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Diablo Reincarnated

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Download the tactic here: LI4MS DIABLO REINCARNATED TACTIC 

This year I have tried to recreate the famous Diablo tactic. Okay, its not a game breaker like the original but it does a very good job. I have tested the tactic with wolves and Stockport County and have had great results with both. 

The Formation
Click image for larger version  Name: formation.jpg Views: 39 Size: 294.6 KB ID: 1189619

Tactical Information

OI's and training are handled by the assistant manager 

If you get a red card remove one of the strikers. 


Click image for larger version  Name: leaguetable.jpg Views: 38 Size: 228.9 KB ID: 1189620Click image for larger version  Name: schedule.jpg Views: 38 Size: 300.8 KB ID: 1189621

Click image for larger version  Name: endofseason.jpg Views: 28 Size: 186.6 KB ID: 1189722

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