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Knap - FM24 and FM23 FM22_FM 21 - FM 20 -FM 19 Tactic List

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12 hours ago, bendixkunert2 said:

another test for upper mid table team in Argentina.




Need to test with a worst team in a division and see how it stacks up against the IWB tactic in comparison but looks pretty solid so far.

IWB version not recommended for below sub top teams. Tried this and meh. The WB version works well for below average and above teams. Bournemouth the best example to me because media prediction 14-16 in the most competitive league. 3 tests and all 3 above 80 points and top 3 finishes. Not the best tactic for absolute underdogs like Norwich (only 9th place finish).

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4411 above . So here the end of season result . C1 Winner ?! .
Yeah so anyone would think that i was cheating to get this result. I can send the save files to you. ( I used IGE to make tactic fluid and thats all )





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6 hours ago, Crusho79bv said:

Tweaking HGF to this :


Needs to be tested a full season, but early results are really good


Defence is really good, the wide mids drop deep to get the ball, DLP will stay deep and the BBM with SS are running the show, through balls to AF or WM when they attack

Which tactic?? Thanks 


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1 hour ago, TA said:

4411 above . So here the end of season result . C1 Winner ?! .
Yeah so anyone would think that i was cheating to get this result. I can send the save files to you. ( I used IGE to make tactic fluid and thats all )






I'm also RB Leipzig. You recommend this tactic? Since you got quite a lot of goals against and not so many goals for??

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11 minutes ago, knap said:



You had a couple of different roles so a different spin on tactic.


Honestly, the style of play is almost the same

From what i`ve seen in the last hour of testing, only my WM stay wider and DLP deeper

Didn`t change the speed of play or something else

SS and AM play the same, just that SS gets in front of the goal more often, but doesn`t track back as often as i would



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28 minutes ago, knap said:



It depends on what formation you prefer. I would say a EC win is a good recommendation.


True, however TA played also with RB Leipzig and he did win everything, however he received unfortunately a high amount of goals against and not so much for.. Where you scored a lot and got not that much against..

I would like to win everything too, however to also play a dominant high goal scoring season.. 

So I'm in a bit of a pickle right here, could you help me out? haha

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5 hours ago, Npjschouten said:


I'm also RB Leipzig. You recommend this tactic? Since you got quite a lot of goals against and not so many goals for??

Yeah i think you can use that tactic because damn* look at that 3-0 to Barca in final ?! I've never won a C1 cup with Leipzig before.
Personaly i think it would fit the mid to sub-top team .
i have try it with Man utd  ( not best not worth ~ its like good ) and have pretty many draw . Simply because my opponent tend to sit back and wait for me to attack . 

And also have a new look about GF - GA. Right now i only care about the GD, the higher it is the better . 

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22 hours ago, knap said:


Hello again lads!

Hope you liked the training guide, we are back again this time with a man marking guide.

This story began a month ago or so, when fooling around with man marking and finding some strange results.

I think maybe it was Cadoni who started it, and the rest of us built on that and we worked together to test and find out what worked best.

So far we have come up with two types of approaches, but both are built around taking out the AI's deep playmaker, essentially cutting of the defenders target when they play out from the back. We are already using Knap tactics that are gegenpressing, and in both tactics we are using 3 players are already in this zone pressing the defenders. So this tops that pressure of, and what it does is make the defenders clear the ball, not being able to start the attack from behind.

This leads to your team winning the ball a lot, and dominating the game, while the AI struggle to create play. It does however somewhat rely on you to have, or get the right players for the marking to work, and if you can’t it’s probably the wrong player you are using.

In different tests Everton and Leicester won the league first season without signings, and in Germany the absolute worst team in the league Paderborn managed 4th and Champions league using this.


This approach needs you to work to find the player to mark before each game, as it shifts depending on their formation.
Now there are leagues and formations this works better for than others, a heavy underdog in LL might have problems doing this as well as a PL team, due to the fact that they play direct and are already planning to hoof the ball. It will however put more pressure one them in this situation, and make them miss the pass a lot.

But however with the right players and approach we found it can be incredibly useful.

We started with the Fire and Water 4321 p103, that has 2 AMCs and a AF. We used the left AMC to man mark by name (not position as not as effective), the AIs DMC.

This AMC needs to be aggressive, have stamina and work rate, anticipate well, and be brave and hopefully strong to win any duel.

The other approach is using the Fire and Water 23212 p104, that has two pressing forwards and a AMC. Here we use the left pressing forward to man mark by name the same DMC or the MC that is the one who is dropping down to get the ball.

