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Performance issues

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i have been playing football manager on my Mac the last few years and been experiencing loads of issues to the point where it froze my computer an cost me £160 to get it fixed at a shop! I don’t want this happening again so thought I’d ask on here for any guidance. 


I am using a MacBook Pro 2012 13” 

4GB of 1600Mhz DDR3 memory 

2.5GHz dual core processor 

I now have a SSD instead of a hard drive 

will this be okay to run Fm19 without any major issues in gameplay or loading times as the last few ones I have played with the hard drive have made my computer too hot to handle and crashed numerous times 

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If the machine runs the game using the demo, it will run the full game.  Remembering that the demo uses a small database, you will need to be careful and not overload the machine when you choose database size and number of leagues when you load the full game, as this will affect the game speed.

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