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Any Worthwhile Changes To Youth Development In FMT19 Switch?

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For me, FMT18 Switch would have been great if there had been some control over the Tutoring of youngsters, and to a lesser extent, dedicated youth training. My save fizzled out after 20 months due to a massive lack of tutoring, so before I buy 19 I need to know if these areas of the game have been improved.

Any info on how Tutoring and Youth Training are handled in FM Touch 2019 Switch would be much appreciated. Thanks

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  • SI Staff

Hi @pigfacemonkeyman. Thanks for the feedback you gave on FMT18 Switch, it was useful and much appreciated.

FM19 Touch has completely revamped youth development under the hood in line with FM19's training revamp. In terms of how your youngsters actually develop you won't see too much of a difference compared to last year, but there are a few more options available to customise if you decide to take control of the player's individual training.

The big change to the FMT training experience is the addition of Mentoring which essentially performs the same job as tutoring used to but gives you a lot more direct control over it. Young players will be able to improve their personality (which in turn affects their training performance) and gain new playing traits if you put them with the right mentors.

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