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Work Permits and cannot see my total amount I sold players for and bought

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Hello! I begin to apoligize for my english since its not my mother tongue. 

I have 2 questions and I begin with Work Permits. Which countries is best to loan out your players that cannot get a work permit in the English Premier League? 

Second questions is the picture I uploaded. In my countrys money (Swedish Crowns, called "SEK") doesnt show correct total amount of money of the players I've sold and bought. But when I change to Euros it works fine. 

Really appriciated of someone could have me with these 2 questions!!


Kind regards.


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The Brexit scenarios in the game which kick in during the 2019 season,  make issues with WPs very difficult and sending players on loan to get another nationality will not help since almost all non-UK players will need a WP after Brexit and another nationality will not assist at all.

Try clearing out the Preferences folder to cure the second issue

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1 hour ago, FrazT said:

The Brexit scenarios in the game which kick in during the 2019 season,  make issues with WPs very difficult and sending players on loan to get another nationality will not help since almost all non-UK players will need a WP after Brexit and another nationality will not assist at all.

Try clearing out the Preferences folder to cure the second issue

I have downloaded an "NO BREXIT" file which seems to work since i have not got any news about brexit in the game. So then my first questions remains, which countries is best to loan out the players to? Which country has the lowest amount of years to earn an citizenship in that specific country?

And what do you mean by "Try clearing out the Preferences folder to cure the second issue" ? Do you mean that I should set it back to default?

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