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How long is a season on FMT compared to FM?

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As many others in here I transitioned to a more streamlined and faster pace of FM Touch 3-4 years ago. I play both solo, but also always have a save going with a friend. In both those 'game types' I prefer to start at the bottom working our way from zero to hero with the same club. However there are woefully few options for doing that without custom databases, due to very few leagues having more than 3 league tiers. Thus as may others I am very much hoping for the support for Custom Databases as soon as possible.

Anyway, I got thinking about what the actual differences are in "relative time spent per season" between FMT and FM currently (2018 or 2019)....Anyone have an estimate about it?

If the time it takes to complete 1 season (playing all matches) in FM Touch is index 100, how long does it then roughly take to play one season in:

- FM with assistant manager handling all the 'fluff' things, i.e. things that were cut from FMT.

- FM where you handle everything yourself.


Are we talking 20% more or 200% more? So what I am essentially asking is...how streamlined and FMT'ish can you make FM?


If you delegate to your assistant manager, are you then btw forced to read news about all the outcomes, or can you chose not to be notified what they chose in the news feed?

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Depends how fast you play the game and how much you get involved. 

For me its more than twice as fast as FM with an identical save game.

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55 minutes ago, caz said:

is that if you control everything in the full-fat game?



Thats even if I delegate tbf. FM stops more often than FMT.

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Its even quicker when you use a bit (or all) of instant result as well. My first season in Iceland took 90 minutes, and were easily done in 2-3 hours well into the save game.

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Yup instant result off course would speed things up. However that is equally in both versions. I typically watch 90-95% of the matches since that is the where result/progress of your 'hard' work in tactics/scouting/training is seen. Only exceptions are friendlies, and sometimes league games with nothing on the line in the end of the season (after winning promotion/league)


Anyway, I decideded to buy the regular FM2019 version this time (getting FMT as well). So now I can test out how big a difference there is in my preferred play style. 

I did a quick test trying to just holiday half a season in both FM and FMT and comparing how long it takes. In both cases I loaded all the Italian/Spanish/English leagues, picked Leyton Orient as team, and holidayed until January 1st.

In FMT it took 17 minutes, while in FM it took 22 minutes....However sadly the results are not really useful since I was fired in both games :). In the FMT game the board sacked me on December 6th, while in the FM game they went to action on October 8th. I assume holiday'ing is much faster while unemployed, so my guestimate is that holiday'ing in FMT is roughly twice as fast as in the full fat version.

I guess I will just have to start a real save in full fat FM to figure out if it is suitable for me personally and/or my network games.




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