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FM 19 Beowulf 4231 4411 and 4141 Knap

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hey knap i have issues scoring... a lot of chances but no clear cut chances and often losing by 1 goal while having 28 chances / 10 on goal. Opponent has just 3 or something...


Any tips? Also the striker isn't very productive in my game... is it in yours?

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9 minutes ago, knap said:

What side are you using?

Which tactic?

Are you using AM for everting except OIs?


Playing FC Utrecht in dutch league.

4231 p107


Champion in 2nd season and now 3rd season im struggling 

AM does everything, training speeches, no OI

Edited by matsk89
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15 minutes ago, knap said:

The DM Tactic cab be awkward to make work, even with top sides, and it is easier just to use BEOWULF 4231or TIME 4231/

Going to try the TIME 4231... Bought a few good players for this setup so sticking with it this season

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Hey @knap

Have using the BEOWULF 4231 for my first 2 season with a danish team (Slagelse) who start in the 3 best division in Denmark and it made me go promotion 2 years in a row, which is very fantastic (and surprising). Now in my third season in the danish superleague the tactic still works great but I'm conceeding goals every game.

So far I'm 8 games in the league, number 5 in table with 14 points (Won 4 - Draw 2 - Lost 2) and the goalscore is 18-17. Can I change anything? Or is it just beacuse I'm a big underdog team maybe? 

I have think about trying to use TIME 4231 (That with F9 striker). Is that tactic better defensive?

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hi guys i have a problem with scoring, my attacker doesnt scores at all ... i use beowul 4-2-3-1 104p i have wolves and my attackers are gouiri amine, fiete arp . ofc i win the most of the matches but i am curious.

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Knap, beowulf 4231 has proven highly successful in my championship season.

Is there any chance you could create and test beowulf 4411, which would be the same as beowulf 4231 but instead of IF's that cut inside there would be inverted wingers cutting inside, making room for WB's on attack to bomb forward?

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I had an injury during a game and had to use my LB at RB, and noticed he was cutting in and also scored. It may be just a case of having the wingers inverted rather than changing roles.

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Just finished my first season using the BEOWULF 4231 P104 with Arsenal, unbeaten (I did lose one game to Liverpool but i hadn't saved for quite some time and my game crashed, so had to replay which resulted in a 2-2 draw.)

Things i noticed with this tactic:

-High number of shots (30-40 in some matches), Opposition has very few shots/shots on target.
-Dominates possession
-High number of fouls and yellows

Goals come from quite a few sources as shown in the picture.

Insane tactic:applause:

Perfect Season.png


Edited by SteveUK
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41 минуту назад, knap сказал:

I recommend same tactics for whatever level. Most years I test in VNS and in past years played at level 10 with Frimley Green.

Hi, mr. Knap. Sorry for offtop in advance

Is it possible to make a competitive tactic without corner/set/throw-in bugs? I do really like your tactics but scoring mainly from set-pieces makes me frustrated

Secondly, how does mr. L do? Did he finish with his site?

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Hi Knap  I’m having a  problem with BEOWULF 4231 104 & the DLP version.

Started a new save with Leicester & I’ve been smashed almost every game,defence is all over the place & attackers are firing blanks,I’ve not tweaked anything @ all 🤷🏼‍♂️

1st 4 games of season I’ve conceded 12 & scored only 4,also had an embarrassing cup loss to Carlisle 🤦🏼‍♂️

Any help would be greatly appreciated 👍🏻 

Sorry for phone pic just doing this quickly


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8 minutes ago, knap said:

Not sure it makes a lot of difference to cards, as also to do with attributes hidden attributes closing down and tight marking.

Okay. Im using a big underdog team and many of my players aint really good enough for the league, so maybe it's get better when I can buy better players. :)

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