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They do train in units in FMT, just under the hood. The schedules are the Training Styles & Tactical Styles schedules you can see in FMT, these are rotated through when your team trains. 

So to answer the question just using one of the tactical styles like Wing Play for example, will ensure there is crossing training in the schedule. Training Focuses ensure this as well.

You can also use the individual training focus if you want to hone in specific attributes.

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thanks, however when i'm manually setting training most of my players are unhappy due to lack of attention to their unit (it was set to balanced). never tried rotating the schedules/units, just set it to assman's responsibility as it instantly removed the unhappiness. i suppose it may be a bug in fmt training. and, of course, i dont want the whole team to work on crossing, i just want specific players to try to improve it. role training is an option. but... i think new training for gks is not enough. surely gks can be asked to train (in real life) their command of area or other specific attribute. command of area training could focus on well.. command of area, rushing out, pace, acceleration or some atts like that. or i can ask my gk to train shot stopping which would improve handling, reflexes and perhaps agility or positioning. now i can ask my gk to train long throws (which is ridiculous), but i can't ask him to improve gk throwing. surely, in life gks can train distribution in order to improve, say, passing, throwing, ball control. and so on. unless you have no idea how to train gks in england and that is reflected in fm training schedules., while in poland it's quite obvious,  ;) 

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2 hours ago, radosst said:

thanks, however when i'm manually setting training most of my players are unhappy due to lack of attention to their unit (it was set to balanced). never tried rotating the schedules/units, just set it to assman's responsibility as it instantly removed the unhappiness. i suppose it may be a bug in fmt training. and, of course, i dont want the whole team to work on crossing, i just want specific players to try to improve it. role training is an option. but... i think new training for gks is not enough. surely gks can be asked to train (in real life) their command of area or other specific attribute. command of area training could focus on well.. command of area, rushing out, pace, acceleration or some atts like that. or i can ask my gk to train shot stopping which would improve handling, reflexes and perhaps agility or positioning. now i can ask my gk to train long throws (which is ridiculous), but i can't ask him to improve gk throwing. surely, in life gks can train distribution in order to improve, say, passing, throwing, ball control. and so on. unless you have no idea how to train gks in england and that is reflected in fm training schedules., while in poland it's quite obvious,  ;) 

All FMT uses are defaults from FM - the training styles (which are the options you select in FMT), plus on occasion, the training schedules for your tactical style. Chances are, what you think you can't asked to be trained, is already happening - you just can't see the individual schedule bits.

Pre-Season is a little different, but for in-season training this is the gist of it. Is it not clear enough for you in FMT what players are training on? 

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the problem is, i can't ask specific players to train specific attributes. i can understand that asking to train a specific attribute may be unrealistic, but i think there should be more options. like, why can't i ask a player to focus on heading? surely, in real life i can ask a player to focus solely on heading in his individual training, which could improve, say, heading, jumping, off the ball/positioning, anticipation? perhaps there should be a routine for defensive headers and offensive ones. now, the only way to work on heading is, i think, training the role of a poacher, or a central defender. perhaps if my playing style is wing play that would put more focus on heading for strikers, but what if i'm playing short passing low crossing and i want a specific player, who is already very fast, so he doesn't need to focus on all things associated with the role of, for example, a poacher, to work only on heading, apart from role training? why can't i ask a goalkeeper to focus on rushing out? surely, i can imagine setting up a training routine to work solely on rushing out, which, again could work to improve rushing out, acc, pace, anticipation or something like that. why can't i ask a gk to focus on first touch, which, i don't know, would improve first touch and technique. i don't get why i can't ask a player to focus on crossing, i read somewhere on the forum that "crossing is mostly a dead ball situation" or something like that, but still i don't get it. surely i can ask a player to focus on crossing and set up a routine where he gets a pass and is ordered to run a few meters and cross which could, of course, work not only on crossing, but would influence crossing also. now there's no routine focusing on crossing. even corner taking does not work on crossing which is kind of ridiculous. and so on.  i can't ask a gk to focus on positioning, i can't ask a gk to focus on command of area. i can't ask a gk to focus on handling. again, i can imagine asking a gk to try to, for example, catch crosses on training. that could improve aerial reach, handling, anticipation, positioning and so on. so the options now are very limited.


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also, in terms of tactics, i would like to be able to order players NOT TO DO something. for example NEVER distribute to my 1,50m striker with 5 jumping. something i see quite often even if i set distribution to full backs or something like that. or DO NOT look for overlap. or DROP/SIT DEEPER (why is there only GET FURTHER FORWARD?). but that's another topic...