This PF needs to be aggressive, strong, have stamina and workrate, be brave, and quick to get into pressure fast.

First let's take a look at how we set the marking:

Here you can see that we set by name and not position.

So how do we find out who to mark? The opposition report and the analyst report pre game tells you so much info.

If they use a DMC it’s easy. Select him. If they use a midfield two or three, you will need to use the analysis section of pre-game like this:


The first page under the OI report tells you that when Bruno and Pogba are playing together it is Pogba who is DLP and lowest.

You can see that on the picture.

The second page shows you different things for the last three games, and some specific things for their last game. They might have used different roles and players, so look for the one that fits today's lineup as you see it where you put the man who shall be marked.

You have the passing network who shows you who all pass to most, and who gets the ball most.

Next to that you have the positional heat map, this shows their normal position during games. Here it is very easy to see who is lowest of the midfielders. No picture as it is really self explanatory.

Next if you check the "team selection" of AI, it shows the last game. On that picture you see Fred playing, and as a dlp lower than Pogba.

We now know some things.

If Bruno and Pogba are playing in a midfield two, then Pogba is the lowest of the two and should be marked. If Pogba and Fred are playing , Fred is the one lowest on the pitch and the one getting the ball from the defenders.

Then go back to marking, and see who is playing. Here it is Pogba and Bruno.

By now it is obvious to man mark the lowest MC, in this case Pogba, out of the game by using your closest AMC or PF if using 2 striker tactic.

This player will will have greater chance at success the better Pressing forward he is, and we have identified the abilities aggressivity, bravery, work rate, strength, acceleration, and pace as important to do a good job for the pressing forward tactic.

For the one with 2 amcs, we recommend they have some of the same stats to do a best possible job of pressing the one marked.

The rest of the Pressing forward abilities are also handy if can be had, based on your playing level.

You can check if it is working by checking key passes of marked player, as well as "touches" and possession in the report after the game. The one you are marking should have really low scores for these.

If you are still not sure, check their roles and their PMs, comes deep to get the ball and dictates tempo are ones we look for. If they play 2 mcs, one is a DLP and the other CM, it’s the DLP we want. If no DLP, you need to investigate a bit to find out.

Normally the types that drop deep are deep lying playmakers, ball winning midfielders if playing in central midfield. Any role a DMC has should be marked.

Some formations are harder than others, and I would encourage you to try out different things, maybe you will find your way of using this with your tactic, as we are sure this works in other formations as well.

As an extreme underdog we have marked up to four players and beating Liverpool.

Their DMC, both wing backs as they are important for their team, and also one of the 2 mcs in front of the dmc who might act as a 2nd playmaker. When doing this they were totally shut down.

Here are some results with the midfielder marked, and as you can see the team marking (Everton) is dominating the game in a remarkable way.


Results using Man marking for Everton, no signings:

Here we see Evertons man marker getting almost as many tackles won, and more attempts than the Everton CBs. This of course does not take into effect the insane amount of times the defenders just clear the ball right to us because of his and the others pressure.

This is one way of getting results, and there might be others that work better for your team, your squad or your level. Still we found great results with this, and wanted to share them with you.

Good luck! : )

I'm using 433 flat 3 mid flat 3 St. Pressing forward in the middle of X2 AF. Using this theory having the pressing forward mark the DM seems right? But if facing a 2 man mid what player would be best employed for marking a double pivot let's say 4231 the playmaker is left CM. Still the pressing forward or should it be one of my AF or even my mezzala? 

Currently tring to work it out but would like opinion. @wMIKEthePIKEw

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hi knap just about to start a new save with birmingham looking for a 433 or 442 which would you suggest as a good starting point I think we are an underdog team also would like use a target man if possible which tactic would suit this .there are so many tactics I got lost in the thread lol

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On 21.05.2020 at 01:44, knap said:

I think really good tactic for underdog or midtable teams. But need some adjustments for defensive completition.

MONZA 1912

First Season in Serie A .

Media Prediction - 18th and forcing the top.






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To anyone usuing the man marking, do you use it every match home or away or just against the better teams?

Starting to use it with an underdog team so most opponents are better in the league until I start to improve and build.

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16 часов назад, Crusho79bv сказал:

Honestly, the style of play is almost the same

From what i`ve seen in the last hour of testing, only my WM stay wider and DLP deeper

Didn`t change the speed of play or something else

SS and AM play the same, just that SS gets in front of the goal more often, but doesn`t track back as often as i would


HOLYGHOSTFIRE v3.fmf 44 \u043a\u0411 · 68 downloads

My result with this tactic. Chances to be the champion 1001-1

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On 22/05/2020 at 10:04, knap said:


Hello again lads!

