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[FM19] Column-Colouring in Squad-Views


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Hi fellow FMlers :-)

I'm working a lot with views and I don't want to hardcode them all into team squad.xml or other files since I'm changing them from time to time. But what I would want to configure is that i.e. the age is always shown with a specific colour no matter which view. I thought maybe I could do it via person properties.xml under sections since some skins seem to have used it for background-colouring the attributes in views but nothing that I try seems wo work, maybe I need a special id or something?

Has anyone ever achieved it (again, without hardcoding the view into team squad.xml)? 


And, as additional question: Does anyone know how to insert those vertical seperators if you hardcode a view into team squad.xml or if this is even possible?


Thanks in advance, 

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