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31 minutes ago, radosst said:

the problem is, i can't ask specific players to train specific attributes. i can understand that asking to train a specific attribute may be unrealistic, but i think there should be more options. like, why can't i ask a player to focus on heading? surely, in real life i can ask a player to focus solely on heading in his individual training, which could improve, say, heading, jumping, off the ball/positioning, anticipation? perhaps there should be a routine for defensive headers and offensive ones. now, the only way to work on heading is, i think, training the role of a poacher, or a central defender. perhaps if my playing style is wing play that would put more focus on heading for strikers, but what if i'm playing short passing low crossing and i want a specific player, who is already very fast, so he doesn't need to focus on all things associated with the role of, for example, a poacher, to work only on heading, apart from role training? why can't i ask a goalkeeper to focus on rushing out? surely, i can imagine setting up a training routine to work solely on rushing out, which, again could work to improve rushing out, acc, pace, anticipation or something like that. why can't i ask a gk to focus on first touch, which, i don't know, would improve first touch and technique. i don't get why i can't ask a player to focus on crossing, i read somewhere on the forum that "crossing is mostly a dead ball situation" or something like that, but still i don't get it. surely i can ask a player to focus on crossing and set up a routine where he gets a pass and is ordered to run a few meters and cross which could, of course, work not only on crossing, but would influence crossing also. now there's no routine focusing on crossing. even corner taking does not work on crossing which is kind of ridiculous. and so on.  i can't ask a gk to focus on positioning, i can't ask a gk to focus on command of area. i can't ask a gk to focus on handling. again, i can imagine asking a gk to try to, for example, catch crosses on training. that could improve aerial reach, handling, anticipation, positioning and so on. so the options now are very limited.

Attributes don't work in isolation, so thats why you can't train single attributes anymore. 

But that doesn't mean your options are limited, most of what you're worried about is already taking place in the training schedules. 

Players do undertake unit training so they will have time devoted to developing attributes that they can't with individual focus. 

13 minutes ago, radosst said:

anyway, thank you for your responses. if i can ask one more thing: it seems now the "cut to potential" happens later. before it was at 24, now it seems it is at 26? am i right?

I don't believe there is a hard limit anymore. It just gets progressively more difficult as players get older. 

Is the issue that you can't see or don't have the information to hand that these attributes are being trained? 

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no the issue is, as i said, that i can't set training focus to areas i'd like players to focus on. some info about what's going on in those units would be helpful, but that does not solve the problem of not being able to ask players to focus on, for example, heading. and, as i said, i understand that "heading" may not work only on heading, but a training for a group of atts associated with heading, and many other atts, should be available. and this is extremely obvious in gk training, where, the only reasonable atts, i can ask a gk to focus on are aerial reach (via strength), agility and balance, and maybe first touch, passing and technique (which are almost useless if it's not a sweeper keeper). no way to focus on positioning, handling, reflexes, command of area and so on which are key...

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18 minutes ago, radosst said:

no the issue is, as i said, that i can't set training focus to areas i'd like players to focus on. some info about what's going on in those units would be helpful, but that does not solve the problem of not being able to ask players to focus on, for example, heading. and, as i said, i understand that "heading" may not work only on heading, but a training for a group of atts associated with heading, and many other atts, should be available. and this is extremely obvious in gk training, where, the only reasonable atts, i can ask a gk to focus on are aerial reach (via strength), agility and balance, and maybe first touch, passing and technique (which are almost useless if it's not a sweeper keeper). no way to focus on positioning, handling, reflexes, command of area and so on which are key...

They don't train those attributes on their own though IRL. It's what units are for.

To do what you're asking in FMT, the way to do it is to set your general training focus and they will train these attributes you want, as I keep saying. 

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20 minutes ago, radosst said:

how do i assign players to units, then? i can't. that's the point. i can't ask specific players to work on specific attributes.

You don't. And you don't in FM either. Its based on their playing position. 

Attributes are not trained solely in isolation. You are not supposed to ask to work on specific attributes, but areas of their game to focus on. This is what the individual training focus is for.

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3 minutes ago, radosst said:

how do i ask a gk to focus on (on an area associated with) rushing out?

Set their player role to one that uses it. Goalkeepers focus on individual roles more often in training. 