Hope you liked the training guide, we are back again this time with a man marking guide.

This story began a month ago or so, when fooling around with man marking and finding some strange results.

I think maybe it was Cadoni who started it, and the rest of us built on that and we worked together to test and find out what worked best.

So far we have come up with two types of approaches, but both are built around taking out the AI's deep playmaker, essentially cutting of the defenders target when they play out from the back. We are already using Knap tactics that are gegenpressing, and in both tactics we are using 3 players are already in this zone pressing the defenders. So this tops that pressure of, and what it does is make the defenders clear the ball, not being able to start the attack from behind.

This leads to your team winning the ball a lot, and dominating the game, while the AI struggle to create play. It does however somewhat rely on you to have, or get the right players for the marking to work, and if you can’t it’s probably the wrong player you are using.

In different tests Everton and Leicester won the league first season without signings, and in Germany the absolute worst team in the league Paderborn managed 4th and Champions league using this.


This approach needs you to work to find the player to mark before each game, as it shifts depending on their formation.
Now there are leagues and formations this works better for than others, a heavy underdog in LL might have problems doing this as well as a PL team, due to the fact that they play direct and are already planning to hoof the ball. It will however put more pressure one them in this situation, and make them miss the pass a lot.

But however with the right players and approach we found it can be incredibly useful.

We started with the Fire and Water 4321 p103, that has 2 AMCs and a AF. We used the left AMC to man mark by name (not position as not as effective), the AIs DMC.

This AMC needs to be aggressive, have stamina and work rate, anticipate well, and be brave and hopefully strong to win any duel.

The other approach is using the Fire and Water 23212 p104, that has two pressing forwards and a AMC. Here we use the left pressing forward to man mark by name the same DMC or the MC that is the one who is dropping down to get the ball.

This PF needs to be aggressive, strong, have stamina and workrate, be brave, and quick to get into pressure fast.

First let's take a look at how we set the marking:

Here you can see that we set by name and not position.

So how do we find out who to mark? The opposition report and the analyst report pre game tells you so much info.

If they use a DMC it’s easy. Select him. If they use a midfield two or three, you will need to use the analysis section of pre-game like this:


The first page under the OI report tells you that when Bruno and Pogba are playing together it is Pogba who is DLP and lowest.

You can see that on the picture.

The second page shows you different things for the last three games, and some specific things for their last game. They might have used different roles and players, so look for the one that fits today's lineup as you see it where you put the man who shall be marked.

You have the passing network who shows you who all pass to most, and who gets the ball most.

Next to that you have the positional heat map, this shows their normal position during games. Here it is very easy to see who is lowest of the midfielders. No picture as it is really self explanatory.

Next if you check the "team selection" of AI, it shows the last game. On that picture you see Fred playing, and as a dlp lower than Pogba.

We now know some things.

If Bruno and Pogba are playing in a midfield two, then Pogba is the lowest of the two and should be marked. If Pogba and Fred are playing , Fred is the one lowest on the pitch and the one getting the ball from the defenders.

Then go back to marking, and see who is playing. Here it is Pogba and Bruno.

By now it is obvious to man mark the lowest MC, in this case Pogba, out of the game by using your closest AMC or PF if using 2 striker tactic.

This player will will have greater chance at success the better Pressing forward he is, and we have identified the abilities aggressivity, bravery, work rate, strength, acceleration, and pace as important to do a good job for the pressing forward tactic.

For the one with 2 amcs, we recommend they have some of the same stats to do a best possible job of pressing the one marked.

The rest of the Pressing forward abilities are also handy if can be had, based on your playing level.

You can check if it is working by checking key passes of marked player, as well as "touches" and possession in the report after the game. The one you are marking should have really low scores for these.

If you are still not sure, check their roles and their PMs, comes deep to get the ball and dictates tempo are ones we look for. If they play 2 mcs, one is a DLP and the other CM, it’s the DLP we want. If no DLP, you need to investigate a bit to find out.

Normally the types that drop deep are deep lying playmakers, ball winning midfielders if playing in central midfield. Any role a DMC has should be marked.

Some formations are harder than others, and I would encourage you to try out different things, maybe you will find your way of using this with your tactic, as we are sure this works in other formations as well.

As an extreme underdog we have marked up to four players and beating Liverpool.

