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Manually Moving AI Managers to Other Clubs

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How many of you have done this and does the manager stay at their new club for a while? Even though it's 2025 in my current save, Mourinho is still at Man U but I want to move him to Real Madrid. Not just because it may actually happen but because I'm coaching Barcelona and want some tougher competition and "The Special One" still appears to be the toughest AI manager to beat in FM.

Tuchel is currently HC at RM but might get sacked. This after winning La Liga & CL last year. 


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I have done it on 17, so no guarantees it is the same on 19. 

A manually transferred manager is not just magically appearing in his predecessors place, he gets added as if it was a regular transfer. So if Mourinho fulfills your expectations of being a tough competitor, he is probably staying a while unless you humiliate him match after match. Or the Madrid bord gets weird.

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Thanks for the reply.

Yes, I previously coached at Chelsea for 4 years and Mou has always been a thorn in my side. The standards at Real M are almost impossible both IRL & FM. Tuchel's job security is currently "Insecure" less than one year after winning everything. The way coaches move so frequently in FM, it may be time to move JM somewhere else. 

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On 21/12/2018 at 21:49, Heywood JaBlowme said:

How many of you have done this and does the manager stay at their new club for a while? Even though it's 2025 in my current save, Mourinho is still at Man U but I want to move him to Real Madrid. Not just because it may actually happen but because I'm coaching Barcelona and want some tougher competition and "The Special One" still appears to be the toughest AI manager to beat in FM.

Tuchel is currently HC at RM but might get sacked. This after winning La Liga & CL last year. 


Mourinho stayed at United till 2034 on my FM17 save when he finally retired, so good luck..

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