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that;s not focusing on rushing out, that's focusing on a role which includes a host of other attributes. and, i imagine role training happens during training matches. individual training does not. there's no team training focus for that (and i don't want my whole team to train rushing out) and there's no individual training focus for (area associated with) rushing out. as for the argument that players don't work alone on attributes/areas - well, i thought that's what coaches are for. and if i have three players working on (area associated with) crossing or heading, then they can train together. they can even work together with those who train crossing, those training crossing - cross, those training heading - head. ;) if i have a goalkeeper and a gk coach, then in individual training they can work together on (area associated with( rushing out. never mind, thanks for your patience. ;)

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2 minutes ago, radosst said:

that;s not focusing on rushing out, that's focusing on a role which includes a host of other attributes

Are you just ignoring what I've said in the thread multiple times? 

You can't train a single attribute alone in isolation. Not in FM Touch, Not in FM. 

They are done alongside others. 

So, your options are individual role training, in this case.

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that's what i'm saying. my options are very limitied. and, as i said, i think it was clear i meant rushing out as, for example, rushing out, acceleration, pace, anticipation. heading as, for example, heading, jumping, and perhaps something mental, crossing as in crossing, technique and something else, and so on....

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You're no longer able to do that because thats just not how it works in real life. When you learn or train something, its never one specific thing you improve, but others as well. 

What you are suggesting doesn't makes any sense, and won't be coming back into the game, 

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2 minutes ago, radosst said:

so you're telling me, in real life i can't ask a gk to work on rushing out, and set up a training routine aimed at improving this aspect of his game. or that there are no individual training routines for crossing in real life. OK! ;) 

Please stop with the snide winks.

Yeah, because any activity he does that would improve rushing out, improves others as well. You don't learn specific attributes alone in isolation in real life, therefore you don't in FM. 

If you want to set up specific training schedules and regimes, then FM is for you. This is really the only thing in full FM you can do that you can't in FM Touch. But regardless, all attributes are trained in FM Touch training schedules that you need.

In FMTouch you have the options of: 

Role Training

Training focuses

Using one of the training focus schedules. All of the schedules will improve attributes like rushing out. I would suggest Attacking schedule.

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that's why i repeatedly said, that individual training focus on rushing out would improve rushing out, acceleration, pace and anticipation (for example). crossing individual focus would improve crossing, technique and maybe anticipation (for example). apparently, in real life, players don't train crossing. ok. i will have to live with that.

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2 minutes ago, radosst said:

that's why i repeatedly said, that individual training focus on rushing out would improve rushing out, acceleration, pace and anticipation (for example). crossing individual focus would improve crossing, technique and maybe anticipation (for example). apparently, in real life, players don't train crossing. ok. i will have to live with that.

You're speaking in hypotheticals and making things up. All the things you are asking for are already possible in other ways. 

I'm telling you how you can do it and you are just ignoring the advice and making up features that don't and won't exist in FM19. 

You can keep repeatedly saying these things when you're asking for my help, and put up with no solutions. 

Or you can take the advice given in this thread, and have a solution. 


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Just now, radosst said:

if you're telling me that in order for one or two players to improve crossing i have to change training focus for the whole team, then the solution sucks and is not really solving anything. but thanks. ;) 

I'm sorry FM Training isn't exploitative for you, but its based on real life training principles and systems and it is reflected both in FM and FM Touch.

They will be training crossing in the majority of training schedules anyway. As well as other things to give them balanced development and progression. 

Training isn't about spamming individual attributes, not in FM or FM Touch. 

Individual training focuses are about things they can do on their own. You can't improve things like crossing, or rushing out on your own, because you need other people to do them. 

This is why players train in units during training sessions.

Your players will be learning these things in training anyway, but you can bias the focuses if you want through selecting one of the schedules, and setting an appropriate tactical style for your tactic.


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so why there's a focus on passing and not on crossing? or why there's a focus on aerial reach but not rushing out? isn't that spamming individual attributes? maybe we should get rid of individual training if players can't train alone. how do i improve defensive positioning on my own? how do i improve attacking movement on my own? how do i improve "final third" on my own? clearly these focuses require other players. so it's not like they are things players can do on their own, as you imply. 

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7 minutes ago, radosst said:

so why there's a focus on passing and not on crossing? or why there's a focus on aerial reach but not rushing out?

For crossing and rushing out, you need others for this activity.

For passing, since it involves technique and first touch, this is often done alone in drills.

Obviously aerial reach is easily done on its own.

Thread's been asked and answered now so closing.

I'd suggest if you have further questions re: training in general to look at the guides and stickies posted in the Training forum. Thanks. 

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