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Update Confusion

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I understand that a couple of other contributors on the forum have been ridiculed by moderators as "Conspiracy theorists" because of some oddities on their saves after the 19.2.1 update.   Apparently, the problems they've experienced on their games could not possibly have been caused by the update because they weren't on a "changelist."

I just wanted to add this: 

On my save, I bought Andre Dozzell who was transfer listed very cheaply.  Thing is, he had already played for two clubs that season, Ipswich and Southampton, so he was ineligible to play for me.  I bought him anyway in the january window, thinking he'd be good to have for next season. He had the 'ineligible' marker, and I couldn't pick him.  Until after the update came down, and then he was suddenly no longer ineligible.  I picked him, and he played for three clubs in one season. 

Strange eh?  Must be a conspiracy. 

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Newsflash: Correlation does not imply causation. Either way, if you think it's a bug, report it in the bug forum.

Onwards to your original point: If people are complaining that their results have gone downhill after the update, and no ME changes have been made by the update, how can their results going downhill be a result of that update? 

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