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CB defensive organisation?

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Sorry if I'm missing anything here (I mainly play FMT) but is there any measuring of a defender's organisation or leadership of the backline? I've seen it before in player's profiles "thinks ... organises the defence well" but I'm not sure if this means anything. I know goalkeepers have their communication attribute.

Having seen VVD's impact at Liverpool, his calm leadership seems to make the rest of his teammates better, something that some would argue has been missing since Carragher retired. Lovren seems a lot better when he's following his lead, rather than being the main CB. The media talks about how valuable commanding CBs are. Is this represented in game at all? Maybe leadership or teamwork or something else?

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It's going to come in from a range of attributes.
Team Work, Leadership, Determination, Ambition, Professionalism etc ..


I don't know the exact sorcery CA used to represent it, but players labelled as leader seem to drive their team better on the pitch even if they don't have the C/VC flag.

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Yeah, I know the players get descriptions based on meeting a certain amount of attributes. To me, they seem a bit wishy-washy as they don't tend to appear much in lower leagues with lower attribute players but you would still have leaders at that level. And the descriptions just summarise what the player is good at. Leadership seems compulsory for someone to be labelled a leader but the attribute doesn't seem to make much difference outside captaincy and I've never particularly noticed a non-Captain leader making a big difference to teammates. Unless a combination of attributes unlocks extra benefits it doesn't seem like most of them in isolation would impact the defensive organisation. Maybe teamwork...

My question is whether there is such a thing as a defensive marshal in this game, whether there is any tangible output by having a certain type of defender in your backline? Are 2 skillful defenders with reserved personalities better than a a weaker combination with a leader who organises and focuses the others?


This question has made me realise that I'm not sure how to define a defensive leader and whether there even is such a thing, or whether it's just a media description...

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On 31/08/2018 at 15:32, Cal585 said:

My question is whether there is such a thing as a defensive marshal in this game, whether there is any tangible output by having a certain type of defender in your backline? Are 2 skillful defenders with reserved personalities better than a a weaker combination with a leader who organises and focuses the others?

Bump. Anyone know?


Is this even a thing in football or something I have read too much into...? My amateur teams have always played better with someone commanding the defence but this may not be a thing at the top levels?

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The short of it is... probably not - there isn't a tangible asset a player can have that will make him grab the rest of the backline and change them.

There are some half way houses like the leadership attribute (this must have some affect... whether it's in the ME or just in terms of player interactions I don't know), personalities (same as the attribute.. if you have a commanding CB is that just a tag... or does it have an effect in the ME?), team dynamics (probably has more of an impact in the ME if you have two CBs with good partnership rather than bad).

It's a good question ... I don't even know if keeper communication attribute plays that much of a part in the ME in terms of organising your back 4? Always assumed it did, but we can never know for sure or to what extent.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 04/09/2018 at 13:56, Cal585 said:

Bump. Anyone know?


Is this even a thing in football or something I have read too much into...? My amateur teams have always played better with someone commanding the defence but this may not be a thing at the top levels?

In the real world, there is a lot to be said for a shouty guy in a defence, at whatever level. I guess Leadership covers it, but if I saw “big shouty scary guy” as a trait, and there were decent attributes, I might well sign him over Balanced person with slightly better attributes. But that’s me :-)

On a related note, I often notice that a number of players will name different players who they think “organises the defence well”. Is this significant? 

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