen.

2. Players attributes really, need someone able to get to and hold up the ball or carry it.

3. What? Never heard that one, sounds like someone drew a conclusion from correlation which doesn't prove causation.  Players miss chances if they're not good at converting that type of chance (header, weak foot, composure etc) and/or opponent GK is good at saving that type of chance and/or form etc.

4. TIs can have a dramatic effect, either to improve or hinder your team.  Think of them as specializing the tactic, if you aren't sure you want to focus your players in that direction then I would avoid and just let the players pick the best option as per there role and attributes decide.  Roles+duties are the main thing to get sorted and likely the cause or tactical issues that adding TIs won't fix.

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1. What opposition instructions you set for the opposition striker(s) and AMC (when there is one)? Do you use the same OIs for both of their strikers (when they have 2) or you change it depending on the opposition, their formation etc? Which team do you manage? What level of closing down do you set for your DCs and DM? Mentality can also play a part here. 

I have no idea regarding 2 & 3.

4. I find TIs to be very important, as well as PIs.

If you can screenshot your formation, TIs and tell us more about your players' roles, duties and PIs, I guess we could help you better.

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on point 4, TI's as far as I understand it are really just the ability to tweak the macro settings of your tactic. Those settings are already set when you select a team mentality, team shape, roles etc. A team set up with an attacking mentality will already have setting such as tempo and passing length set, but you can use TI's to fiddle with those settings.

I think its perfectly possible to play without touching your TI's, in some ways it can make for a simpler way of playing.

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