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FM 2019 is very slow

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On 25/10/2018 at 23:27, rkmen said:

The FM 2019 is very slow, although I can play FM 2018 comfortably and the system's capabilities are adequate. From the beta version? What would be the reason?

Read the FAQ thread and open a new thread in the Crashes sub forum of the main FM 19 Bugs forum for help with this

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I find the Interface much more sluggish than FM18. In FM18 when I press tactics it jumps straight to tactics, while in 19 it just hangs for a split second before it displays the tactics screen. In the Squad list I most of the time have to right click a player  twice get the player menu up. Things like that. Hoping for some optimizations in future updates. Nothing gamebreaking, but feels sluggish compared to FM18.

I7-8700k , 16GB RAM , GTX 1080, Game installed on 2x SSD in raid-0.

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Do you have a ton of programs active in the background? When I first started the game I had two browsers (one playing video, the other a dozen tabs) and Discord open and active. On a 160k database I experienced something similar but that was on a 4 GB Ram laptop with an older Intel GPU and processor. 

When I closed the video and one browser, it ran like my 50k FM17 game. Testing this setup later, it also took minutes to get the Task Manager to open which then showed most components working at 100% with all programs stuttering. 

Does the game use the 1080 and not some integrated GPU? This was one of my two main problems on my old system. The other was my HDD which slowed down the rest but any working SSD should outperform other potential weak spots. 

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Yep i'm finding this years a lot quicker to at processing but it just hangs a little bit 1-2 second's on certain pages

1 other little problem as well is the processing calendar jerkiness it don't look nice it would be brilliant if it was smooth like FM17 and beyond

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