Their DMC, both wing backs as they are important for their team, and also one of the 2 mcs in front of the dmc who might act as a 2nd playmaker. When doing this they were totally shut down.

Here are some results with the midfielder marked, and as you can see the team marking (Everton) is dominating the game in a remarkable way.


Results using Man marking for Everton, no signings:

Here we see Evertons man marker getting almost as many tackles won, and more attempts than the Everton CBs. This of course does not take into effect the insane amount of times the defenders just clear the ball right to us because of his and the others pressure.

This is one way of getting results, and there might be others that work better for your team, your squad or your level. Still we found great results with this, and wanted to share them with you.

Good luck! : )

@knap @wMIKEthePIKEw really interested in this, thank you.  tried this in my Charlton save with the Fire and Water 4321 p103, first game we won 4-1.  Not sure squad suits this formation though - is there a 4-2-3-1 or 4-1-2-2-1 that you would recommend that might work with this approach? 

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Tactics with MM use a position marking and does not cause any problems with most formations. The specific player MM has been used with 4321 and 4312. I would use it with these formations 1st and then try another formation and see if it still works as intended.

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15 minutes ago, Heywood JaBlowme said:

Oh really? So you've tested every tactic with every team, including regens, and decided this is the only tactic worth using? 

Err yeah, pretty much. I play a ton of FM.

It's a 442 so easy to find players for and is ridiculously consistent. The defence is maybe a little leaky but scores goals for fun.

If you want I can tell you exactly what the key positions are in this tactic. The LM assists the most and the STCR scores the most, though the split is somewhat even. The DCR scores a ton of goals from headers on the corners. The RM is pretty consistent too at chipping in with a goal every other game. 

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3 minutes ago, Jon_00 said:

Err yeah, pretty much. I play a ton of FM.

It's a 442 so easy to find players for and is ridiculously consistent. The defence is maybe a little leaky but scores goals for fun.

If you want I can tell you exactly what the key positions are in this tactic. The LM assists the most and the STCR scores the most, though the split is somewhat even. The DCR scores a ton of goals from headers on the corners. The RM is pretty consistent too at chipping in with a goal every other game. 

Sorry dude but you're just wrong. I've never used the tactic and smashing the game atm. You are welcome to have an opinion but be careful not to over influence other players my dude

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2 hours ago, Cadoni said:

442 is not so strong as FM19.

Agreed, best tactics this year are systems that utilise attacking midfielders and mezzalas. Fire and Water 4321 vol 2 and Kashmir 433MM are the most solid tactics overall that I've used so far.

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12 minutes ago, Npjschouten said:

@RDF Tactics @Rober82 @Cadoni

I've question regarding your training tactics. Is it necessary for the fitness coaches to have model citizen too? 

I don't have that yet that much great coaches yet and some are improving greatly but a lot of them are declining so rapidly and being so unhappy.. it's quite worrisome..

Hope y'all can help me out?


It's hard to find Model Citizen Fitness Coach, so look for different options like:

- Model Professional
- Professional
- Fairly Professional

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8 hours ago, knap said:



Tactics with MM use a position marking and does not cause any problems with most formations. The specific player MM has been used with 4321 and 4312. I would use it with these formations 1st and then try another formation and see if it still works as intended.

Thanks mate

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40 minutes ago, Npjschouten said:


But how can some of my playerrs keep on declining and remaining happy with their individual training focus?? 

Maybe they have reach their potential.

Full down arrow is declining, not the slight down left.

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Just felt the need to contribute :) Old player here, been playing the game since 00/01 (skipped a few), using knaps tactics since 2017.

Here is my story so far in FM 2020:



I have been mainly using FIRE 4321 P103 (ID 1491) with NO changes!!

For SUS, occasionally using !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FM20.4.1MississippiKnapVOL4141SUS to kill the game later on, but just to keep player condition up , ensure you're leading at least with 2 goals (preferably 3 or more) because it can backfire. For narrower leads you can use Positive mentality for SUS, maybe even Cautious (not experimented enough yet).

Only First season I used Tea 4321 OX P103 and I remember it worked just as well (FIRE wasn't published yet I guess).

I think I'll keep using the FIRE 4321 P103 tactic forever, unless another tactic is proven to consistently overperform on a  reliable tactic testing database & league. Too afraid to change at this point :)

I always micro-manage: watch key highlights, use team talks and shouts, praise good performances, manage the training.

This just a contribution , not a comparison, never really gave other tactics an opportunity yet. Because this one so far gave me all kind of success I could have :) Big thanks and respect to @knap for all the contribution!


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