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skin config file error

Ross Ingersoll

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making a series of skins, want to change name from mikes base skin name to my skin name. took a config from my friend ricks skin, just put my info in it. For whatever reason now when the skin loads its pitch black, cant see anything. has to be that file because when i load mikes config back, works fine. see below ......


<!-- skin details -->

<translation value="Ross Purple Skin" id="name"/>

<translation value="Ross Purple Skin" id="skin_name"/>

<string value="Ross Ingersoll" id="author"/>

<string value="Ross FM19 Purple Skin" id="description"/>

<string value="1.3" id="version"/>

<flags value="fm base" id="parent"/>

<!--Minimum game version this skin requires to be valid, and listed as an option in the list of skins .This is used for two things: - F irst of all you can force a sking to only be availble for a minimum minor release (ie patch), in other wordssetting the required_version to 7.0.1 makes sure the skin won't be listed if the game is in version 7.0.0. - Secondly, the first number ("major version") is used to decide which version the skin was designed for,so if the version is "7.0.0" it won't be listed in the list of skins if the game version is "6.0.0." or "8.0.0",even though 7 is less than 8. -->

<string value="19.0.0" id="required_version"/>


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@Ross Ingersoll@dwood79@wkdsoul

The default file should contain the below code. The parent flag denotes the parent skin which by default will be one of the standard (fm, fm dark, fm dark alt) however if you have a skin called A you can then reference that as the parent for skin B (skin A would still need to have a parent value of one of the three standard however).

	<translation id="name" value="Name In Game" />
	<translation id="skin_name" value="Folder Name" />
	<string id="author" value="NE Body" />
	<string id="description" value="In Game Description"/>
	<string id="version" value="1.3" />
	<flags id="parent" value="fm dark" />
	<string id="required_version" value="19.0.0" />

For example skin A has a skin_name value A and a parent value fm dark, skin B being a child skin can then have a parent value of A. This removes the need to duplicate all panels from one skin to make minimal changes as skin B will essentially be skin A except for any panels added to the folder structure to specify a difference.

So in your case you would require the "FM Base" skin present to act as the parent to your skin with that configuration file.

Ultimately any custom skin is a child skin in the grand scheme of things as the standard skins are the parents.

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got it fixed, thank you


-- skin details - most of these are intentionally not translated -->
    <string id="name" value="Base2019 Skin" />
    <string id="author" value="michaeltmurrayuk" />
    <translation id="description" translation_id="419433" type="use" value="FM Base Skin[COMMENT: skin name]" />
    <string id="version" value="1.1" />
    <flags id="parent" value="fm dark alt" />
    <string id="skin_name" value="base19" />


    <!-- skin details - most of these are intentionally not translated -->
    <string id="name" value="Base2019 Skin - Dark" />
    <string id="author" value="michaeltmurrayuk" />
    <translation id="description" translation_id="420801" type="use" value="White text on a dark background" />
    <string id="version" value="1.1" />
    <flags id="parent" value="fm dark" />
    <string id="skin_name" value="base19_dark" />

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